View Full Version : Absence until Further Notice

02-19-2009, 05:48 PM
This is just a notice that Yuuki is going to be Absent from GF and all Internet until further notice.

02-20-2009, 12:47 AM
This, is the problem with children getting staff positions.
They get grounded, and bazzam!

+1 to the list of reasons Riku should be mod.

02-20-2009, 07:34 AM
Aww to bad. >.<

02-20-2009, 08:17 AM
This, is the problem with children getting staff positions.
They get grounded, and bazzam!

+1 to the list of reasons Riku should be mod.

well you were a graphics pro...you gave it up, 'member?

02-20-2009, 11:09 AM
+1 to the list of reasons Riku should be mod.

asking alot does not work. I tried :confused1:

02-20-2009, 01:28 PM
well you were a graphics pro...you gave it up, 'member?

Darn it Linux, why do you always come and say these things?

02-20-2009, 01:36 PM
Darn it Linux, why do you always come and say these things?

because its fun...

02-20-2009, 04:28 PM
asking alot does not work. I tried :confused1:

I think it's different in your case, lol.

02-26-2009, 11:57 AM
what hapened to her? nothing bad i hope

02-27-2009, 05:24 PM
@Wifi: Nahh, I just got pulled back from social society for a while. xD
In other words, I got grounded for a long time. >.<;
My parents are out, so I decided to sneak on for a hello. ^^
Mum left the PC on. (: hehe.
Anyway, I gotta go now. =(
I'll sneak on as soon as possible again. >.<;

02-27-2009, 07:24 PM
@Wifi: Nahh, I just got pulled back from social society for a while. xD
In other words, I got grounded for a long time. >.<;
My parents are out, so I decided to sneak on for a hello. ^^
Mum left the PC on. (: hehe.
Anyway, I gotta go now. =(
I'll sneak on as soon as possible again. >.<;

it's always fun to sneak around

02-27-2009, 07:57 PM
Glad I never have actually gotten grounded. Did many bad things, all they would say was I was grounded, next day forgot about it.

02-27-2009, 11:20 PM
Glad I never have actually gotten grounded. Did many bad things, all they would say was I was grounded, next day forgot about it.

Aww, lucky!! lol.

it's always fun to sneak around

Yus! That it is. (:
My dad changed shifts, so I can't sneak on when he isn't home anymore..
And my mom quit working.. =__=;
So she's always home!!! TT__TT

02-28-2009, 11:42 AM
I've never been grounded... my parents have threatened a few times to ground me from the academic team back in middle school... then I reminded them how stupid it sounded to ground me from learning. I don't think they've ever realized that they could ground me from the computer, but I'm usually a good kid anyways.

02-28-2009, 01:33 PM
I remember one time, a couple of years back, my mom tried to take away my ps2.
I said, "Don't come up on me like that! Go make me a sandwich!"
And she never got on me for anything ever again.
Good times.

02-28-2009, 08:57 PM
@Kitty: When my friend Darrin was younger, his parents would ground him from going to the library and that's it. XD

@Riku: Lol WOW. XD If I said that to either of my parents, they'd slap me. And slap me hard. x__x;

*A little bit of an update*
Well, I am glad my group (well, 2-3 of them anyway.. ) could come over my an American History project. We got... some progress on it..
My friend's mother came and picked her up early.
It was soo ridiculous. (Long story that I cannot put into words..)
I tried to talk her into letting her stay, she got mad at me and was REALLY rude.

