View Full Version : Angels & Demons narrowly beats Star Trek

05-17-2009, 10:50 PM

Looks like positive word of mouth will carry Star Trek to the new #1 movie of the year. Next week should be interesting as Night at the Museum 2 and Terminator Salvation open up.

05-17-2009, 11:00 PM
i still have to see the top 3 movies there..now that school is done, I may go one day to catch all three...assuming I have money to spare for theaters.

05-17-2009, 11:05 PM
I doubt I'd watch any of the top 3. I've heard many bad things about Wolverine, Star Trek isn't my cup of tea, The Da Vinci Code didn't keep my interest so I doubt Angels & Demons would either. As far as wide releases left for May, Drag me to hell, UP and Terminator Salvation are on my look out to catch some time.

05-17-2009, 11:18 PM
haven't watched a lot of tv in the past 3 weeks due to finals, so I basically heard almost nothing about wolverine aside from some good stuff from friends that saw it.

and I liked the Da Vinci Code - kept my interest, found it interesting but I can see how it can lose your attention - I didn't get it the first time around, had to see it a second time to get it (didn't see it in theaters at all, saw it on dvd somewhere) - So i want to see A&D since they say it's better but it's also not likely that I'll see it in theaters unless someone pays for me to go

05-18-2009, 02:29 AM
I don't see how in the heck star trek would be beaten. I still got to see it

05-18-2009, 07:14 AM
Just saw Star Trek. Keep in mind I've never watched a single episode of the series or any of the past movies and I grew up as a Star Wars fan.

With that being said, Star Trek was ****ing fantastical! It was VERY well put together and some very classic Trekkie lines were thrown in for fan service but made even people like me smile when I heard Mr. Scott scream in his Scottish accent, "I'm giving her all shes got Captain!!!".

It was little things like that that brought small smiles to peoples faces and a cameo by Leonard Nimoy that sent many Trekkies through the roof. My fiance, who tends to not like anything action-y couldnt stop talking about it on the way home asking 100 questions about some of the things I saw.

Bottom line.... fan or not, this movie is GOOOOOD! Worlds better than X-Men as far as action movies go. This is going to give Terminator a run for its money IMO.

05-18-2009, 09:52 AM
I loved the star trek movie. Never watched a single show of it that I can remember, but it was still great! I was going to see it again yesterday, but my dad wanted to see Angels and Demons. That too was a good movie. I saw Wolverine, I don't know how it is STILL doing so well...

05-18-2009, 11:26 AM
Wow, that is sort of surprising. Star Trek was a really good movie, I didn't think anything was gonna beat it. Though I have yet to see Angels and Demons, it also looks really good, but not as good a Star Trek.

Choke On Candy
05-18-2009, 11:59 AM
I want to go see this movie it looks awesome:yes:

05-18-2009, 01:56 PM
intown theater just re-opened this past weekend and they brought in Wolverine and Hannah Montana Movie :laugh: fail.

Master Ackrovan
05-18-2009, 10:35 PM
Angels and demons has got to be one of the best movies that have come out this spring so far, and I hope it kicks the crap out of Star Trek in the long run (which is still a good movie) as far as profits go. Its got one of those plots that keeps on coming, twisting at every turn. I'm very happy to say I was one of the first people to watch it, and I am trilled to see it wasn't a big waste of time.

I do intend to go see T:S once it comes out. I've been hearing some bad things about wolverine, so I think I'll wait until it comes out for netflix before checking it out.

The Last Archon

05-18-2009, 11:03 PM
domestic is probably a lost cause, WW is may have a chance. Foreign hasn't been favorable to Star Trek, only 67 million thus far, Angels and Demons foreign has already surpassed that with 102.