View Full Version : Bad Days

06-01-2009, 03:03 PM
Anyone ever had one?
One where you feel everything that happens is bad, and it is only going to get worse?
One where you are told it'll get better, but you know it won't?
Or where you feel you have to do something?

I've been having a bad couple weeks because of a couple things.
Getting tired of them, and I might stop them by myself soon.

And my day was terrible.

Just wondering is anyone else has ever had one?

06-01-2009, 03:54 PM
that's like a regular for me - Having a terrible one right now (already told you about part of it)

hopefully things get better for you - I kinda gave up hope for my days already

06-01-2009, 11:13 PM
all the time

Choke On Candy
06-02-2009, 08:37 AM
Oh my god yes. Kinda feeling it right now;(

06-02-2009, 03:52 PM
I've been pretty cheerful, actually.

06-02-2009, 04:16 PM
I am happy too because I got a b on my science test and I thought i totally bombed it! :)

06-02-2009, 05:58 PM
How about a bad day that got worse?
Anyone have those?

06-02-2009, 06:08 PM
How about a bad day that got worse?
Anyone have those?

oh yea - a squeak in serpentine belt of car turned into a water pump damage where the cost of fix went from $50 to $750

that's just one example of last week for me! I have like 80 more...most of which I would rather not repeat

06-05-2009, 07:43 PM
Everyone has bad days.

But lately I've just had TOTALLY SUPER RAD DAYS.

Sorry I just had to rub it in all your miserable little faces B |

B |

06-10-2009, 09:51 AM
yesterday was one of the worst days ive had in a long time. i feel your pain. when a bad day comes, you just get this hopeless feeling. it really sux

06-10-2009, 07:06 PM
Don't want to sound glib about any of your circumstances, Lord knows, I've been through enough of my own troubling times but things can and do change eventually.

Please hang in there. This began as an older thread so my prayer is that by now things have mostly turned around for all of you.

Take care.

06-10-2009, 07:24 PM
hmm, I haven't really had one in a long time. Lucky me I guess.

06-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I'm having a bad day today :/

06-10-2009, 08:17 PM
Aww Jak, need a lil hug?
(hopefully, someone better lookin' than me will step up)

06-10-2009, 10:58 PM
actually I need someone to break in Weinstein and demand them to not cut 40 minutes off of Inglorious Basterds, I guess no theater viewing for me, I'll have to wait for the directors cut :(

06-10-2009, 11:15 PM
actually I need someone to break in Weinstein and demand them to not cut 40 minutes off of Inglorious Basterds, I guess no theater viewing for me, I'll have to wait for the directors cut :(

Did they decide to cut it? D:
I heard there were a lot of reviewers saying there was too much talking, but man.
I'll see it, and then judge.
And then maybe I'll wait for directors cut.

06-10-2009, 11:35 PM
Did they decide to cut it? D:
I heard there were a lot of reviewers saying there was too much talking, but man.
I'll see it, and then judge.
And then maybe I'll wait for directors cut.

off an movieweb source that actually seen it at Cannes, they say yes it's bloated but the bloatation makes the movie make sense and they can't see how cutting anything let alone 40 minutes will make it work. they cutting it to pieces will leave the audience :confused:

06-11-2009, 09:58 AM
Well that just sucks, now doesn't it?