View Full Version : Heaven or Hell! God or Satan!

03-23-2009, 08:16 AM
Linux inspired me and it seems like this board enjoys a little uprising now and then to roll the post count and the member database. Frankly, I'm a little surprised by "how many people view" and "how many people stick around and post".

So - which is it?

I already know this will throw a lot of teens for a loop because if they're religious, it's because they were probably brought up in it and have that die-hard, unwavering faith mentality.

But when you've lived over seas, and you've experienced the torments of humanity and you've seen the truth of things and how they can be, God's mercy seems to only 'extend' so far...

So - here's a question.

If you believe - WHY do you believe? Don't blurt out that you get funny feelings about stuff, because it's probably just prepubescence and when you look at nudie pictures, it makes you tingle.
Cause I REALLY don't wanna know about that...

Not to mention your porn addiction or whatever just condemned! you to hell for lust, adultery, impure thoughts, and whatever other moronic, basic human functions occur.

03-23-2009, 08:26 AM
eh. I have no physical proof that he exists. Everyone says he has risen, so where is he?

I did a whole report in my senior year of high school. i wish i still had it to show some points of why i believe against it.

But either way i don't really care.

03-23-2009, 08:45 AM
we are talking about the existence of god in philosophy now...not a fan of religion

03-23-2009, 11:12 AM
I was raised catholic but in grade 7 or 8 I decided I didn't believe in God and religion is a goof.

I believe that there are weird forces at work all around, but that they probably don't give a sheet about us and it doesn't need/want religion and doesn't contact us.

Or something like that.
religion is a goof.

03-23-2009, 04:32 PM
When it comes down to it, I don't care. He aint here right now...

picked, although I semi believe in karma

03-23-2009, 04:47 PM
I want to believe, but something is kinda fishy.
Religion: God made the Earth.
Science: Something made the Universe.
Me: I think God made the Universe, and Earth just came to be.

I'm not a real religious guy, but I don't think it's cool to go around saying "LOL GOD IZ A FAKE YOU LOSER MONKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I believe in a lot of Hinduism... Like Kharma, I believe strongly in Kharma, since it only makes sense.
God, I semi-believe in. Jesus, I believe in.

03-23-2009, 06:06 PM
None of those choices really support my opinion. I'm agnostic... and I think if there is a god that it is more of a force and is probably not living or in the shape of a man or anything like that. Now Jesus, he may or may not have existed but if he did he was of absolutely no importance to me (not trying to anger anybody). I'm the kind of person who pretty much doubts eveything until it can be proven to me. I get really annoyed when people talk about god as if it is a sure thing. Don't get me wrong, having faith is a good thing when it's not starting wars. It's just, people around here have no tolerance and barely seem to realize that there are people different than them. I would like to believe in god... but I refuse to have blind faith in something that may not be real.

03-23-2009, 06:26 PM
I want to believe, but something is kinda fishy.
Religion: God made the Earth.
Science: Something made the Universe.
Me: I think God made the Universe, and Earth just came to be.

I'm not a real religious guy, but I don't think it's cool to go around saying "LOL GOD IZ A FAKE YOU LOSER MONKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I believe in a lot of Hinduism... Like Kharma, I believe strongly in Kharma, since it only makes sense.
God, I semi-believe in. Jesus, I believe in.

How can you semi-believe in God, and then believe in Jesus?

Agreed on Karma. I do bad things and I get **** luck >': Not bad enough to make me want to be a good person though (:

03-23-2009, 07:06 PM
None of those choices really support my opinion. I'm agnostic... and I think if there is a god that it is more of a force and is probably not living or in the shape of a man or anything like that. Now Jesus, he may or may not have existed but if he did he was of absolutely no importance to me (not trying to anger anybody). I'm the kind of person who pretty much doubts eveything until it can be proven to me. I get really annoyed when people talk about god as if it is a sure thing. Don't get me wrong, having faith is a good thing when it's not starting wars. It's just, people around here have no tolerance and barely seem to realize that there are people different than them. I would like to believe in god... but I refuse to have blind faith in something that may not be real.

