View Full Version : Don't you hate it when...

01-31-2009, 12:38 PM
Alright, so I was playing Gears of War, and it was a good 4v4 game going on. I think it was tied - 2 wins for Locust, 2 wins for COG (I was COG) anyway. I kept on grabbing the Torque Bow, and I pretty much destroyed the other team with. One game it was 1v3, me verses three of them. So, I shot one of the locust person on the other team, he ran into another dude and they both blew up, giving me 2 torque kills, then the last dude rushed my with shotty and I also got him in the chest with the torque and he blew up. Anyway that isn't the point, soon, when COG (we) had 6 wins? and they had 2 wins still, the started to drop out. First one, then the second, and by the end of the game we won 10 to 2, but it was a 4v2..

Anyway, my point is, don't you hate it when people drop out of the game? Especially when you're on the team where the people drop out of it, and you're alone.. anybody else got a similar experience?

01-31-2009, 12:52 PM
I don't find it annoying, but it really depends on the game - In CS, I usually thrive with less people on my team for some reason, I've played L4D a bit and people have dropped out leaving me with Bots, and I'm still a newbie at it but I didn't hate them..

I remember it happening in SOCOM II when I used to play years ago, didn't really annoy me

I hate it when people on the other team quit because you know how to kill them lol...Happened several times, people think they are all "that" and then you come in and own 'em and then they give up and leave. That's annoying lol - I have no problem with people on my team leaving.

01-31-2009, 01:17 PM
It definitely gets on my nerves, but that's also why several games give players consequences if they drop out of a game.
Lose experience, get bad rep, something like that. So that's pretty cool :]

I don't know if GOW does that, though.

01-31-2009, 02:20 PM
If you drop out, I believe, that all the kills you made, you lose.