View Full Version : Love?Like?

06-24-2009, 01:10 AM
I'm really confused right now.
There's this one time all of the problems in my life started crashing down.
my boyfriend broke up with me,my mom and i had a fight, my brother was too busy with his friend and i was alone i often cried.
One night as i was browsing my friendster account i saw his profile
it was one of my friend's friends(Get it?)
he's cool,nice,a gamer and sweet.
i read his profile and then i noticed, i wasn't crying anymore. and uuugghh when i saw his pictures i was like WOW! O_O(kaaawwwaiiiii!!)
I had a crush on him for about a year now and miraculously he sent me a message saying that i should add him on YM.
we talked about 3 times already.and i can't stop thinking about him.
and i'm really confused.
I have a verry weird feeling when i talk to him., i blush whenever he says something sweet.

I have no idea what i'm feeling right now.
Is it Love? or Is it just another crush?

06-24-2009, 08:51 AM
... how are we supposed to know? I think that's really up to you. :-/

06-24-2009, 09:57 AM
kitty is right, we don't know how your mind and heart functions so none of us can accurately say what you are feeling

but if I had to take a guess, I wouldn't call it love - that's a very strong feeling and it doesn't come out of thin air or at least not from a friendster profile

06-24-2009, 11:11 AM
trust me, it's not love.

if you're uncertain, then it's not love. and it just doesn't appear overnight.

you're deeply in like.

06-24-2009, 02:02 PM
sounds like a case of lust to me

06-24-2009, 02:05 PM
Why are people coming here to ask love problems. This is worse then asking /b/

Also: do you know them in real life???
its hard to tell you if u love him only u can

06-24-2009, 03:10 PM
Don't know what it is either projectnate but I would encourage you to take this whole thing real slow.

Not every good lookin', sweet talkin' potential is the answer to life's little problems and most times can be the doorway to even greater troubles.

Sorry that you were hurt but be very careful about opening yourself up to more.

06-24-2009, 06:13 PM
Thanx for the comments everyone, ^_^

"sounds like a case of lust to me"

and jakncoke

"sounds like a case of lust to me"

i find this comment of yours offensive,

i know I'm just a newbie here but please when you post a comment on things like this
you should think about what you're gonna say first.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, i just wanted to say what i feel.

06-24-2009, 06:15 PM
err what? why are you offended? I think you just went to webster and read the definition of it and got offended, here in america lust is basically a synonym to crush. don't get your panties in twist by every passing comment ffs

06-24-2009, 06:46 PM
To jakncoke

do you even know the meaning of lust?

Lust - is an inordinate craving for sexual intercourse often to the point of assuming a self-indulgent, and sometimes violent character. Lust, or an immoderate desire for the flesh of another (outside of matrimony),considered a sin, or impure act.

one of the 7 Deadly Sins.

I think you wanted to say Infatuation

Synonyms of Infatuation include :

Facination,love,puppy love or CRUSH.
hmm... why use lust if you can freely say "crush"
and FYI i know what offended means.

Offended - to cause/ to feel vexation or resentment usually by violation of what is proper or fitting <was offended by their language>

If you "OFFEND" somebody it means that you "HURT" his/her "FEELINGS".

I don't want to start a fight, i just got pissed because of your rude comment.

Rudeness - is the disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette.

06-24-2009, 06:50 PM

Sorry but. WTF did Jak do? the word "lust" made you mad? guess its not used the same here as it is where your at

06-24-2009, 06:52 PM
You do know people use words without literal meaning right? This happens to a lot of words in america. You know what if I wanted to read your whiney crybaby boo hoo bs I'd date you but I don't so to ignore you go. cry a friggin river.


06-24-2009, 06:56 PM
how about we all stop spamming this thread

06-24-2009, 06:57 PM
You do know people use words without literal meaning right? This happens to a lot of words in america. You know what if I wanted to read your whiney crybaby boo hoo bs I'd date you but I don't so to ignore you go. cry a friggin river.


honestly, if you don't want to read, then don't look at this thread anymore. She asked for some help with relationship things and all you do is start to arguing about how words shouldn't be offensive. Give it a rest..... You don't have to have an argument with every person you disagree with.

