View Full Version : The USA is NOT free country

07-10-2009, 04:44 PM
In many of our minds (those that live in this country) the USA ( i don't say America since there is more to America than us, ie north and south America =/= us) is a free land and many have come to us in a desperation find what they determine to be "freedom". In modern day US there are many thing that we can do legally. But that is the sad part. I am sick and tired of a country that claims that we are free yet we are subjection to laws and prohibition that should not be here in the first place. I can hear it now, the huddled masses saying "If you don't like than leave and see how much you like it.". Well **** you, this country was founded on the principle that people can and do as they wish without and persecution from anyone else. When you look back on this you will see that it is nothing but lies. We are not free and we cannot doing anything that out peers deem outstanding by THEIR standards. We have hundreds of thousands of laws that prohibit and control any actions taken by our citizens. This country is rotting and soon will be a cesspool of hell that will only pollute the world in its growth. I know that this will do nothing to change anything or make anything better but i need to get it off my chest that this so called "Free" country can limit what people can do. So please, in behalf of our brothers and sister of this USA, please bring up your opinion on to why this country seems to be free to you and will be sure as hell to shoot them down and let you burn in the misery that is false information feed to you by the DICTATORSHIP that is America.

**** this false country with its false government and its influence by major corporations.

Edit: i will be asking Linux to personally delete any comments that are not related to this discussion.

07-10-2009, 05:17 PM
Freedom is a funny word is it not. By freedom you want the right to do whatever you want without the consequences which you would be subjected to today. But, true freedom would be utter chaos. The anarchy of having no laws of which to abide by would result in the USA destroying itself. For example, there would be no penalty for murder - how safe and 'free' would that make you feel? Knowing that someone could kill you at any moment and get away with it scot-free. Likely everybody would freak out and kill as many people as they could before they got killed.
Also, stealing would be A-okay. So, everybody steals all the food they want from anywhere, the games from anywhere and it would be perfectly all right. Then companies stop making the food, games, clothes and everything else 'cos they don't want to and they ain't makin money. At somepoint the whole place will be screwed.
There are plenty of examples of what would happen if America were to become truly "free", and the majority of them, not good.
It's nice to think that if you had anarchy, everyone would still be civil - working, not killing on sight and just geberally making the country a better place. But reality is reality and no doubt people would do what they want, when they want, not giving a tinkers-curse about the consequences.

Of course, others may view freedom as the ability to have a say in laws, to be of the religion they want or who-knows what else. Personally, i don't know if the USA gives people that freedom, but maybe that's the freedom they mean, whan people say the USA is free.

07-10-2009, 06:15 PM
While many of our "freedoms" have eroded somewhat and continue to do so, thanks to over legislation and special interests, we are still one of the freest nations in the world. That's why we are still a people magnet for many other countries. (still not saying that we're the only country but we do offer many opportunities that many countries cannot)

What exactly are you talking about when you say, "we are subjection (sic) to laws and prohibition that should not be here in the first place"?

07-10-2009, 06:20 PM
well, we're free to do other things that don't restrict the freedom of others, or...whatever that word is their rights. you can't kill somebody, because then they no longer have any freedom, you're basically removing their right to live.

if somebody has a business, they worked hard to set it up, especially a family business, you're not allowed to steal from it because it harms the other person's living. ect.

i know that sounds n00bish but my vocabulary isn't working today

(yes, i did give up halfway through the OP)

07-10-2009, 06:23 PM
While many of our "freedoms" have eroded somewhat and continue to do so, thanks to over legislation and special interests, we are still one of the freest nations in the world. That's why we are still a people magnet for many other countries. (still not saying that we're the only country but we do offer many opportunities that many countries cannot)

Exactly. I mean in comparisson to China the USA IS anarchy. Also, you've got nobody else to answer to. The USA rules the USA. The ****** English rule over Scotland, Wales and part of Ireland. All your govermental desiscions are dependent upon yourselves and you guys alone. Whereas twats in other countries get a say in what our army does among plenty of things which have nought to do with them. You're more free than I.

07-10-2009, 07:14 PM
See, this is my problem.
I love America. But right now, we are heading into a Socialism, and keeping it up, we'll be heading into a Communism, and we, as a nation, are allowing it.

