View Full Version : Social Networking A Joke?

Choke On Candy
04-22-2009, 11:53 AM
What's the big deal with the whole myspace,facebook,and twitter scene? I have to admit it's good for getting in touch with people you want to talk to but what about the other half that you would rather see burn in hell? Why can't people just let go of their past..and move forward? How do you even know these people are who they say they are anyways? People will lie,cheat, and steal to get what they want. I'm always skeptical of new people and torture them with questions. It's so easy now a days to deceive, people are so gullible. I say forget all those crap sites and make a blog. It's easier..if people are looking for you they can see what your up to and what your saying if not E Z losers. Make A Blog (http://www.blogger.com)

Sorry if a repeat post couldn't find one or maybe I gave up looking after a few...one will never know! MuhahahahaCheck below for my stupid blog link I talk a lot

04-22-2009, 12:04 PM
as I said plenty of times, these are just Fads, one comes after the other - I don't see how some people spend all day looking for "friends"

04-22-2009, 12:37 PM
I'm in a business where I see people I really need to talk to only once per year, maybe twice. I work in the department with other people in other fields, but the people who share my interests are far-flung, so I really rely on fb to help me organize articles, conference panels, etc., the things I need to get my work out there. My inbox has enough crap in it, so fb is a nice way to keep on top of such things.

If you are in HS or fresh out of HS or in college, I don't really see the point. There are better ways to keep in touch with people from your past, and while I'm okay with seeing the pics you took of your baby or that wedding you went to (where I don't know a soul) or your 5 favorite <insert random thing here> I'm not terribly interested in that. Informal messing around is fun and a nice distraction, but if I want to really socialize, I come here.

If I don't have happy memories of you, I'm ignoring your friend request. If I have memories of you irritating me, expect me to laugh in your face. Right now, my fl has only people on it who I have actually met irl and with whom I desire a sustained relationship. I have 28 friends, my profile isn't open to the entire world so you have to know who you are looking for if you want to find me, and I'm picky about people who ask for access. I know it sounds snotty, but it keeps my circle tight and I don't get swarmed with a lot of information that doesn't interest me.

04-22-2009, 12:47 PM
It's just a fad, yes - but in a deeper sense, it's a way to keep in touch and contact and in-the-know with people you haven't seen in ages.

Myspace is just a joke, personally. Half of them are ugly. The other half lags so bad, it's not worth it.

I have a Facebook. I went on a fun little spree and added tons of people who don't know me or don't care, but I wanted to see how many people I could network through to end up across all the states. Fun, yes - but I rarely use it. Good for calendars and events though, which is kinda nice.
You can also keep up on new bands easier, etc...

I don't use or know anything about Twitter. It just looks retarded.

I have a LiveJournal also that randomly receives my attention.
Not as much as I should be updating it, but it's a monthly love. ;)

04-22-2009, 03:56 PM
Twitter would get no attention from the general populous if celebs weren't pushing it constantly

04-22-2009, 07:14 PM
Twitter would get no attention from the general populous if celebs weren't pushing it constantly

yeah - and government officials went into it to show their followers that they "care" - its horrible when they do it during meetings and live speeches by the president lol. stupid old people in office trying to be cool

Choke On Candy
04-22-2009, 07:37 PM
yeah - and government officials went into it to show their followers that they "care" - its horrible when they do it during meetings and live speeches by the president lol. stupid old people in office trying to be cool

I know but they should care!! It was on the news like a month a go. Two girls were friends and they fell out lets say A & B. The B mother went on myspace and made an account. She was pretending to be a 15yr old boy and was talking to the A friend that had the falling out with her daughter. The girl ended up killing herself by what the mother had said to her. Pretending to be her friend/boyfriend then telling her she is useless and doesn't have anything to live for....everybody hates her and blah blah. How could someone do that to a child?

04-22-2009, 08:37 PM
I know but they should care!! It was on the news like a month a go. Two girls were friends and they fell out lets say A & B. The B mother went on myspace and made an account. She was pretending to be a 15yr old boy and was talking to the A friend that had the falling out with her daughter. The girl ended up killing herself by what the mother had said to her. Pretending to be her friend/boyfriend then telling her she is useless and doesn't have anything to live for....everybody hates her and blah blah. How could someone do that to a child?

Only the strong survive.

We, as humans, have grown into a pusseh-footed people. We need starbucks and big SUVs to make ourselves feel good about who we are as a person. We have hearing aids and lasik surgery now.

Back in the dayz, shiiiit.... seriously?

Deaf people would have been eaten by lions or something.
The blind would have been screwed at birth.
And we're emo and so self-conscious now that it's a joke at schools to find out what's considered "wrong" and "stressful". And yet yuppie sluts can walk around in the shortest shorts alive and their vajoojoo's all hangin' out and they're minors...

I say let the weak die.

04-22-2009, 08:54 PM
I say let the weak die.

this. legalize every thing, natural selection motherf(ker, let the morons and weak minded die off then we can become an elite species

04-23-2009, 07:15 PM
twitter is so freaking stupid. I don't understand it, its the status update part of facebook and nothing more. what a waste

04-23-2009, 07:58 PM
twitter is so freaking stupid. I don't understand it, its the status update part of facebook and nothing more. what a waste

What's not to understand?

04-23-2009, 08:41 PM
I never really used any of them. I think I made a myspace account, but was to lazy to check it all the time. It's so much easier to just use AIM to chat.It's definitely faster and way easier to use.

04-25-2009, 10:55 AM
What's not to understand?

the purpose. Sure it's really quick and easy, but i think it's stupid

Choke On Candy
04-25-2009, 09:07 PM
the purpose. Sure it's really quick and easy, but i think it's stupid

It's a good way to meet new people.

04-26-2009, 05:14 PM
and keep in touch with family and friends, it's basically myspace on the move. Although I find it retarded and hate hearing about ESPN recruiting athletes, I see it's purpose

04-29-2009, 01:12 PM
well i guess actually ido see the point, but i think it's a big waste of time. I could easily find out the same things on facebook when it comes to people, or if you're following a band or a website, just go visit that website.

04-29-2009, 03:30 PM
I hate social networking sites because it makes information about you too eawsy to find.
I'm not talking about "omg some 40 yr old man will find me and kill me." I mean, future employers, family, parents, friends.
You can get screwed over severely because someone twists your words/text.

I say stay irl and stick to e-mail and msn(or your choice of online messanger).

04-29-2009, 03:37 PM
The employee thing is what really gets me, I've read far too many times of those mistakes to fall into that trap ever

04-29-2009, 05:14 PM
The employee thing is what really gets me, I've read far too many times of those mistakes to fall into that trap ever

thankfully i don't do anything that employers would be against...and even if i did, it wouldn't be anywhere near my facebook.