Anyway, I'd just take it slow. You really don't need to push relationships fast, just let them go there own route. The more you talk to him, the more you'll get to know who he really is. Then just take it from there.

06-24-2009, 06:59 PM
"Sorry but. WTF did Jak do? the word "lust" made you mad? guess its not used the same here as it is where your at"

no i don't hate him or anything. i just got offended on the way he said "lust"
i am a girl after all.

From where i come from we don't use Lust to describe having a crush on somebody.

Now i understand what he meant and i'm sorry if i may have caused anything to trouble you.

06-24-2009, 07:02 PM
"Sorry but. WTF did Jak do? the word "lust" made you mad? guess its not used the same here as it is where your at"

no i don't hate him or anything. i just got offended on the way he said "lust"
i am a girl after all.

From where i come from we don't use Lust to describe having a crush on somebody.

Now i understand what he meant and i'm sorry if i may have caused anything to trouble you.

wait your saying you don't have a crush on this guy? you really told us how you "Like" this guy in the first post but you don't?


06-24-2009, 07:04 PM
Where is he in relation to you? 'cause i would highly recomend not falling head over heals in love with a guy who lives half-way around the world.
I would say it's probably just a crush - especially if you've only talked 3 times - but you're the only one who can tell if it might be something bigger.

06-24-2009, 07:05 PM
no i don't hate him or anything. i just got offended on the way he said "lust"
i am a girl after all. - is not the guy i'm talking about in my post

the one i'm talking about when i replied was jakncoke
"i just got offended on the way he said "lust"
i am a girl after all."
see? ^_^

06-24-2009, 07:06 PM
dude wait what.

Really what is going on here

06-24-2009, 07:08 PM
dude wait what.

Really what is going on here

quit spamming and just shut up....

Did you try reading? She said she doesn't hate Jak, she didn't say anything about not liking guy she has been talking to on YM.

Or are you confused about the lust part? Because the literal definition of lust is having a strong urge to have sex.

my god....

06-24-2009, 07:10 PM
quit spamming and just shut up....

Did you try reading? She said she doesn't hate Jak, she didn't say anything about not liking guy she has been talking to on YM.

Or are you confused about the lust part? Because the literal definition of lust is having a strong urge to have sex.

my god....

Lol dude having a bad day?

Where am I spamming. I'm trying to figure out whats going on and do my best to help the person.

chill out man


meanings of the word.

Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.
An overwhelming desire or craving: a lust for power.
Intense eagerness or enthusiasm: a lust for life.
Obsolete. Pleasure; relish.

see all jak means it u "like" this person thing object what ever it may be

06-24-2009, 07:21 PM
OMG please don't fight O_O


i can explain everything ^_^

Jacob :

You said to me earlier that i'm mad at jakncoke.

here was my reply to that message :
"I am not mad nor do i hate jakncoke, i just said that i got offended with the way he said Lust.
From where i come from we don't use that word to describe having a crush on somebody."

And about the guy whom i like.
I do have a crush on him, i'm just confused on what i feel now.
Yes i just talked to him about 3 times but he made me feel something different
something i've never felt before.

To Trunks :
Thanks again hahaha!

To raidae :
"Where is he in relation to you? 'cause i would highly recomend not falling head over heals in love with a guy who lives half-way around the world.
I would say it's probably just a crush - especially if you've only talked 3 times - but you're the only one who can tell if it might be something bigger."

