View Full Version : Advertise your site

08-16-2006, 10:57 AM
i've recently added some text links on the bottom of the forums if u guys didnt notice, it is to put some text links of other's sites there to help them get traffic, if you have a site you would like to put up, please read on:

You must be a member of this forum and must have at least 15 posts. Your site must be professional, meaning no adult or offensive content, your site will be reviewed before accepted into one of the slots. Only 6 more slots are open, one was already taken. The links will stay up there for a total of 30 days. Unless you are a constant poster, as long as you remain active on the forum, you can ask to renew your text link ad on the forum. I will also try to put up more text links on my upcoming site. Links back to us from your site will be greatly appreciated!

I have received over 370 Uniques in 15 days. From August 1 to August 15, i've received over 30,000 hits. These are just some stats of my site to give you an idea of how many unique visitors and hits i get. More will come. I get dozens of uniques a day.

If you know anyone with a site that needs more advertising, send them here to sign up and get their links on the forum and upcoming site. I will not accept MySpace links or any other sites that do not belong to you.