View Full Version : Tagmonkey.

02-28-2009, 02:08 PM
Has anyone ever heard of it?
It's basically the most professional place, for signatures and graphic related items.

Signature thread (http://tagmonkey.org/viewforum.php?id=6)

Main Site Navigation (http://tagmonkey.org/)

02-28-2009, 02:17 PM
I haven't heard of it until now. :/

02-28-2009, 02:31 PM
name sounds familiar but the first time I'm seeing the site. saw some of the sigs made, pretty amazing.

02-28-2009, 02:36 PM
Heard of it, but I never went.
Saw some of the sigs there, very nice work!

I wanna be that good one day : D

02-28-2009, 07:18 PM
I've never heard of this. But now I do:)

Featuring Cool Jimmy
02-28-2009, 09:07 PM
I have.
You people should totally look at my thread.
Since I can't post any damn links, it's by Uncool Jimmy.

03-01-2009, 04:42 PM
Eh - their art is okay, but no originality.

It all looks the same.

03-01-2009, 04:47 PM
Eh - their art is okay, but no originality.

It all looks the same.


03-01-2009, 05:23 PM

Okay? Just because their forum is full of lemming artists, that makes my opinion ignorant?

Coming from you, of course - it doesn't mean much...

03-01-2009, 05:32 PM
Once again, you;ve uttered an ignorant statement.
But, since you believe that I'm just being me, please do explain.
How does everyone's art look the same?
I mean, did you even bother to look past the first page?
I've known a lot of those people for years, and I've watched many of them, develop their own, unique art style.


03-01-2009, 05:36 PM
yea, defiantly lots of different styles on that site. Some look like of weird others are really good. Some of the people on there actually remind me of the style riku uses.

03-01-2009, 07:14 PM
yea, defiantly lots of different styles on that site. Some look like of weird others are really good. Some of the people on there actually remind me of the style riku uses.

That's why he got so defensive. Lol.

Yes, I looked at nearly a dozen of the links to each of the sigs and I came to the same conclusion: I don't like over used brush packs, pastels, obnoxious over exposure, or people who can't just make art for themselves that doesn't look like everyone elses.

Those sigs represent the poorly formed cliques of high school that flooded onto the intarweb. You HAVE to have the same Ugh boots with the ridiculous looking fur, the nappy ass, unkempt hair, and the tight jeans - yadda yadda, or your art just isn't as good as everyone elses.

03-01-2009, 07:38 PM
Quit being so ignorant.
No one on tagmonkey uses brushes.
Mot people above moderate skill level don't.
I'd like to see what examples of pastels, and exposure your talking about.

I didn't even want to read the last part.
It sound like your were whining about your high-school experience.

03-01-2009, 09:07 PM
That's why he got so defensive. Lol.

Yes, I looked at nearly a dozen of the links to each of the sigs and I came to the same conclusion: I don't like over used brush packs, pastels, obnoxious over exposure, or people who can't just make art for themselves that doesn't look like everyone elses.

Those sigs represent the poorly formed cliques of high school that flooded onto the intarweb. You HAVE to have the same Ugh boots with the ridiculous looking fur, the nappy ass, unkempt hair, and the tight jeans - yadda yadda, or your art just isn't as good as everyone elses.

Uh, let's not start any name calling? weren't you talking about people being childish an hour ago? Anyway, your style isn't the best style out there. There is no right way to make any type of art. Also to tell you the truth imo riku is way better at Graphic art's than you are.

Quit being so ignorant.
No one on tagmonkey uses brushes.
Mot people above moderate skill level don't.
I'd like to see what examples of pastels, and exposure your talking about.

I didn't even want to read the last part.
It sound like your were whining about your high-school experience.

03-01-2009, 09:53 PM
And Trunks - I never said anything about being an artist, or being good. Look anywhere on the board - I've only said that I'm here to help people discover their own art and help where I can.

It's apparent that this board is like most though and the admins let the children run it.

You just contradicted your self lol.

Secondly, you've called me ignorant nearly 4 times now. One, it's old and unoriginal, two, it's as stale as your art. Find something new to call me. Three, if you cant look at that site and find a pastel - then maybe you should find a new hobby. Lol.

So that is you trying to help people discover their own art? I hope not, because you just said that his art was unoriginal and stale. I don't think that's helping anyone here. Quit trying to pick fights with people.

I don't see the problem of having an environment for all ages is a big deal. If you can't handle the fact that more than 50% of worlds gamers are 16 or younger than maybe you should be the one finding a new hobby? I don't think anyone here appreciates you bashing this forum or anyone in it. So enough with the arguments....

03-01-2009, 10:11 PM
Gj Trunks.
You deserved that mod spot more than me.

Featuring Cool Jimmy
03-01-2009, 11:01 PM
Exodyus made me laugh.

03-01-2009, 11:39 PM
I try.

That's what I'm here for.