HE is a friend of a friend, it's true that i just talked to him 3 times but i don't know
i think it's something different from having a crush i don't feel like this when i have a crush on someone..

thanx for the comment and for the advice

06-24-2009, 07:33 PM
HE is a friend of a friend, it's true that i just talked to him 3 times but i don't know
i think it's something different from having a crush i don't feel like this when i have a crush on someone..

thanx for the comment and for the advice

Then get his phone number. :) see how a phone convo goes. and then meet - but make sure that your mutual friend goes with you. safety first XD

06-24-2009, 07:35 PM
you're right! i should get his number:laugh:

thanx! ^____^

06-24-2009, 07:36 PM
OMG please don't fight O_O


i can explain everything ^_^

Jacob :

You said to me earlier that i'm mad at jakncoke.

here was my reply to that message :
"I am not mad nor do i hate jakncoke, i just said that i got offended with the way he said Lust.
From where i come from we don't use that word to describe having a crush on somebody."

And about the guy whom i like.
I do have a crush on him, i'm just confused on what i feel now.
Yes i just talked to him about 3 times but he made me feel something different
something i've never felt before.

To Trunks :
Thanks again hahaha!

that sounds about right. All I wanted to point out is jak was not trying to hurt your feelings.

I don't know why trunks had to spaz out when I was trying to see what was going on

06-24-2009, 07:40 PM
meanings of the word.

Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.
An overwhelming desire or craving: a lust for power.
Intense eagerness or enthusiasm: a lust for life.
Obsolete. Pleasure; relish.

see all jak means it u "like" this person thing object what ever it may be.
but it still inappropriate to say Lust in describing having a crush on someone.


i can explain everything ^_^

Jacob :

You said to me earlier that i'm mad at jakncoke.

here was my reply to that message :
"I am not mad nor do i hate jakncoke, i just said that i got offended with the way he said Lust.
From where i come from we don't use that word to describe having a crush on somebody."

And about the guy whom i like.
I do have a crush on him, i'm just confused on what i feel now.
Yes i just talked to him about 3 times but he made me feel something different
something i've never felt before.

To Trunks :
Thanks again hahaha!
that sounds about right. All I wanted to point out is jak was not trying to hurt your feelings.

I don't know why trunks had to spaz out when I was trying to see what was going on
__________________________________________________ _______________

he was just trying to explain things hehehe ^_^

i know that jakncoke wan't trying to hurt me but he just did hahaha twice already the 1st and the second comment he posted.

06-24-2009, 08:22 PM
k. can you guys stop talking about what jak said, and about what's going on? everyone made a big deal of nothing.

lust can either mean a strong desire to be with someone but with no real basis, or just a craving for sex. jak meant the first, you thought he meant the second, that's all.

anyways, just talk to the kid and look for the signs he might like you. idk get his number and text him and ask to hang out?

Choke On Candy
06-24-2009, 09:25 PM
I'm confused by this thread... is it Love?Like?Sex? lmao

06-24-2009, 09:37 PM
hehehe no sex :-P

06-24-2009, 10:22 PM
k. can you guys stop talking about what jak said, and about what's going on?

Jak was all like, "Sounds like lust me to"
Japanese girl was all like "Oh hold up, I ain't no ho!"
Jak was all like "Calm down ho, i ain't saying you a ho!"
And Japanese girl was all like "I said i ain't no ho!"
And Jak was all like "Girl, you best quit yo crying"
And then epsilonx was all like "Jak, quit being a ho!"
And then i skipped over the other post
And then epsilonx was all like "Eurbody Chill"
And then riku was all like "lolno", and then he came up with a clever recap of the past events.
You should game with him.
I'd like it if a girl would game with me.
Ask questions about him to.
But be stubble with it.
Like, don't just ask, question after question.
Ask 1, and then if there's like, an awkward silence or something, ask another one, etc.
You shouldn't be worried though.
As long as you aren't ugly, he should be into you.

06-24-2009, 10:31 PM


06-24-2009, 10:59 PM
thanx for the advice Riku hehehe ^_^

06-25-2009, 07:27 AM

Jak was all like, "Sounds like lust me to"
Japanese girl was all like "Oh hold up, I ain't no ho!"
Jak was all like "Calm down ho, i ain't saying you a ho!"
And Japanese girl was all like "I said i ain't no ho!"
And Jak was all like "Girl, you best quit yo crying"
And then epsilonx was all like "Jak, quit being a ho!"
And then i skipped over the other post
And then epsilonx was all like "Eurbody Chill"
And then riku was all like "lolno", and then he came up with a clever recap of the past events.

