View Full Version : Bioshock 2: A Shock To The System!

07-19-2009, 12:52 AM
No. That is not the cheesy sequel's name, but the 2 at the end of Bioshock is!

Bioshock 2 takes place 10 years after the first Bioshock in the fall of Rapture. In the first game you are an unsuspecting player dropped into Rapture with no sense of what the hell is going on. But in Bioshock 2 you experience Rapture from the eyes, body, drill, armour, and stubby little legs of a Big Daddy! But your not some wandering, normal (if i can say) Big Daddy, you are in fact the first of the Big Daddies! So that kind of makes you the Big Grandfather [cue the drumroll and snare].


Yes, a Big Daddy, but what are the special attributes accustomed with being the first Big Daddy? Well, by being the first Big Daddy, you are the prototype that all the other BD's are based on. You aren't just some non-thinking scrap of metal bodyguard, you are a thinking, rationalizing, smart, mobile, human being. And oh, lets not forget one of the big aspects of the game, Plasmids. Yes yes, Plasmids, with your dual wield Drill and Super Powers, you are sure to open many cans of whoop-ass. But as in the first game, your going to still need your ADAM, ill cover that later on.

So, as a BD your still going to have to fight your normal psychopaths and splicers. But they also introduce a new enemy into the game...ahem. Well, lets just say that there have been kidnappings in nearby towns of young girls and reporting's said that they have seen a very sleek, extremely fast, and red figure near the shore lines. And thats where your...er...enemy comes in.


THE BIGGGG MO....wait..what?


With her sleek, mobile, sexy....design, the Big Sister will be sure to make a most worthy and challenging opponent.


A little sister is seen riding the back of the Big Sister in this April 2009 publication of GameInformer. The Big Sister will also have access to harvesting ADAM and using it instantly on herself.

So you will not only be battling the new bad guy...er, bad girl, as i said before, you will be battling Splicers, but also, all new types of Splicers and other Big Daddy's! Giving you a chance to scream "I AM YOUR FATHER" after running your drill through their chest.
You will meet the Big Sister once you've messed with enough little sisters. And believe me, you'll probably figure out when she's coming.

All this talk of gory executions are making me hyper, and a little creeped out. But like i said, your drill isn't the only weapon. Your still gonna use that ADAM for your plasmids, which also got a fresh "new game" upgrade. There are milestones in each Plasmid, but not only are there different levels of your plasmid, as you advance and invest in them, there is a new tactical use to each one. So lets say you have your good old flamethrower. The first milestone may be you just light the dude on fire, Bada-Bing-Bada-Fwoosh. The second milestone may be you get to cover more radius with your flamethrower and it may start a chain reaction. Then the next milestone will give you a totally new usage. But then again, thats just an example. The tactics of usage will display themselves out in the final game.

After getting some feedback from Bioshock, some players said they didn't really have time to take a breather after a big fight because Rapture was so stuffed with ass-kick around every corner. So they bring you something new to kick back and enjoy.


That stuff in back of his big head isn't just a pretty screenshot. You can actually explore the ocean! In the ocean, you will have time to look at all the beautiful sites, find items, audiologs, parts of the city that have been engulfed, parts of the story, and be free from danger.


Yep, you still have the morality choice of harvesting a little sister or not. But, by being a Big Daddy, there comes a new option, you can adopt or harvest a little sister.
If you choose to adopt a little sister, she will hop onto your shoulder, meaning you've got your own little sister to protect, and she can be used to extract ADAM from glowing corpses that signal that there is ADAM inside the corpse. But, because Splicers are attracted to the ADAM, your putting yourself and your little sister in danger by extracting it. In the demo, the player has shown you can set cyclone traps and combine those with your flamethrower to protect your little sister while she extracts the DNA. Given the idea that in Bioshock 2 you will be able to combine some of your genetic abilities to create new outcomes and cook up more damage to the best of your ability.





When you look into your reflection you are not sure why your here or who you are. "But it is clear what you are" Another big mystery of the game.

Bioshock 2 seems to be another great game by 2K Marine and it seems a lot of hard work and time was devoted into it to create such an original game that is sure to have you guessing of whats going to happen next and make you want to find out. It is sure to be a greatly anticipated game to remember.
Pick it up in stores October 30th or later on in this Fall.

07-23-2009, 04:25 PM
nice topic. really need to buy #1. +rep.

07-23-2009, 06:53 PM
<3 Jak.

07-23-2009, 11:56 PM
Awesome yo, can't wait for this game.

07-24-2009, 12:53 PM
I cant wait for this game!
I like how you can adopt the little sister and she can ride on your shoulder that should be interesting
I might try to complete the first bioshock again before the second comes out