I didn't add Agnostic because I think it's more retarded than religion itself. To say that you're agnostic, is to simply say you're too lazy or "preppy" to categorize yourself with others - because you think they're all stupid too, so you make up some sh;t like you don't believe there is because there's no proof.

Believing it something and having the faith to stand up when others wont isnt necessarily crazy, but it does show personality and integrity. It shows that they're WILLING to stand up for an idea, or a set of rules that are upheld.

Agnostics are just too lazy or they think they're better so they don't "label" themselves - which essentially says, they believe, but in saying so - makes them "Less Cool".

Do you believe in Good? How about Evil? Inherent or Learned.
If so, then you believe in some form of higher power.


Not to be rude about that, but it irritates me to hear someone call themselves agnostic. They just don't care - that's all.

And the reason I started this topic is to find the interest in what people believe across the board.

I'm almost 25 and I've done my research and all that jazz - and I think the funniest thing in the world is watching religious fanatics whine and cry about how the Ten Commandments are being removed from Courthouses, Schools, and other facilities.
The moan. They whine. They plead. And in the end... for what?

The 10 Commandments that people have assimilated as the original - aren't at all. Humanity has grown stupid and opinionated - and most of all, GULLABLE.


I voted that I believe in a higher power, because it's impossible to think that trees can use photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide and turn it to oxygen and that the prominent life form and force on the Earth is humans, that do the opposite of photosynthesis.
Not to mention that the pH scale is so incredibly delicate that there's no way a nature, oblivious occurrence could have just spawned this all.

That's ignorance.

Have fun in hell my friend. I here it is very hot.

I just love how you make fun of jesus
From: SOTW 65 :: Theme :: Easter - Gamers Forum (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=10916)

Other than his awful grammar and terrible structure, not to mention - here and hear are two different words...

The simple fact that Jesus was only a man. He only claimed to be the son of God.

Riddle me this:

- In Jesus' time, HOW MANY OTHER prophetic healers, dead resurrections, and legend seekers had been around in his time?

- Why does the Bible start out with Jesus being born and then suddenly he jumps in age several times and then he's a man that dies at the proximal age of 33.
Where did the rest of his life go?
Where did the rest of the Bible go?

Truth is... Jesus was 1 of thousands who were healing at the same time, same place, doing the same thing as everyone else - and he was the only one to claim to be the son of God.
Truth is - the Bible has been translated probably ten - fifteen - twenty times before it ever came to 2009... lol. Hundreds if you count the other nations of the world.
How many mistranslations have there been?
How many people treated the Bible like their own book? Much like King James.

So don't come preaching to me that I'm going to Hell, when you believe in something that is so flawed, it's thinner than Heidi Klum's underwear.

03-24-2009, 01:10 AM
lolz at your new sig

03-24-2009, 10:10 AM
lolz at your new sig

hehehe thanks Jakjak

03-24-2009, 04:08 PM
I didn't add Agnostic because I think it's more retarded than religion itself. To say that you're agnostic, is to simply say you're too lazy or "preppy" to categorize yourself with others - because you think they're all stupid too, so you make up some sh;t like you don't believe there is because there's no proof.

Believing it something and having the faith to stand up when others wont isnt necessarily crazy, but it does show personality and integrity. It shows that they're WILLING to stand up for an idea, or a set of rules that are upheld.

Agnostics are just too lazy or they think they're better so they don't "label" themselves - which essentially says, they believe, but in saying so - makes them "Less Cool".

Do you believe in Good? How about Evil? Inherent or Learned.
If so, then you believe in some form of higher power.


Not to be rude about that, but it irritates me to hear someone call themselves agnostic. They just don't care - that's all.