We elect our representatives to Represent us.
We do NOT elect them, to change their views on important subjects.
Look at the Cap and Trade Bill.
8 Republicans voted for it.
How sad is that?
8 Republicans we elected to vote Republican changed their mind, without caring, and are helping to ruin our nation.
We get taxed.
And Taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And people think it is going to help.
People, who VOTED and gave their best interest in someone who thinks it will help!
Someone, who thinks to spark the economy, gives 250 bucks or whatever to people.
Well guess where that money went?
And how about lowering taxes?
It isn't like the government doesn't have enough money, they are spending trillions a month for Bailouts, and whatever else they want.
Oh, but it's helping.
Debt is great.
Obama and his House and Senate are ruining our nation, and we are allowing it.
We are allowing, our free nation, to become ruined.
Complain as you want, millions of people think they are making it better, and America 'helped' by electing such people.

By the way, for people who are for that Nation Healthcare or whatever it is called:
Nothing is free.
You might think you get free healthcare.
But that is paid by your government.
Who is just building up our National Debt.
Trillions a month.
With Healthcare, it will go up FASTER.
So think about that.

07-10-2009, 07:32 PM
See, this is my problem.
I love America. But right now, we are heading into a Socialism, and keeping it up, we'll be heading into a Communism, and we, as a nation, are allowing it.

We elect our representatives to Represent us.
We do NOT elect them, to change their views on important subjects.
Look at the Cap and Trade Bill.
8 Republicans voted for it.
How sad is that?
8 Republicans we elected to vote Republican changed their mind, without caring, and are helping to ruin our nation.
We get taxed.
And Taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And taxed.
And people think it is going to help.
People, who VOTED and gave their best interest in someone who thinks it will help!
Someone, who thinks to spark the economy, gives 250 bucks or whatever to people.
Well guess where that money went?
And how about lowering taxes?
It isn't like the government doesn't have enough money, they are spending trillions a month for Bailouts, and whatever else they want.
Oh, but it's helping.
Debt is great.
Obama and his House and Senate are ruining our nation, and we are allowing it.
We are allowing, our free nation, to become ruined.
Complain as you want, millions of people think they are making it better, and America 'helped' by electing such people.

By the way, for people who are for that Nation Healthcare or whatever it is called:
Nothing is free.
You might think you get free healthcare.
But that is paid by your government.
Who is just building up our National Debt.
Trillions a month.
With Healthcare, it will go up FASTER.
So think about that.

I love your words.

I must agree. We are heading into a horrible place lead by obama.

Obama approval rating is starting to get near under 50% approved

07-10-2009, 11:47 PM
Freedom is just a word politicians threw/through around to get votes.

No one is free in any country.

You can either let it happen, ***** and moan, or go out and do something.

07-11-2009, 12:33 AM
Cervantes, you are mistaken sir.
You are not a free country.
Think about it.

07-14-2009, 08:19 AM
My family supports Barack Obama.

There are a lot of idiots in this world, but politicians and Americans aren't the only ones.

07-14-2009, 01:54 PM
There are a lot of idiots in this world, but politicians and Americans aren't the only ones.

Like democrats?
You left them off the list.

Choke On Candy
07-14-2009, 04:32 PM
Our world has been fought over for power and religion for thousands of years doubt it will change overnight.

07-14-2009, 06:08 PM
Like democrats?
You left them off the list.
All of my family members are democrats, and in my own opinion, the democratic side makes more sense than the republican.

07-14-2009, 10:17 PM
All of my family members are democrats, and in my own opinion, the democratic side makes more sense than the republican.

Cap and Trade.
Heard of it?
Tell me that makes sense.

How does National Health care make sense?
It just raises our National Debt- which was why people hated Bush. He raised the debt.

How does TONS of taxing help our nation?
Makes no sense.
It ruins it.

And don't get me started on Stimulus Checks.
250 bucks. Whoo. Guess where it goes?

You're right, Democratic views make a ton of sense.
That is, if you wanna ruin our nation.

07-14-2009, 10:35 PM
Cap and Trade.
Heard of it?
Tell me that makes sense.

How does National Health care make sense?
It just raises our National Debt- which was why people hated Bush. He raised the debt.

How does TONS of taxing help our nation?
Makes no sense.
It ruins it.

And don't get me started on Stimulus Checks.
250 bucks. Whoo. Guess where it goes?

You're right, Democratic views make a ton of sense.
That is, if you wanna ruin our nation.

sounds like a repeat of a few debates we had a while ago - so here goes again.

1. National Health care works - look at canada and the UK - they are happy with it and it's working for them - and national debt has to do with how much money you owe to other countries - when you have a national health care system, you are basically investing in your own people's health, the money is going into the country, not anywhere else - the fact that bush left us in a ton of debt is the thing that makes it hard for us to have national health care - So you can't say national health care will raise debt - it doesn't work that way, it's the other way around :)

And Bush raised the national debt by going to war when we didn't have to, that's how you raise the debt, by putting money into other countries, not by investing in your own.

