View Full Version : Online Movie Theater

05-02-2009, 12:54 PM
I have been thinking lately of this idea, it really started when I would have been forced to drive multiple hours to see Crank 2. But I think it would neat as hell if the movie industry got together and made an online theater site, thus people that don't have an option to see a certain movie because of a small release can still see before the rental release/dvd release, thoughts?

05-02-2009, 01:59 PM
That would be fatastical. However, a few minor issues.

Part of going to the movies is that huge ****ing screen and the crazy sound systems. That would be lost sitting at your computer. Even if you connected it to your TV and personal audio system, you still lose that "feeling of awe" when you see a 40ft whatever.

05-02-2009, 02:04 PM
The huge screen I agree but I wouldn't the audio because all 3 movies I've had problems with the audio

05-02-2009, 02:09 PM
Eh, just get Vudu.
So much better than a theater, no $5,000 pop's and popcorn's.
And it is with your TV, which -most likely- has better sound then your computer. And a bigger screen.

But the online one, not too bad of an idea. Only thing would be streaming it, you'd have to have nice enough internet to get HD movies.

05-02-2009, 04:15 PM
So you want online current releases?

I don't think that will ever happen without a pricey subscription service and some serious copyright protections. Movies pay for themselves through ticket sales and concessions and they are already all kinds of irked about online movie piracy.

05-02-2009, 05:13 PM
One large hiccup.

One of the reasons companies don't do this, is because people on the internet have found ways around things like this.

Even if you make it to where a FF Add-on can't capture the video, who's to say a program of a different sort can't? If this ever came out, it would be when the government has control of our comps and what we do with them.

05-02-2009, 07:05 PM
although I like that idea, it takes away from some of the fun as exo pointed out with the screen and audio and it's unlikely to happen very soon.

and bootlegging would get a whole lot easier lol.

05-02-2009, 07:15 PM
This would be a bootlegger's dream, and that's most likely the sole reason they don't do this.

But I'm okay with impaired sound and crap, because I rarely get $20 to go to the movies. I spend all my money on energy drinks, candy, soda, etc.

05-02-2009, 08:12 PM
Wow... What movie theater do you go to that charges $20?

05-02-2009, 08:30 PM
Wow... What movie theater do you go to that charges $20?

Ticket. Pop. Popcorn. Candy.
Movie Theaters are expensive D:

05-02-2009, 08:39 PM
Ticket- $7
Pop Corn & Drink- $8
Candy- $1.50

And I just thought of something revolutionary.

*Waves to get close*

/whisper: Buy your food outside of the theater and sneak it in. Maybe in a big pocket or purse if you have a chick with you. OR! You could just buy a drink and nothing else.


05-02-2009, 08:45 PM
Haha. You're one to talk, Sam-Bot. You have the greatest home theater of all time. Obviously you're going to look down upon us casual movie-goers =P

Good idea, but it will never, ever happen. Maybe in 50 years, but by then I'll have been hit by a car, so it doesn't really matter. Bootlegging will be unavoidable, and thus, little-to-no money will be made. Copyright law suits will surely follow, making the 90 year old lady who lives down the street and who sometimes gave cookies and lemonade to you and your best friend when you were kids to blame. (run-on FTW)

If you think about it though, there are tons of ways to see movies for free, yet no one ever does. The ratio of bootleggers to innocent watchers will remain the same, because even though the bootlegging population will increase, so will the number of casual watchers. Because of it's convenience, many more people will see the movie in an online theater. Thus, profits increase. If only the movie industry would take the risk, it could be a huge success.

Wait a sec...... I just agreed with two completely opposite view points.... in the same post? SKILLZ

05-02-2009, 08:47 PM
Haha. You're one to talk, Sam-Bot. You have the greatest home theater of all time. Obviously you're going to look down upon us casual movie-goers =P

Good idea, but it will never, ever happen. Maybe in 50 years, but by then I'll have been hit by a car, so it doesn't really matter. Bootlegging will be unavoidable, and thus, little-to-no money will be made. Copyright law suits will surely follow, making the 90 year old lady who lives down the street and who sometimes gave cookies and lemonade to you and your best friend when you were kids to blame. (run-on FTW)

If you think about it though, there are tons of ways to see movies for free, yet no one ever does. The ratio of bootleggers to innocent watchers will remain the same, because even though the bootlegging population will increase, so will the number of casual watchers. Because of it's convenience, many more people will see the movie in an online theater. Thus, profits increase. If only the movie industry would take the risk, it could be a huge success.

Wait a sec...... I just agreed with two completely opposite view points.... in the same post? SKILLZ

Oh, I'm most definitely not a theater fanboy. I have 85gb's of... Stuff... Haha.

05-02-2009, 08:50 PM
Lawl. I know what you mean. I have 900..... uh.... legal songs on my iPod.
Because of us, the nice old lady will have to sell her house to a developing agency, sell blood daily, and shave her head, just to pay the legal bills. High Five!!!

05-02-2009, 11:51 PM
So you want online current releases?

I don't think that will ever happen without a pricey subscription service and some serious copyright protections. Movies pay for themselves through ticket sales and concessions and they are already all kinds of irked about online movie piracy.

screw pricey subscription, i'm talking a pay as you go. And I don't know why you guys say this would be a bootleggers dream, it's already happens so many times as it is so that extra negative aspect goes right out the window

05-03-2009, 02:58 AM
That idea is not likely because the overall internet speed, it is not youtube HD so your int. speed would need to be much higher; you would need to download some part of video and piracy would use that, and after all one of last protections against piracy is the quality of movie in cinema. This will never happed. But it would be nice.

