View Full Version : Hence the title, it means "Try Later"

02-09-2009, 05:44 PM
Another thread of Sigs. Just 6 this time, 2 versions of 1.
I thought some were alright, and some failed. But posting them all cause I have nothing else to do with some of them.

Abstract Sig:
I followed the first 3 steps of a tutorial, and got bored, so I than starting doing things my own way. I thought this was one of my better abstract sigs, but not my best overall sig. Good enough for me.

Samus Signature:
A Samus signature. I thought this was alright. I used a tutorial outcome as inspirtation, but really didn't follow any steps on it. I thought this one turned out pretty good.

Name Sig 1:
This I thought was a complete fail signature. It was my first try for SOTW 59, and one of my worst in my opinion. I just didn't like it, although for some reason I almost entered it.

Name Sig 2 v1:
I made this thinking it was good, until Yuuki mentioned how to white turned out bad. So I than made...

Name Sig 2 v2:
This was the one I entered in the SOTW 59. I loved how this turned out, thought the effect of it was nice.

Toxic Sig:
Named it cause I followed a tutorial called "Toxic Sig Tutorial" I thought this one turned out rather nice.

02-10-2009, 11:11 AM
Nice job! I really like your first and last ones, and the one you entered in SOTW.
I`m curious, but do you have links to the tutorials you usedÉ

02-10-2009, 02:42 PM
Yea, only for the Samus one and the Toxic sig.
I might be able to find the first one, but I doubt it. I'll get those up for ya.

Just remembered. I got those from some forums on a place called http://SigTutorials.com.
You need 5 posts to view them. I get all my tutorials there, though. Join there, get your posts, and it will definatly be worth it.

02-10-2009, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the link! I'll definitely join <: harharhar

02-12-2009, 05:49 PM
Really nice job on all... the top one is my favorite. You're rather good at abstract sigs.