2. Do you like the public buildings provided for you? such as libraries and a federal defense system? how about the roads the people drive on? Taxes help fix all the problems there - otherwise without maintenance, we'll just become a 3rd world country. And when you pay taxes, it doesn't vanish - you get reimbursed when you file your taxes every year and a lot of it is put towards social security and if it still exists in the future, you will be happy you paid taxes because when you retire, you'll get a check every month to help pay bills and buy food. So taxes work, since you're still young, you won't be benefiting from the end goal of it like social security - but that's the intention and it has worked for so long so why not keep it up?

3. And a stimulus plan is to get people to spend money into the economy, to try to stimulate it - it's not an idea brought up by a democrat or a republican - you can't get something like this done alone because it does affect billions of dollars of federal money. And if it helps pay taxes, why not support it?

bailouts are another issue - the gov't shouldn't have interfered with AIG or any of the other companies because those guys are spoiled, they didn't help much at all.

4. The US is a Democratic Republic :) I hope you know that, The views of all parties make it possible for it to be a "free" nation. And i use that word very loosely and it has a lot to do with political agendas which aren't tied to any single party or view.

Hope my stuff makes sense to you. I wasn't trying to speak for or against any party, the objective was just to show you how your views are a bit one sided in the sense that you want to hate democrats.

07-14-2009, 10:41 PM
bah i think that both sides of the party have gone down the same road. Sure they served a purpose once in this country as individuals, but no one seems to remember what it is either one does good. Now a days its just both parties throwing out false promises every 4 years while simultaneously dumping feces on each other.

Anything that carries a title in this country has been watered down sold off for parts.

I know i could have easily said all sides are idiots but it didn't feel quite enough to express my hate and what i'm typing here is also unnecessary. No you cannot have your time back.

Why are you still reading?

07-14-2009, 10:50 PM
bah i think that both sides of the party have gone down the same road. Sure they served a purpose once in this country as individuals, but no one seems to remember what it is either one does good. Now a days its just both parties throwing out false promises every 4 years while simultaneously dumping feces on each other.

That's politics for you. That's why a lot of people nowadays vote by looking at what the politicians do and not by what they say.

NYC is a VERY VERY democratic city and yet Michael Bloomberg has been the governor for the past 8 or so years even though he was a republican a majority of the time. He is actually a good mayor, he has proven himself to do what he promises during his campaigns and people see that. Before him it was Guiliani, another Republican who was actually pretty good too when it came to reducing crime in the city and he made a name for himself.

But the whole feces flinging deal is just stupid imo. Instead of trying to shut down your opponent, you are better off showing people what you are capable of. Thats why republicans failed when they started bringing up Obama's middle name which didn't work out too well.

So far Obama has been doing a good job although I didn't like that he kept on with the bailouts after bush and I don't think it should take 2 years to get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan - it could be and it should be done much faster.

07-14-2009, 11:16 PM
But the whole feces flinging deal is just stupid imo. Instead of trying to shut down your opponent, you are better off showing people what you are capable of. Thats why republicans failed when they started bringing up Obama's middle name which didn't work out too well.

So far Obama has been doing a good job although I didn't like that he kept on with the bailouts after bush and I don't think it should take 2 years to get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan - it could be and it should be done much faster.

Yea i always thought that the candidate is based on how much he actually has to dig up on the guy as opposed to him actually campaigning shows the integrity off the person and shows how they handle opposition. The more filth they feel they must use the dirtier there tactics are with everything. But that's just me.

Also that whole middle name thing is crap....Hussein, being from the word Husayn is the Arabic word meaning good, handsome or beautiful.

Husayn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husayn)

Just cuz some jackass shares the same name as him.......since you know when kids are born they are given names not knowing they will be a jackass or not....doesn't show the integrity of another. My name is Dave but im sure they was a mass murderer but that doesn't mean im one. As the troops, we shouldn't have gone in the first place, that's all i like saying about it since i hate it so much.

07-15-2009, 03:08 AM
well, we're free to do other things that don't restrict the freedom of others, or...whatever that word is their rights. you can't kill somebody, because then they no longer have any freedom, you're basically removing their right to live.

if somebody has a business, they worked hard to set it up, especially a family business, you're not allowed to steal from it because it harms the other person's living. ect.

i know that sounds n00bish but my vocabulary isn't working today

(yes, i did give up halfway through the OP)

well spoken!