View Full Version : Rate Me My First Sigs: Burnout, Crysis, Random one

02-16-2009, 08:48 AM
Ok, I used to have PS CS3 about 5 months ago, but it ran out, so now I have PS CS4 (trial), even when I had CS3 I had never made sigs before so these are my first sigs ever. Please give constructive criticism. I posted these on the Sony PlayStation boards, but everyone said they all suck/all of them are very bad. Also I made all of these from scratch and brushes, no c4d! :D Lastly, these are in order so #1 being the very first sig I made and #2... well you get it.




Please tell me what you think! :-)

Also Hey guy's!! It's been along time since I've been here lol I got caught up in the PlayStation forums, you guys are alot nicer though lol. Anyone remember me?

02-16-2009, 01:43 PM
Well I like the last one actually its nice, bt would use some lightning, some depth also. But the idea/concept is good s just keep at it, you will get better

02-16-2009, 02:51 PM
Well I like the last one actually its nice, bt would use some lightning, some depth also. But the idea/concept is good s just keep at it, you will get better

Where do I find "Lightning" I know how to get to "Lighting" but I don't know where I can get lightning.

02-16-2009, 02:54 PM
oops lol I mean lighting* to add it you make a black layer and get a size um around 140-200 white soft brush and you pick a spot on your sig to add it. you can change the OP or layer settings to get it how you like it, it makes the sig more attrative and adds some depth. I think some people also refer it to a "focal point" im pretty sure

02-16-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm sorry, but there not very good...

First One: Doesn't please they eye? Tan and Aqua in the same picture? Pleeeeze. The text, don't worry, I suck at it too, it downright stinks. No flow whatsoever.

Second: It would be good if it was a blue car

Third: Shows potential.

02-17-2009, 04:46 PM
I don't know why they said that the sigs sucked, I think they're rather good. I like your style, it's different than a lot of sigs I've seen.

02-17-2009, 06:30 PM
I have to agree with Kitty here, I can't see where the apparent 'suckage' is..
Personally I think the concept of each is awesome and there's definate improvement shown with each progression...
All I can suggest is maybe add abit more flow between your brushing and the focal.. but apart from that they are pretty good..

And like Kitty said, the style is very unique compared to alot of the sigs we see around..

(Don't tell a soul, but they're all just afraid of change haha)

02-18-2009, 07:51 AM
I have to agree with Kitty here, I can't see where the apparent 'suckage' is..
Personally I think the concept of each is awesome and there's definate improvement shown with each progression...
All I can suggest is maybe add abit more flow between your brushing and the focal.. but apart from that they are pretty good..

And like Kitty said, the style is very unique compared to alot of the sigs we see around..

(Don't tell a soul, but they're all just afraid of change haha)

Wow lol one or two of the "nice guys" on there also I said I have a unique style... weird stuff lol glad you like them. I JUST made a new Halo one!!! :D

02-18-2009, 05:18 PM
I love the third one... very impressive. :)

02-18-2009, 06:32 PM
I'll say a few things, haha.
1) You'll get the hang of sigs real fast from the looks of it! I can't wait to see your progress, and I know you will.

2) I like the third one, the bright orange is a great contrast to the desaturated background and it wraps around the render nicely.

3) In the first sig I would suggest making your name text a little more "flat" so that Burnout Paradise is the main text and they don't take away from each other. You want to tell the eye where to go, not give it multiple things that wont be taken in fully.

And tan and aqua go very well together! >:U

02-18-2009, 09:42 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I am not trying to sound sorry for myself or anything but from all the "it sucks" comments from PSU I was probably not gonna make more sigs thinking these were bad.

02-18-2009, 09:51 PM
You should definately carry on making sigs

02-19-2009, 12:34 AM
Even if they DID suck (which they don't btw) everyone starts out somewhere and if you like making them, then go ahead and make them.
You'll get better with time and practise, and no other way, remember that (:

02-27-2009, 02:59 AM
The Burnout one is kinda lame. I hate when guys are all like OMG my carsssss. And I like the second one, it's just, eh, too big. Hate huge sigs.
The last one is a nice sig and nice size.

02-27-2009, 01:11 PM
For the first 2, the colours don't match, and its not exactly blending, so i'd give them both 5/10, but good work on the Halo 3 Sig :-) Looks awesome 8/10 for that one :)

02-27-2009, 01:22 PM
your third one is the best one from the three, the other two need some work, but you learn by practicing :) you have to work on blending and making the render fit instead of stick out, although some people like to stick out the render, they make it so the background isn't so noticeable - you are going all out on both, pick one lol.

keep up the work, you'll get much better with practice :)

02-27-2009, 02:16 PM
I'm sorry, but there not very good...

First One: Doesn't please they eye? Tan and Aqua in the same picture? Pleeeeze. The text, don't worry, I suck at it too, it downright stinks. No flow whatsoever.

Second: It would be good if it was a blue car

Third: Shows potential.

Personally, Toby - I don't think you have anything to worry from this person I quoted above. Seeing as the Crysis sig you've made owns the teal, overexposed stain in her signature, I think she's just being flat out rude instead of constructive.

Being constructive is saying - 'You know, I don't really like it very much - and this is why.' Not the tool-ery she/he/it's presenting. Very poor form for a person of her stature.

The Burnout sig goes with the theme of the game. The car doesn't need to be anything beyond what it is - because it stands out. IE - a GAME Sig, fashioned around a demolition derby, crash & burn style game. Flashy cars being demolished. I like.

The Crysis sig - while I didn't like the glitchy boredom the game gave me, I enjoy the colors of the sig. I don't like the border though; I'm not a fan of the feathered fade. ;D

I also don't like the Adapt, Assault, Survive font. It should be the same as the Crysis font.

And lastly, The Halo Sig.
A simple fix. A 1 px border and add a Color Overlay to the background and make it like a florescent brown, or gold - or something that is a neutral of the bright yellow fragments that are flying about around him.
Then you can Burn (tool) the areas around him and he'll look like he's busting out.

Keep up the good work, man. You have great potential and an awesome style of your own. (First two sigs prove this.)

02-27-2009, 03:14 PM
Gonna repeat most of what others said, but eh. Lol, you guys hit just about everything on the head.

First thing,

I think that pretty much says it all.
That was my first sig, and if I listened to the "It Sucks" comments about it, I wouldn't be where I am today.
The text, I would maybe use the same font throghout the who signature.. It is hard to fix text, everyone likes text differently. You make big text, you please half of people and the other half don't like it. You make the text small, and half like it and the other half doesn't. Text can pretty much shows a huge amount of your style.

Nothing else really to say, maybe make your text blend a little more, but even now it doesn't look half bad.
Nice job on all of them! I love your style and I really love the concept of the third, you really need to make a lot more sigs.

Oh, and I find it creepy Exodyus how you know the name of the fonts he used...

02-27-2009, 04:37 PM
Oh, and I find it creepy Exodyus how you know the name of the fonts he used...

Lol。 Well,I 瓦斯justsaying 后卫。。。


Alright, so I just went on a random hate rant because for some reason this PC I'm using was in simplified Chinese?
Lol. I wasn't saying anything about text other than there are some he should use, lol.
However, I probably could go down the line and name of font types. Lol.