View Full Version : Types of games you'd play for money?

04-18-2009, 12:26 AM
If you could play video games for money, would you?

I'm sure there's some people out there with enough confidence in their abilities they'd make a wager or two whenever they play against a few other people. :P If there was a place that aloud you to do that, would you?

I was considering doing something like this a year or two in the future. I thought this would be a pretty popular thing. You know, anything from a $1 to 100's. Hell, people good enough could turn it into a living. Even just a few bucks on a weekend for a little fun. But what kind of games would you play for it? I was never much of a hardcore gamer, so I'm not sure what's most popular.

I figured FPSs would be a big one. Especially since skill is very dominant in that genre. Fighting games would be another good one. If not that, what would you play? Even if just silly little simple games. Who wants to play Pong for 20 bucks? :P

Also, I realize the legal problems of using commercial games for this purpose. I don't intend to, but I want to know what games people WOULD play for money, including commercial properties. It's just for information purposes. I'm now going to proceed to lurk the RPG section, kthxbai.

04-18-2009, 10:25 AM
Hmmm, I probably wouldn't enter and place money because there would probably be pro's there who like dedicate there life to gaming and do get payed to play. But if I had to choose my best game, it would have to be Halo 3. I mean i'm good at other games, but not good enough.

04-18-2009, 12:17 PM
I'd probably do CSS. But there would probably be Pros so I would get Owned.

04-20-2009, 09:56 PM
That is one of my wishes is to be able to play games for money i devote a lot of my life into gaming but not in a pathetic way.

Choke On Candy
04-21-2009, 09:45 AM
You know game testers make money for playing games... I would love to be paid to play games. :laugh:

04-21-2009, 10:18 AM
You know game testers make money for playing games... I would love to be paid to play games. :laugh:

ya but it's not all what's it cracked up to be, making not much money and do the same thing over and over again or testing out everything in lv for 8 hours.

04-21-2009, 11:52 AM
This is actually a rather interesting idea--and if you pitch it correctly and to the right people, you could probably make a good bit of money off of such a thing. I can see it working out in two ways:

One would be an evolution of Dave & Buster's--instead of just paying to play, you get to make wagers for real (or fake) money against other players or against benchmarks that the computer sets. It's light competition, rather like those Friday night games at TGI Friday's. (Fake winnings can perhaps be cashed in for additional gameplay.)

The other would be a much better slot machine that is much more fun to play. You insert your cash and the game teases you with goals that you have to reach in a certain period to win your money back: part of it, all of it, then more than what you bet. Putting these in someplace like Vegas would be incredible.

I think there is something like this going on in Asia--there seem to be online gaming sites that seem to be a hybrid between video poker and, for example, Super Mario Bros. It's basically the "game within the game" that you play in FFVII.

04-21-2009, 03:06 PM
ya but it's not all what's it cracked up to be, making not much money and do the same thing over and over again or testing out everything in lv for 8 hours.

Ya, imagine having to test a game like Oblivion or Fallout 3. You have to pick up everything, drop everything. Use every door. Kill everything. You have to do everything possible to make sure it all works.

04-21-2009, 04:47 PM
Even if just silly little simple games. Who wants to play Pong for 20 bucks? :P

Also, I realize the legal problems of using commercial games for this purpose. I don't intend to, but I want to know what games people WOULD play for money, including commercial properties. It's just for information purposes.
You could buy licensing rights I think. There are lots of places worldwide that have gaming centers where people play games they don't own.

Also, you would be surprised at the nostalgia effect that would make older gamers /squee with girlish glee at the idea of playing limitless Pong in a bar against friends, nevermind getting paid winnings based on how they play. Rocket Bar in DC, for example, has a lot of vintage games and they are rarely idle on a Friday night. If I could get money back from the machine, or drink tokens for winning, I would play.

07-15-2009, 02:05 PM
If I knew that I could actually be a good player in a certain game then I would definitely consider it !

07-16-2009, 08:42 PM
that would be kinda cool
but I am definitely not good enough
and I wouldnt do good against the pros either..

07-17-2009, 09:44 PM
I'm not good enough to play with the pro's and I'm not sure I'd wanna play for money...it would take the fun out of it.

10-10-2009, 09:27 AM
That is one of my wishes is to be able to play games for money i devote a lot of my life into gaming but not in a pathetic way.

yeah, I have heard that lots of ppl earn money by being game tester. There are also lots and lots of online job out there.

10-10-2009, 12:04 PM
I would play games for money in a heart beat. If they wanted me to go out there, beat not so good people, then get my faced owned by the pros, I wouldnt mind :D

10-10-2009, 01:16 PM
Im one of the most hardcore gamers alive I played GTA4 for 3 days straight. So hell ya i would play games for money I already play them all day.

10-12-2009, 04:02 AM
fps or fighting game

10-12-2009, 03:09 PM
I had friends who paid me in snacks or other random things if i'd beat a boss for them. They were mostly RPG's or Action/Adventure with the occasinal MMORPG.

10-13-2009, 09:07 AM
That is one of my wishes is to be able to play games for money i devote a lot of my life into gaming but not in a pathetic way.

There are lots of website that pay you to play their game.

10-14-2009, 09:40 AM
i like WOW and la2)

10-14-2009, 09:00 PM
Oh god yeh, if it was a good game that im good at then why not =p
Of caurse I would bet much though.

10-15-2009, 05:29 AM
My Best friends father was paid to test games and critic them BEFORE they came out... He had every game station imaginable. and had the PS3 way early. I want his job so bad!!
Resident evil
Tekken or any game like it.

10-20-2009, 01:09 AM
I would play racing games for money, and then on top of that, spectators could even pay to watch (by placing bets). What's this information for, anyway?