View Full Version : There is an app for that.

04-24-2009, 09:33 AM
Read. And lol. And feel bad about lol-ing. (http://tech.msn.com/news/articlepcw.aspx?cp-documentid=19355852&GT1=40000)
Complicate issue, surely. Time for rating systems on apps?

But this is all silly. Rating systems were meant to shield children from questionable content. What child has an iPhone (and what parent would give him one)? And what person would play this game and think that shaking babies to death is suddenly okay? "Oh hey! If you shake one of these little squishy things in this game--you get red X's!!!! I bet that works irl. Even if it doesn't, this simulation now tells me that it's okay!"

If you don't like an app, don't dl it. If you don't like other people playing it, too bad--give that person back her phone and mind your own business.

04-24-2009, 11:07 AM
Aww! I can't shake a baby and see red x's! Well looks like I will have to find someone who had already bought the game and dl from their itunes.... Plus I like how you have to pay for the app to review it. I personally think it's hilarious when I see a ton of people buyign the app jsut to give it a bad review... So basically they give someone a money jsut to talk dirty about them... rofl?

04-24-2009, 01:07 PM
I think they buy it, love it, realize that other people will see them playing it and think that they are monsters, and so give it a bad review out of shame.

Watch This Film Is Not Yet Rated to see why the ratings system is so full of fail. I don't think it should apply here, but I also don't think that Apple should cave so quickly to a few oversensitive souls who want to ruin my tasteless fun.

04-24-2009, 01:43 PM

i totally want to shake babies to death



04-24-2009, 02:17 PM
Well that's why I just play the 'good' games online! ;) Hehe. But what's weird, they have a game called Kitty Cannon(sp?) and you shoot a kitten out of a cannon. If shaking babies is horrible don't you think shooting a flippnig kitten out of a flipping cannon is worse?

04-24-2009, 06:10 PM
I shook a baby once. Then its head fell off. Stupid "man in China" baby dolls. So cheap....

and chock full of lead paint.

04-24-2009, 06:20 PM
As long as it wasn't done in a moment of anger and you didn't eat the paint chips, you're okay.

Ooh! ooh!!!! Did you get the red x's??? It doesn't count if you didn't get the x's, because it isn't really dead!

04-24-2009, 06:24 PM
Hey! Put the lead in the water and wait until it has a sweet taste! When you get the sweet taste just drink it all! It's what the Romans did so it has to be good! I think when the head fell off, it broke into a million pieces. Mainly because it was MADE in China. Hehe

05-03-2009, 04:50 PM
I shook a baby one time to get it to stop crying. In a way, it did lol. I buried it in my neighbor's yard.....

I don't see why it matters what apps you use. If you don't think it's appropriate, don't buy it! You can't expect to censor what type of apps are sold by Apple. This is American, home of the Waffle House and Perkin's Pancakes, which coexist peacefully in our free-market economy. Rating apps is like burning down the Waffle House. Although the Pancake pplz will be happz, you'll have to face the wrath of the giant mob of Waffle pplz. Zzzz