View Full Version : General Info Supreme Gaming

01-26-2009, 12:26 PM
Hi for those who don’t know me my name is John .V. I am a gamer & have made a gaming company called Supreme Gaming we are still just getting on our feet but we have big ideas for the future of gaming please help us by visting our website it is not much but check it out & we also have forums so please check them out & join if you like

If you do join the forums & pm me (User Name: Mudslide) that u join our forums from this group will advertise this group to help this group out also the website & forums are listed below:

Thank you for your time

John .V. aka Mud$lide (Owner Of Supreme Gaming)

01-26-2009, 12:57 PM
1. Read the rules, no advertising before your account is 24 hours old + 10 legit posts
2. Open ad threads in the right category, next time I will give you a double infraction