Oh GODS that made me lol.

But seriously, you should do the following......(but not necessarily in the same order)

1. contact him
2. meet up with him
3. go on "mutual dates/hangouts" (first should be group dates)
4. See if he's into you in that way.
5. Get married
6. Have kids

And no...it's probably not love....at least not yet. Love is something that comes from a tremendous amount of affection and care for a person that goes beyond the realms of a normal relationship and doesn't really become aware between two people until after a long period of time. You learn that from A LOT of experience. Trust me I know full well the difference between someone I'm infatuated with, and someone I love (3 years+!) What you're feeling is probably just that giddy high school style crush:wub:

がんばって くづさい!!!!

06-25-2009, 11:03 AM
Projectnate, you seem like the most lovable, energetic person lol.
I say you should get to know him more.

06-25-2009, 09:50 PM
thanx for the comments and the advice s^_^
i'm gonna try and meet up with him hihihihi..
i just texted him a while ago.
i sure hope it's okay if i meet up with him.
i'm touched by all the comments(well except one) and advices everyone^__^

domo arigatou gazaimasu!
Ki o tsukette minna!

06-25-2009, 10:39 PM
Yea...what you said.
Damn i need to hurry up and go to Japan

06-25-2009, 11:05 PM
hahahaha go go go!

06-25-2009, 11:58 PM
I've always been confused as to how your able to type in english, if you're in japan.

06-26-2009, 12:05 AM
I've always been confused as to how your able to type in english, if you're in japan.

Cause she has a magic keyboard.


06-26-2009, 01:15 AM
I'm in america, and I can type in 日本語。

06-26-2009, 01:20 AM
do you want me to type in japanese? hehehehe ^_^

06-26-2009, 10:57 AM

Jak was all like, "Sounds like lust me to"
Japanese girl was all like "Oh hold up, I ain't no ho!"
Jak was all like "Calm down ho, i ain't saying you a ho!"
And Japanese girl was all like "I said i ain't no ho!"
And Jak was all like "Girl, you best quit yo crying"
And then epsilonx was all like "Jak, quit being a ho!"
And then i skipped over the other post
And then epsilonx was all like "Eurbody Chill"
And then riku was all like "lolno", and then he came up with a clever recap of the past events..

bold event didn't happen

06-26-2009, 01:33 PM
bold event didn't happen

shut up ho....

06-26-2009, 02:56 PM
bold event didn't happen

My bad guy.
I meant Trunks.
I get y'all confused sometimes.

06-27-2009, 01:18 AM
I can understand both can be quite the negative nancy

06-27-2009, 03:47 AM
Jacob, why are you such a douche?
Dont hurt me.....

06-29-2009, 12:26 PM
no he's right.

06-29-2009, 01:12 PM
To get back on-topic...
Love is strange.
No one ever loves the exact same way, some could actually love each other after 1 date, some after Over 9000.
It isn't something others can tell you.
It's a feeling that only you can feel, and if you aren't sure, well, I don't think you are. You'd know if you are.
You may not be able to describe how you know, but you would know you are.

So people saying, "You can't love that quick" or whatever crap has been said, I lost track when Riku went on his epic win list of events, she could.
But since she isn't sure, I doubt it.
My opinion.

You know the saying, "If you can describe your feeling of love, you aren't in love" or however it goes.

I think you like him, just my opinion.
Just hang out with him.
Go to a Coffee Shop and just hang out there, even if you two don't like Coffee. It'd still be fun, lol.

Talk to him more, and hang out with him. You'll know when you two are very close, trust me.

07-07-2009, 08:03 PM
Love is something you know.
It takes time.
Probably more than anything

You're just on your "aftercrush" you just broke up with someone, got hurt, now you've found someone who may be able to make you happy again.
It's a different kind of like, perhaps, but it's not love.