View Full Version : EVE Online

02-20-2009, 06:27 PM
Does anyone play this game besides me? It's a great Real Time Training game and I love it. Very few (if any) immature players and it just creates its own era version of a good game. I barely see any discussions about this game and was just wondering if anybody plays it. If so, let's get some kinda thread going and maybe a big Corp can form.

Look me up in-game:

Kilin Darathio - Hulk Strip Miner
Shadow Haul - Support Hauler (in training)

02-21-2009, 02:22 PM
I used to play, but I could just not continue to put in the time it took to make successful raids as a pirate. However, I can definitely concur that there are almost no immature players on there at all. Also, to be any degree of 'good' at this game, you have to develop great skill. Being a pirate (maybe tooting my own horn :)) was perhaps the most multitasking I have ever done in my life.

02-21-2009, 02:47 PM
I almost played the game once lol - back when I needed a new mmo in my life...not so much now.

02-21-2009, 02:52 PM
I agree the combat phase is extremely hard on multitasking. I still think it's a great game. :)

02-26-2009, 10:16 AM
add me, my IGN is clixshper

I started about a month ago and skilling up to mining.

Going pretty smoothly at the moment. Im not on all the time though.

I play it when im doing studies and homework etc from collage. Because i can let my ship mine and multitask from there :P.

02-26-2009, 11:40 AM
eve online isn't free is it? I dont think i ever played an mmorpg for myself that wasn't free lol :-P never tried this one though

02-26-2009, 03:15 PM
No, EVE Online isn't free. It runs the at $15 a month. Minor discounts offered for longer time purchase's at one time. It's far better (in my opinion only) than WoW as far as immature players go. I enjoy the realistic time training concept, but sometimes they are a little extreme. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. If I can't answer you I'm sure someone else can.

As far as what I think, I'll play all my mmo's free except EVE, that I enjoy paying for, even run two accts. :)

02-26-2009, 05:36 PM
Well, it was initially the first (and last) time I have ever played a Pay To Play game. I spent my demo/trial and first month learning the basics of the game and playing with a friend and his clan...

Then after all my upgrades and exploration and learning, I met some guy out in the field and he messaged me saying he was going to give me some upgrades to help me out - said he knew some of my friends from the clan.

So he jettisoned some junk and being the idiot newb that I was, I grabbed it. Then since it was 'considered' his - he declared war on my theft and blew my sorry little arse clean out of space.

No ship. No point.

That was the last time I played a P2P Game. I decided it wasn't worth my time, money, effort, and anything else to pay a company to Annihilate my Cash.

GG @ Me.

Eve Online: 3/10

02-26-2009, 05:52 PM
To be fair to the game, it seems a little harsh to rate EVE a 3 because you made a simple and understandable mistake and some jerk capitalized on that. I do see where your coming from and unfortunately there are those kind of jerks out there. Just remember that if someone is going to "give" you something, then you dock at a station with them and they can just trade it to you free and legit. I'm sorry that you were taken advantage of like that and like I said, I think it's a little unfair to rate EVE a 3.

02-26-2009, 06:38 PM
Alright, alright.

The game is insanely time consuming.
I don't like that it takes real-time to learn skills and it would take nearly two months to BUILD the best ship in the game, not to mention the six months it would take to learn the tech to do so. Lol.

The graphics are outstanding.

The music is redundant and slightly annoying.

People are jerks in game. D;

Overall, I didn't find the time the game took to be stimulating enough to continue spending money on it to upgrade a ship that would take the better part of a year to complete.

I'll renig and give it a 4.5/10. Lol.
You'll get no more from me, Mister! lol.

02-26-2009, 07:13 PM

I agree the graphics are phenomenal (if you have to computer to handle the premium graphics)

Yes, the training for some of the high end skills are very time consuming. It took me the better part of two months or so to train to my Hulk.

I haven't met any people in game that have been jerks to me, not saying they aren't out there, I'm positive they are.