I'm going to break your post down in to little sections so if I just change subjects really quickly it's because I looked a new part. :-P


You've misinterpreted me... some agnostics may be like that, but I'm not (or at least I'm not in my opinion). Please don't act like you know me. To tell the truth, being agnostic isn't really much of a religion. I categorize myself as agnostic, not because I'm too lazy (and especially not preppy) to be one of the others, but because I best fit into that group. I have taken the time to check out various books from our school library on religion to try to find the right one for me and agnostic seems as close as I can get. I'm the type of person who doubts things, like I said earlier. I know what I believe, but sometimes it can be hard to explain. And really anything can show personality if you think about it. I am willing to stand up for an idea...and I am now. I have my own personal rules on what I think I should or shouldn't do and I follow those. The next paragraph just seems like a completely wrong way to describe me. I am not lazy and I definitely don't think I'm better than anybody else... people like that drive me crazy. I don't care about being cool or anything... I am just honestly unsure whether or not there is a higher power. Sometimes I lean more toward there being a god, but other times I'm more like an atheist. Now about your questions. No, I do not believe in good or evil or anything like that. What is defined as good? What about evil? I don't know... and I really don't care what I do or which is which as long as I'm happy and the people I around me are happy. :confused1: Everybody is different; you may know how one agnostic person thinks, but that doesn't mean you know me individually.

03-24-2009, 04:33 PM
I voted that I believe in a higher power, because it's impossible to think that trees can use photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide and turn it to oxygen and that the prominent life form and force on the Earth is humans, that do the opposite of photosynthesis.
Not to mention that the pH scale is so incredibly delicate that there's no way a nature, oblivious occurrence could have just spawned this all.

That's ignorance.

I thought that photosynthesis was basically proven. From what I learned in science is that things adapt to live with each other. The plants "feed" off of carbon dioxide to make the sugar that they use for energy. Animals need Oxygen to live and after photosynthesis, Oxygen is all that's left. ( I think ) Also if plants don't give out oxygen, then why is it when we do testing of the atmosphere it's decreasing in oxygen, because of all the tree's and what not.

As believing in a god, I think that there is something out there. Not sure what it is, but there has to be something.

03-24-2009, 05:51 PM
wow lol.......

03-24-2009, 05:59 PM
You've misinterpreted me... some agnostics may be like that, but I'm not (or at least I'm not in my opinion). Please don't act like you know me. To tell the truth, being agnostic isn't really much of a religion. I categorize myself as agnostic, not because I'm too lazy (and especially not preppy) to be one of the others, but because I best fit into that group. I have taken the time to check out various books from our school library on religion to try to find the right one for me and agnostic seems as close as I can get. I'm the type of person who doubts things, like I said earlier. I know what I believe, but sometimes it can be hard to explain. And really anything can show personality if you think about it. I am willing to stand up for an idea...and I am now. I have my own personal rules on what I think I should or shouldn't do and I follow those. The next paragraph just seems like a completely wrong way to describe me. I am not lazy and I definitely don't think I'm better than anybody else... people like that drive me crazy. I don't care about being cool or anything... I am just honestly unsure whether or not there is a higher power. Sometimes I lean more toward there being a god, but other times I'm more like an atheist. Now about your questions. No, I do not believe in good or evil or anything like that. What is defined as good? What about evil? I don't know... and I really don't care what I do or which is which as long as I'm happy and the people I around me are happy. :confused1: Everybody is different; you may know how one agnostic person thinks, but that doesn't mean you know me individually.

I didn't necessarily mean to point you out and only you. That was more meant as a general description to every "agnostic" that I've met that never really give anything worth while of an excuse other than - mle... Life and the world is - because.

I thought that photosynthesis was basically proven. From what I learned in science is that things adapt to live with each other. The plants "feed" off of carbon dioxide to make the sugar that they use for energy. Animals need Oxygen to live and after photosynthesis, Oxygen is all that's left. ( I think ) Also if plants don't give out oxygen, then why is it when we do testing of the atmosphere it's decreasing in oxygen, because of all the tree's and what not.

As believing in a god, I think that there is something out there. Not sure what it is, but there has to be something.

Obviously, photosynthesis is real? I wasn't questioning the validity of fact, I was saying - it seems nearly IMPOSSIBLE to think / believe that every tiny factor of Photosynthesis and every micro-factor that makes up the human condition could randomly come about.
Plants were made to feed us a necessity, as were we to it. It just seems TOO perfect. Too balanced, you know? Watching animals tear one another apart in a chaotic food chain, is an unstable form of balance because of adaptation.
What happens if an extra pack of wolves migrates into a certain area and the food is ravaged that much faster? It's more chaotic, I guess.

