View Full Version : The Knowing

04-08-2009, 10:14 PM
Ok, I saw this movie about a week ago, and before i saw it i thought it was going to be more realitic, but boy was i wrong. I thought it was the most disturbing movies i've seen in a while. I just want to know what other people have thought.

04-08-2009, 10:24 PM
disturbing as in good? or disturbing as in bad? some disturbing movies mean they got to you and you liked it lol.

I wanted to see it but I doubt I'll get a chance to before it comes out on DVD or something - it's not really that high up the list of "must see" so it doesn't have a great chance of being seen by Linux while still in theaters.

04-08-2009, 10:26 PM
disturbing as in good? or disturbing as in bad? some disturbing movies mean they got to you and you liked it lol.

I wanted to see it but I doubt I'll get a chance to before it comes out on DVD or something - it's not really that high up the list of "must see" so it doesn't have a great chance of being seen by Linux while still in theaters.

Disturbing as in bad. I don't want to ruin any of the movie, but i'll just say that it can get pretty werd at som parts. It's also a pretty religious movie to. I'll explain if no one really cares if I ruin it.

04-08-2009, 10:32 PM
Disturbing as in bad. I don't want to ruin any of the movie, but i'll just say that it can get pretty werd at som parts. It's also a pretty religious movie to. I'll explain if no one really cares if I ruin it.

I doubt it was as bad as "the happening" - that was terrible...and you can use the spoiler tags to post some parts of it and people that want to read will read and people that don't, won't have to open it up :)

04-08-2009, 10:38 PM
Ok thanks ill do that.Well in one part, a kid looks out his window and a forest is on fire. Then it cuts to a scene where a moose runs out on fire moaning. Then it zooms out and many other animals come on fire, which i think is scwered up. Also, in the end the religious part I think is that the last scene resembles the Garden of Eden. Does anybody else agree wit me? Also, i've herd good things about, The Happening, whats so bad about it? Sorry my keyboard has been crap latly.

04-08-2009, 10:43 PM
O Also, i've herd good things about, The Happening, whats so bad about it?

it's a horrible story.

trees making people kill people


04-08-2009, 10:46 PM
Really? Well i'm not really into horrire films so i'm probley not going to see it. But The Knowing was pretty bad, maybe even worse than the Happening.

04-08-2009, 10:51 PM
I have to give it a 7/10 it was a good movie

04-08-2009, 10:55 PM
I have to give it a 7/10 it was a good movie

I would probley give it a 4/10. It was one of th wierdest movies i've ever seen. I didnt like it either.

04-08-2009, 11:47 PM
Ok thanks ill do that.Well in one part, a kid looks out his window and a forest is on fire. Then it cuts to a scene where a moose runs out on fire moaning. Then it zooms out and many other animals come on fire, which i think is scwered up. Also, in the end the religious part I think is that the last scene resembles the Garden of Eden. Does anybody else agree wit me? Also, i've herd good things about, The Happening, whats so bad about it? Sorry my keyboard has been crap latly.

I'd have to say The Happening probably has a spot in my all time top 10 worst movies that I have seen. Not only is it retarded but the ending is written as if the writer got bored of it and knew it was going to suck and decided to see how fast he could wrap it up

04-09-2009, 08:13 AM
Wow, then I guess that means i'm never going to see it.But I mean this movie is probley the worst I have ever seen next to that movie where the days of the week are all screwed up and out of order and he women is trying to save her husband from dying. This movie really sucked. it just ended up with the man dieing and the women's family becoming rich off of the life insurence.