$15 is a little high for the time it takes to get to a comfortable spot where you don't worry about death after every warp or un-docking you make.

Plus side to the RL Training though, is that not everyone in the world is exactly or remotely close to being the same. Downside to the other games that I have played, and there are a lot, is that every class has the same skills as others in their class. Then you may have a skill tree which allows minor customizing to your character, but it's not a significant difference to really be unique.

The best part is when one of your corporation members gets pirated and killed, then he tells his teammates, and we flock out in out destroyers and battleships and obliterate that pathetic little rat punk of a subspecies.

Anyway my EVE is easily a 9/10 :) LOL

02-26-2009, 09:47 PM
ratings depend on preference, like CS for me, I'd give it 9/10 any day cuz its so fun, but others would give it 1/10 for the graphics and whatnot.

and I think I remember why I didn't get into the game lol, it was p2p, forgot about that - when I left ROSE looking fora new MMO, I didn't have money to spend on games so I just skipped over all the p2p ones and tried to find free ones

if eve online becomes free one day, like ROSE again, I'll be sure to give it a try.

02-27-2009, 06:44 AM
Ya, but that won't happen. They rely on the fee's to ensure the game gets better with new content and the expansions. The key thing to this game, is it's mostly a RP game.

Like you said though, games are rated on a persons perspective of their game experience. Which is fine.

02-27-2009, 09:13 AM
Ya, but that won't happen. They rely on the fee's to ensure the game gets better with new content and the expansions. The key thing to this game, is it's mostly a RP game.

Like you said though, games are rated on a persons perspective of their game experience. Which is fine.

ROSE is another MMO that went pay to play a while back, then they found they were making more from advertising so they turned it to free to play and it got a burst of popularity - some free mmos make more money than paid ones. WoW is just an exception lol, crazy profits there.

so you can never tell if the makers of eve will do the same. their ad revenue probably isn't as high yet.

02-27-2009, 02:24 PM
I agree with you there, they may not be. All I know, is it would be freakin outstanding if EVE went free.

02-27-2009, 09:37 PM
ROSE is another MMO that went pay to play a while back, then they found they were making more from advertising so they turned it to free to play and it got a burst of popularity - some free mmos make more money than paid ones. WoW is just an exception lol, crazy profits there.

so you can never tell if the makers of eve will do the same. their ad revenue probably isn't as high yet.

Only cause those crazy lifeless fruits spend their time on eBay selling uniques and plots of land and other weird IG crap. Lol.

You should check out FlyFF. Or purchase Guild Wars on Amazon for like 15 bucks and play with me and my Cousin.

02-27-2009, 10:56 PM
Only cause those crazy lifeless fruits spend their time on eBay selling uniques and plots of land and other weird IG crap. Lol.

You should check out FlyFF. Or purchase Guild Wars on Amazon for like 15 bucks and play with me and my Cousin.

I actually have guild wars but not an account, I used to play on a friends one for a little bit and then school interfered, don't have it installed on this pc though. I have the cd somewhere.

02-28-2009, 07:15 AM
I have the Guild Wars game discs, but I haven't played it since ... well I forget. How many expansions are there, I have.

1) The Original
2) Nightfall
3) Eye of the North
4) Factions

Is that all of them? If so, I guess I could install them and give it a try again.

I've already tried the Flyff and Rose and all those other MMO's and they just don't grab my attention.

02-28-2009, 10:04 AM
EVE wont ever be free. It's been P2P for like 4 years now. Lol...

02-28-2009, 10:20 AM
Ya, I'm sure after 4 yrs of life it wouldn't go free either. Oh well, I'll keep paying and playing.

02-28-2009, 10:50 AM
I played rose back in early high school so I found it fun, gave it a whirl after it went f2p and i got bored of it really quickly lol

EVE wont ever be free. It's been P2P for like 4 years now. Lol...

ROSE was p2p for like 4 years too, then they just went f2p out of no where lol.