I don't really know. It's a topic that is just curiosity and explanation. Things you know and learn - teaching them to me and me to you what I've experienced and seen.

03-24-2009, 06:21 PM
I voted that I believe in a higher power, because it's impossible to think that trees can use photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide and turn it to oxygen and that the prominent life form and force on the Earth is humans, that do the opposite of photosynthesis.

Well from that, it sounded a lot like you thought photosynthesis wasn't real.

I get what your saying now though lol.

03-24-2009, 06:23 PM
I didn't necessarily mean to point you out and only you. That was more meant as a general description to every "agnostic" that I've met that never really give anything worth while of an excuse other than - mle... Life and the world is - because.

That's what I figured you meant... I just go a little overboard when people make generalizations sometimes. :-P Sorry about that.
And you know, that could go both ways. When I ask people why they are a certain religion... most can't formulate an answer other than they were raised that way.

03-24-2009, 06:30 PM
Obviously, photosynthesis is real? I wasn't questioning the validity of fact, I was saying - it seems nearly IMPOSSIBLE to think / believe that every tiny factor of Photosynthesis and every micro-factor that makes up the human condition could randomly come about.
Plants were made to feed us a necessity, as were we to it. It just seems TOO perfect. Too balanced, you know? Watching animals tear one another apart in a chaotic food chain, is an unstable form of balance because of adaptation.
What happens if an extra pack of wolves migrates into a certain area and the food is ravaged that much faster? It's more chaotic, I guess.

I don't really know. It's a topic that is just curiosity and explanation. Things you know and learn - teaching them to me and me to you what I've experienced and seen.

To me though, that's basically all science. I'm leaning toward science, like the big bang and evolution is the explanation to "how". But, "god" or the higher powers answer more of the question "why".

03-25-2009, 12:07 AM
Well from that, it sounded a lot like you thought photosynthesis wasn't real.

I get what your saying now though lol.

Lmfao. I guess I did type that a little crookedly. ;D Hahahha....
My bad. D:

That's what I figured you meant... I just go a little overboard when people make generalizations sometimes. :-P Sorry about that.
And you know, that could go both ways. When I ask people why they are a certain religion... most can't formulate an answer other than they were raised that way.

Don't be sorry. Regret is nothing you should have for something so simplistic because I understand that you took the defensive because of my post. It's a natural response. ;) I have a very logical/strategic/psychological mindset about some things, so I can be VERY irritating when I wanna be. Notice? Lolol.

To me though, that's basically all science. I'm leaning toward science, like the big bang and evolution is the explanation to "how". But, "god" or the higher powers answer more of the question "why".

See - I just cant chalk up so many random phenomenons, so many minuscule occurrences, and so many infinitive details to science. It just cant happen.

I don't necessarily believe in evolution on a grand scale though - like the monkey to the human. I laugh at that thought and think if people wanna believe that, then they should visit their relatives in the Zoo more often. ;)

Honestly though, I believe in adaptation. Creatures, plants, animals, humans - the whole nine yards will do anything to survive, including minimal transformations.

However, to counteract that thought - you can turn to science easily and prove that maybe it's not adaptation and evolution, but something RIDICULOUSLY miraculous.

Look at prehistoric horses. By today's science, they would have started out like a foot tall and then GROWN to larger sizes to see over the grass and evade predators. Longer legs mean faster, longer strides. More dense, powerful muscles means they can stride longer and jump farther.


This isn't the case. The time line on prehistoric horses is actually totally bizarre. It goes something like small, big, medium, big, small, big, bigger.

And the kick to it all is fossils RANDOMLY show up in the middle of these time lines. Like the 'medium' sized horses were only around for X years, right smack in the middle of the line...
So - where did they come from and why did they die off?

There's TONS of interesting facts based on fossil records - however the only thing that cant be defined is time itself.

2 million years or closer to 5000.