View Full Version : The Rock to play Fenix in Gears film?

05-11-2009, 10:46 AM
Gears of War film writer Chris Morgan thinks beefy ex-wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would make a great Marcus Fenix because he can be tough and show his emotions.

"Normally when I write, I think about the actor I'm writing for, but this one's been difficult," Morgan told MTV Movies.

"It is a vital casting choice. It's counter-intuitive really, because it seems like you want to get a big character - a big tough guy who can play it stoic the whole time - but in my experience, dealing with macho sorts of movies and dealing with Dom [Vin Diesel's character in Fast & Furious] and that kind of stuff, it's harder to play the tough guy than an emotional character who's all over the place.

"The Rock is awesome," he added. "There's a genuine actor. Not only can he play the tough guy, but he can also play the nuanced, sensitive funny sad moments as well."

Morgan said the actor playing Fenix also needn't be as muscular as his virtual counterpart, so long as he's "a guy you believe can throw a punch and a guy you believe is stoic, locked in his own head, and [can] show emotion without telegraphing it".

Casting hasn't yet begun, as the Gears of War script has only just been finished and the team is now budgeting out the project.

Die Hard 4.0 director Len Wiseman will boss the project, and the film is expected in cinemas next year.

Personally I like The Rock's previous 'Action' movies but I don't think he'd be the right person to play Marcus Fenix.
I mean, how can you replace John Di Maggio as the voice of Fenix?

05-11-2009, 10:55 AM
Oh, hell...

Dwayne is an awful actor. Seriously.
His emotions and the play on his face are totally botched wrestling expressions that are totally over-exaggerated so that people far off can see his emotion. He shouldn't try to convey that to a camera that's less than twenty feet away. -_- ...

Personally, I think with Diesel's advancements in Riddick and Fast and Furious, he's proven more-so that his acting career is a little more important to him now, than just being the monkey-meat head, who's good looking so he can kinda get away with being a craptacular actor.
He would be better fit for the role, me thinks.

I also think that guy from ... uhm, the movie Condemed - some wrestler, he should be one of the other guys in the GoW Movie. He's not so bad, more believable, I think - than Dwayne. I think he's Goldberg, or something? I keep wanting to say Jesse Ventura, but he's a governor or something.

05-11-2009, 12:33 PM
lol saying the rock is a terrible actor and the rebutting with vin f****** diesel...hilarious , anyways the wrestler that play in the terrible movie the condemned was none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. Any who, video game adaptation so I'll likely dislike it.

05-11-2009, 04:11 PM
While I like the Dwayne Johnson's movies, I don't think he's the right man for the job. The original voice actor, John Di Maggio actually looks the part (if he shaved his awful beard) and it would definitely make the character more "believable", especially to the fans of the series. Besides, his physical stature won't matter too much if they have the cast decked out in the gears uniform.

Besides... Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and game adaptation don't go well hand in hand. Does the movie DOOM ring any bells?

05-11-2009, 07:24 PM
i think he would be a better Dom than Marcus

05-20-2009, 08:16 PM
The Rock..

If they cast Dwayne "THE ROCK" Johnson, I will not see the movie.
That's just.

He's just way too cheesey.
I'd need two whole bottles of wine to go with the amount of cheese he has.