View Full Version : Hulu at nearly 10 million unique userbase

03-14-2009, 09:16 AM
Spending big bucks on a Super Bowl spot has paid off for Hulu. The NBC Universal-News Corp. joint venture shot up the online charts to rank No. 2 behind YouTube among online vid providers for February, according to the latest numbers from Nielsen Online. The February growth spurt coincided with Hulu's first major consumer marketing push, which kicked off with the debut on the Feb. 1 Super Bowl telecast of the much-buzzed-about spot featuring "30 Rock" star Alec Baldwin. Hulu, which marked the one-year anniversary of its public launch Thursday, grew 33% from January to 309 million streams of full-length TV segs, movies, clips and sundry made-for-Web content, most of it tied to TV shows produced by Fox and NBC U. Hulu's unique user base shot up to 9.5 million in February from 7.2 million in January. -- Variety

That's cool, Hulu is a really good site.

03-14-2009, 11:05 AM
congrats to them, I've seen so many tv episodes from there. hope they have more success. definitely a good site.