05-03-2009, 10:01 AM
If you think about it though, there are tons of ways to see movies for free, yet no one ever does. The ratio of bootleggers to innocent watchers will remain the same, because even though the bootlegging population will increase, so will the number of casual watchers. Because of it's convenience, many more people will see the movie in an online theater. Thus, profits increase. If only the movie industry would take the risk, it could be a huge success.

Like I said. It would most likely be a huge success. Or an epic fail.:D

05-03-2009, 10:02 AM
You just quoted yourself :laugh:

05-03-2009, 10:06 AM
Yes, yes I did. Why? Because I'm always right xD
Haha. Yea, its because you were discussing how the negative aspect would remain the same as it is currently, with piracy and whatnot. I was stating that I already posted that.
Fun Fact: Don't Quote yourself in the court of law. Eg: "100 bucks for 2 kilos." Never go there xD

05-04-2009, 12:50 PM
I personally think it would fail. Nuff Sayd.

05-04-2009, 12:56 PM
The whole point of a movie theatre is that it's a theatre where you go to see a movie.

I only pay for my ticket and popcorn.
Drinks I bring in.

I think instead of setting up an online movie theatre, you should petition your city/town/area for a movie theatre.
It'll work.

05-04-2009, 01:08 PM
The whole point of a movie theatre is that it's a theatre where you go to see a movie.

I only pay for my ticket and popcorn.
Drinks I bring in.

I think instead of setting up an online movie theatre, you should petition your city/town/area for a movie theatre.
It'll work.

The real problem is I don't live in a urban area and that's why I think online theater would be great because lots of people live in rural areas, the town I moved to is going to get one again on the 15th but only 2 screens, the one that I go to has 8 screens and Crank 2 still didn't get a place, that is my problem. Even with movie theaters in my area I am still going to miss out on the chance to see many movies, thus why online theater would solve mine and many other people's hassles

05-04-2009, 02:17 PM
The real problem is I don't live in a urban area and that's why I think online theater would be great because lots of people live in rural areas, the town I moved to is going to get one again on the 15th but only 2 screens, the one that I go to has 8 screens and Crank 2 still didn't get a place, that is my problem. Even with movie theaters in my area I am still going to miss out on the chance to see many movies, thus why online theater would solve mine and many other people's hassles

It would only solve the problems of those people who choose not to drive and or be sociable with the outside world.

Even with movie theaters in my area I am still going to miss out on the chance to see many movies

Why would you miss out? Your saying your willing to watch the said movie at home, but you don't have enough time to do so at a theater? Where's the logic in that?

And I'm not sure why this thread is still active. I mean an online theater will never happen unless the company doing so has some way to control your computer to where you can't record the sound or video.

It's never going to happen.

05-04-2009, 02:53 PM
It would only solve the problems of those people who choose not to drive and or be sociable with the outside world.

Why would you miss out? Your saying your willing to watch the said movie at home, but you don't have enough time to do so at a theater? Where's the logic in that?
Driving an hour (for example) to a theater, sitting down to a movie and maybe lunch before or after, then driving an hour home? And that is probably a conservative estimate that doesn't take into account looking for a parking space, buying tickets, buying concessions, and all the other niceties that go along with going to the theater. It makes an afternoon's diversion into an all-day event that also sucks up a lot of gas, and also makes going to the movies on a whim an obnoxiously onerous feat.

What Jak is saying makes perfect sense to me in that light.

And I'm not sure why this thread is still active. I mean an online theater will never happen unless the company doing so has some way to control your computer to where you can't record the sound or video.

It's never going to happen.
Because this is a forum, and just because an idea doesn't sound feasible to a number of us is no reason to close the thread. It's being kicked around and discussed by people who are interested in the topic. No one is hating on Jak--some of us just don't agree with the idea.

This will sound harsher than I mean it, but if you don't think a thread should still be active, don't check it or post in it.


05-04-2009, 05:35 PM
It would only solve the problems of those people who choose not to drive and or be sociable with the outside world.

Why would you miss out? Your saying your willing to watch the said movie at home, but you don't have enough time to do so at a theater? Where's the logic in that?

And I'm not sure why this thread is still active. I mean an online theater will never happen unless the company doing so has some way to control your computer to where you can't record the sound or video.

It's never going to happen.

This thread has nothing to do with being anti-social, it has everything to do with people wanting to see movies without having to travel a couple hours if not more and back to see such a thing, I am perfectly fine going to one of the local theaters despite the crappiness of them if that's an option

You do know there is a movie release world outside major releases? I want that option to see them, many movies never get released anywhere close to my location, many hours away. aka Crank 2. Crank 2 would take a 5-6 hours of driving back and forth to see, some people don't like driving that much in a day aka me, so in essence the online theater would open new avenues for myself and many others and give them a chance to see movies that they'd never have option to see before, it would basically be the netflix of the movie theater world.

05-04-2009, 11:14 PM
Do you live in a small town, Jak? I used to go to school in one, and wanting to jaunt to the theater to see a movie meant traveling 45 minutes to an hour to a decent theater that still didn't guarantee that what you wanted to see would be there.

The only new releases we got were really craptacular.

05-05-2009, 12:54 AM
Do you live in a small town, Jak? I used to go to school in one, and wanting to jaunt to the theater to see a movie meant traveling 45 minutes to an hour to a decent theater that still didn't guarantee that what you wanted to see would be there.

The only new releases we got were really craptacular.

about 15k, so yup. decent theaters around here just don't exist.

05-20-2009, 09:12 PM
sounds good to me

05-20-2009, 11:04 PM
I think it's a good Idea, what stops people from renting videos and copying them? God Bless Netflix