Conversation Between Jokersvirus and Saph

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for all of your help! It is greatly appreciated! =D
  2. Hay!

    I seem to see your smiley face everywhere on this forum so I thought you could show me a few ropes that I can't seem to get any help with from the FAQ section!

    First of all: Why can I not edit my profile details etc.?
    Second of all: Why can I not write a game review?(That's a part of why I'm here, I like writing reviews =P)
    Third of all: Why can know what no that's getting old already! Something else...uhm...
    Forth of all: How many GFPs do I need to be taken somewhat seriously?
    Fifth of all: Any good hints that're worth giving a newbie?

    thx alot!

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