View Full Version : MMO or single?

02-17-2009, 08:56 AM
what do you prefer in a RPG? MMO or singleplayer campaigns that actually makes you feel like you have acomplished something?

02-17-2009, 05:11 PM
I like MMO way better. Not much to do in single players RPG's. After you beat the game your basically done, just walk around. In MMO's there are plenty of things you can do after you max your characters level out. Not going to get into because it varies game to game.

02-18-2009, 03:34 AM
but it varies with the game too. take NWN, for example. once you fininsh the original campaign, you get the expantions. when you are done with those, you start downloading campaigns made by other player, or you make some yourself. it doesn't end either. and it has the possibility of online gaming, but is just as fun (or more) to play on your own.

02-18-2009, 03:13 PM
That's kind of different when you keep downloading expansions, it's not what I really meant. But anyway, I think RPG's get boring after awhile. You can't really get anywhere, the text repeats it's self often. MMO's it's never like that except for the NPC's of course, but you don't really talk to them most of the time there based around the actual leveling.. Offline RPG's have more of a story line, which is the only thing good about them in my opinion. The rest can be done online and better, because they update there game way more often that any offline games, because they have less players reporting glitches or suggesting new things.

02-18-2009, 03:41 PM
See my favorite part of an RPG is it tells a story, the best rpgs are like a work of art, such as legend of dragoon (favorite game ever) or final fantasy 7. If the game is good enough, you can play it over and over and over. RPG's are experiences i'll never forget, that's why I love them.

actualy, my love for rpg's started with legend of dragoon, i was playing the demo i'm like wtf is this its so weird...but i love it! and then i beat that like 5 times and i found out there were a lot of other games like it so i started playin them and i was like wow these are all good and thats why i love RPG's lol

02-19-2009, 09:24 AM
i like them all

02-26-2009, 10:14 AM
Well i would prefer MMO's over single player because i tend to get bored playing single player games and rather play with all my friends and or make new.

Saying that, MMO's aint just the RPGs i like. Games like NWN and or Diablo series are great aswell to incorporate the teamplay what i really enjoy aswell!

02-26-2009, 10:25 AM
But in the same event, you have to take into account the true depth of the question. Are you playing an epic saga like Suikoden, Wild Arms, Final Fantasy, or Star Ocean?
If so - then by all means, a solo game would be more than enthralling and for all intensive purposes, simply orgasmic. A new solo RPG in hand - if good, promises about 70 to 100 hours of "hawt secks" game play.


MMOing is great fun also. Being able to run around with your friends and family is a lot more fulfilling in a long term aspect of gaming. Months on end, etc...

However, with MMOing - there's no one to smush your face into the mud and mock the fact that you don't have a thousand hours a week to spend screwing around on some game.

Example: FlyFF (Fly For Fun) is a free-based MMO that is offered by GPotato, but you can go from level 1 to 120. And then you take on a Master Quest and reset your level to 60, then go back to 120. THEN you take on the Hero Quest and reset your level again to 60 and go BACK to 120.

And what's the advantage to this? More stat points and 2 new skills. So the game's been out for about 5 years now, so there's plenty of people in game you'll never measure up to.

In soloing - you also don't have to deal with hackers...

So the question is very deep and very debatable.

03-01-2009, 05:33 PM
I agree that there's a lot of cool aspects of MMOs. For me, playing with other people makes them a ton of fun, as well as the character customizability aspects. But my love affair with solo RPGs began a long time ago and I can't quite seem to shake it... I love experiencing the storyline, and that's something that just doesn't come through as strongly in MMOs.

03-09-2009, 02:46 AM
MMO since you have lots of things after you max out the character.

03-09-2009, 09:41 AM
well, the thing with Single player games, such as FG and other DnD-based games, it's not about maxing out the char as fast as possible, it's about experiencing a story, which is quite hard to do in an MMO. And the Char creation options on for example NWN2 are like 200x better than WoW or the like. to start with, you have like 20 races (subraces included). after that, there are about 15 base classes, and 20 prestige classes after that. And there is'n just good or evil, there are an almost infinete number of ways to play the existing campaigns, not to mention player made modules you can download, and make using the toolset.
Now, i'm not saying this should apeal to everone, nor that all offline RPGs are good, but there is more to be done with them than an MMO were you have like three choises throughout the game that actually make an impact on gameplay.