View Full Version : Rate Me オンラインでルナ

06-01-2009, 05:20 PM
私はセクシーなおかしいないこのゲームimのsooooで非常に非常に非常にセクシーなスパムの発信者のコ ーナー…そうimにそうあるので私がオンラインルナと呼ばれたひどい農場のシミュレーターのオンライン ゲームについての不明確に長い単一文のポストを掲示するとこの文続いてもいかったり従って私に停止するよう に頼むことを迷惑を掛けない考えた非常に非常に非常に非常に長い時間の間。 なんてこった、それを見たか。 私は文を停止した!

06-01-2009, 05:49 PM
see, we have a section for this

and i see a google ad in japanese now

06-01-2009, 07:52 PM

06-01-2009, 09:58 PM


06-03-2009, 08:44 PM
i cannot read. thus, fail is declared

06-03-2009, 09:15 PM
Because I sexy strangely with soooo of this game im which is not very very corner… of the originator of very sexy [supamu] so so am in im, concerning the online game of the simulator of the terrible farm where I was called online Lunar when the post of the indefinitely long single sentence is posted, this sentence continuously being and applying and/or therefore in order to stop in me, asking very does not apply annoyance and thought very very between very long times. How the [tsu] it is, you looked at that densely? I stopped the sentence!

moonspeak decoded tks to internet translator

06-05-2009, 12:26 AM
Because I sexy strangely with soooo of this game im which is not very very corner… of the originator of very sexy [supamu] so so am in im, concerning the online game of the simulator of the terrible farm where I was called online Lunar when the post of the indefinitely long single sentence is posted, this sentence continuously being and applying and/or therefore in order to stop in me, asking very does not apply annoyance and thought very very between very long times. How the [tsu] it is, you looked at that densely? I stopped the sentence!

lol whut? haha

06-05-2009, 07:21 AM
My brain hurts trying to decipher what that translation is trying to say.

06-05-2009, 07:41 PM
It's saying he's sexy and he wants to play games with you all night long.

It's ok guys.
I have a lvl 10 moonspeak translator.
I can do this.

06-06-2009, 04:50 PM
ok WTF guys.... ZOMFG thats hilarious, but thats now what i said. we all know trsnlators suck. but instead of tellin you what i was tryin to say, maybe i can just watch you guys try to figure it out, whoever comes out with the best trnslation wins!

それで、もう一度私は非常に非常に長く、私が朝食のための3頭のラマを今日食べた文を、そう今私限界にあな たの訳者を押す行っている書いている。 私は上…であるまたは私はあるか。 あるためにはまたはないために、これ実際にそれは多くの意味を成している。 の後で、来られて、すべてが彼女について話す私達はチャネルを聞く! 今私は方法の指示をあなたの犬が付いている性を持つ与える。
1: 犬を取りなさい、肉挽き器に入れなさい
2: 私は何時間もわめき散らしてもいい
3: 私は今のところされる。あなたの愚かな月の輝やきの訳者がそれをいかに取ったか見るために割り 当てる!


06-06-2009, 07:32 PM
"All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, All hail Id.E.M, "

My translation's the best. No contest lol

06-06-2009, 09:24 PM
if you put my ramblings into a translator and that came out, i would bow down and kiss your feet. im not even joking. at least i have a GENERAL idea about what im saying =P