*Later* I literally had to get on my knees and beg my parents to let me get on the PC (how I am on atm) so I could do research and catch up on what we missed since my friend had to leave. Two of them stayed a little bit later, we got some research done. But not much we could since we were missing two people. My other friend couldn't come yesterday cuz she was going to a concert.
Then she called me today to brag about it ( I am not trying to be rude, but it's what she was doing. >.< ), I told her that there isn't much use in coming over today for it since we wouldn't have everyone. She sounded as if she had totally forgot about coming over... -.-; >__<;
So nothing has gone according to plan, I hate being grounded. It's complicated so much. @__@;
Sorry, I had to vent. ;___;

*goes and finishes writing down notes for skit*

02-28-2009, 09:13 PM
@Kitty: When my friend Darrin was younger, his parents would ground him from going to the library and that's it. XD

@Riku: Lol WOW. XD If I said that to either of my parents, they'd slap me. And slap me hard. x__x;

*A little bit of an update*
Well, I am glad my group (well, 2-3 of them anyway.. ) could come over my an American History project. We got... some progress on it..
My friend's mother came and picked her up early.
It was soo ridiculous. (Long story that I cannot put into words..)
I tried to talk her into letting her stay, she got mad at me and was REALLY rude.

*Later* I literally had to get on my knees and beg my parents to let me get on the PC (how I am on atm) so I could do research and catch up on what we missed since my friend had to leave. Two of them stayed a little bit later, we got some research done. But not much we could since we were missing two people. My other friend couldn't come yesterday cuz she was going to a concert.
Then she called me today to brag about it ( I am not trying to be rude, but it's what she was doing. >.< ), I told her that there isn't much use in coming over today for it since we wouldn't have everyone. She sounded as if she had totally forgot about coming over... -.-; >__<;
So nothing has gone according to plan, I hate being grounded. It's complicated so much. @__@;
Sorry, I had to vent. ;___;

*goes and finishes writing down notes for skit*

Yuuki, I am disgusted with your behavior.
Apparently, your parents had good reason to ground you.
They give you the slight responsibility of staying off the computer, and what do you do? Reward yourself with this privilege? I mean, why do you think your parents grounded you in the first place?

Your parents trusted you enough to not remove the computer from your grasp completely and, not only do you break your parents trust, but you continue to do it? for shame Yuuki. All your parents are trying to do is teach you a lesson so you don't head down the wrong paths in life. For shame yuuki.
For shame.


/Parent Riku.

02-28-2009, 09:28 PM
I can't tell if you're serious or not.. XD lol.
But with tah kitty pic, I don't think you are. haha. ( poor kitty. T__T )
I just wanna stop by a little while I can. Dx;;
I mean, I don't think I'd be the only person to do it. XD lol
I AM doing my research too.
Though it's kinda hard to find what I need.. >.<;

02-28-2009, 09:40 PM
yeah, it's real hard to find the right research, when your on Gamers forum, breaking your parents trust, again!

02-28-2009, 09:56 PM
@Kitty: When my friend Darrin was younger, his parents would ground him from going to the library and that's it. XD

@Riku: Lol WOW. XD If I said that to either of my parents, they'd slap me. And slap me hard. x__x;

*A little bit of an update*
Well, I am glad my group (well, 2-3 of them anyway.. ) could come over my an American History project. We got... some progress on it..
My friend's mother came and picked her up early.
It was soo ridiculous. (Long story that I cannot put into words..)
I tried to talk her into letting her stay, she got mad at me and was REALLY rude.

*Later* I literally had to get on my knees and beg my parents to let me get on the PC (how I am on atm) so I could do research and catch up on what we missed since my friend had to leave. Two of them stayed a little bit later, we got some research done. But not much we could since we were missing two people. My other friend couldn't come yesterday cuz she was going to a concert.
Then she called me today to brag about it ( I am not trying to be rude, but it's what she was doing. >.< ), I told her that there isn't much use in coming over today for it since we wouldn't have everyone. She sounded as if she had totally forgot about coming over... -.-; >__<;
So nothing has gone according to plan, I hate being grounded. It's complicated so much. @__@;
Sorry, I had to vent. ;___;

*goes and finishes writing down notes for skit*


next time try not to get grounded or do a better job at hiding whatever it is that you did lol.

03-01-2009, 05:15 PM

next time try not to get grounded or do a better job at hiding whatever it is that you did lol.

I don't think anyone has though of that one before.

03-01-2009, 06:27 PM
I don't think anyone has though of that one before.

guess not...I've done plenty of bad in my life, never got severely punished, I'm good at staying out of trouble

I should have said "by doing" right after that. meh..