View Full Version : Seriously?

07-30-2009, 10:36 PM
Ya know.

Its a great time to be a american when there is no war no health care, Education or Economic problems. But its not like that so the hardest job in american would be the president. But he is to busy having some beer?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama played bartender-in-chief on Thursday at a "beer summit" of the main players in a racially charged case that he hoped would be a "positive lesson" in a national dialogue on race.

Obama, the first black U.S. president, said it was a "friendly, thoughtful" conversation over beer at the White House with prominent Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, who is black, and police Sergeant James Crowley, who is white.

Crowley arrested Gates, a well-known documentary filmmaker, for disorderly conduct on July 16 after a confrontation at the professor's home, sparking a media frenzy as Gates, 58, accused the policeman of racial profiling. Crowley, who had taught courses against racial profiling, denied that.

Obama inflamed the situation by saying he thought police "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend.

"I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart," Obama said in a statement after the meeting in a garden outside the Oval Office.

"I am confident that has happened here tonight, and I am hopeful that all of us are able to draw this positive lesson from this episode."

Race remains a prominent and sensitive issue in the United States, which has struggled to overcome a legacy of slavery, segregation and discrimination.

Crowley said it as a private and frank discussion, adding he and Gates have different perspectives.

"I think what you had today was two gentlemen who agreed to disagree on a particular issue," Crowley told reporters. "I don't think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future."

Asked about the president's contribution to the meeting, Crowley said: "He provided the beer."

Gates said he and Crowley had been cast together "through an accident of time and place" and must use the opportunity "to foster greater sympathy among the American public for the daily perils of policing on the one hand, and for the genuine fears of racial profiling on the other hand."

Obama's job approval rating has fallen from 61 percent in mid-June to 54 percent now, in part due to his handling of the Gates-Crowley situation, a Pew Research Center poll found.

Obama and the White House had tried to lower expectations for the gathering, saying there would be no big announcements and portraying it as just three guys having a beer.


The menu for the meeting round an outside table in the warm Washington afternoon featured each man's preferred brew: Bud Light for Obama, Blue Moon for Crowley and Sam Adams Light for Gates. Vice President Joe Biden, also at the table, had a Buckler nonalcoholic beer.

The men drank from clear glass mugs and munched on peanuts and pretzels served in small silver bowls. Gates and Crowley brought their families to the White House and they toured the East Wing together before they sat down with Obama.

A national debate about the arrest, the reaction and the "beer summit" carried into evening news shows as commentators dissected the implications of the meeting for the race issue.

Crowley arrested Gates after being dispatched to the house to investigate a possible burglary in progress. Gates had returned from a trip to China to discover his door jammed.

Obama's remark about the arrest during a televised news conference became a major talking point in the United States, with critics saying he had insulted Crowley and the police department in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Some conservative commentators have accused Obama of racism.

After a two-day frenzy that distracted public attention from Obama's push to reform the U.S. healthcare system, the president called Crowley to say he should have chosen his words more carefully. The White House meeting grew out of that conversation.

(Additional reporting by JoAnne Allen; Editing by John O'Callaghan)

You must say it in your mind. That the president of the united states is having a beer at the white house?

I understand what he is doing and its just a beer but. You must also understand that he is the president of the united states.

he has time for this? just cause there is someone being racist in his mind.

07-31-2009, 12:47 AM
Nice story, I agree with you.
He has time to sit and talk about something he got himself into that didn't involve him, but how about releasing a plan on how he is going to save the economy?
How about, what is he going to do about that North Korean freak-of-a-leader?
How about, ANYTHING. Does he have nothing better to do with his time?

Btw, I bet there was money involved.

07-31-2009, 01:11 AM
Oh Lawd
A Grown Man Had A Beer.

How Dare He Spend An Afternoon Having A Beer And Fixing Things Between Two People In A Situation Where He Made Things Worse.

07-31-2009, 08:02 AM
seriously guys give him a break... from the way i see him his acually trying to make the world a better place and not just trying to get one more period as president...

07-31-2009, 08:31 AM
Oh Lawd
A Grown Man Had A Beer.

How Dare He Spend An Afternoon Having A Beer And Fixing Things Between Two People In A Situation Where He Made Things Worse.

Seriously... after all, he is human, right? Everybody has to chill and focus on the little things every once in a while. It would be a little hard and tiring to do strictly work 24/7. :-P Sorry that he had a beverage.

07-31-2009, 02:26 PM
zomg a beer, he cannot have such a thing. you 2 are ridiculous. Did you know 2 Bush had enough time to read 70 books a year? Now think how much time that took and your going to give Obama **** for having a beer. Presidents don't spend 24/7 doing presidential tasks, it's not humanly possible, everyone needs down down time

07-31-2009, 04:40 PM
This is the way I see it.

... Obama Gets into a problem he has nothing to do with.
... he makes racist comments
... Obama makes it worse
... he takes the day off to fix something he still has nothing to do with.
... Master plan to have a few beers no. Is it worng no. Is it pointless yes. Would this have even been a big deal of obama didn't butt in NO!!!!!

07-31-2009, 05:16 PM
This is the way I see it.

... Obama Gets into a problem he has nothing to do with.
... he makes racist comments
... Obama makes it worse
... he takes the day off to fix something he still has nothing to do with.
... Master plan to have a few beers no. Is it worng no. Is it pointless yes. Would this have even been a big deal of obama didn't butt in NO!!!!!

for the first thing, as i see it if you are president of somewhere things like that has something to do with it, for the second i dont really see anywhere you see obama in quotes saying "white idiot" or something like that. you know the media dosnt allways care as much about the truth as they care for a good story. i think the whole story is pretty unclear what actually happend.

the last thing im ganna say is that it dosnt really seem to have been a smart decicion from obama's side but i still dont think that you have to mark him as a bad president.

07-31-2009, 06:16 PM
for the first thing, as i see it if you are president of somewhere things like that has something to do with it, for the second i dont really see anywhere you see obama in quotes saying "white idiot" or something like that. you know the media dosnt allways care as much about the truth as they care for a good story. i think the whole story is pretty unclear what actually happend.

the last thing im ganna say is that it dosnt really seem to have been a smart decicion from obama's side but i still dont think that you have to mark him as a bad president.

For a first thing, I don't get your first thing.
For a second thing, he said that we all know that the past has a history of racism, which he was implying that the -white- cop was arresting -black- Gates for racism.

The story is very clear on what happened, we know what Obama said. That's the story. This is about what he said, not the actual event of Gates getting in his house by prying the door open, the police getting a call about a robbery, Gates getting arrested for disorderly conduct, the cops being called racist because of it, and then the president stepping in and making it worse.

But yea, we don't know the story.

07-31-2009, 08:09 PM
for the first thing, as i see it if you are president of somewhere things like that has something to do with it, for the second i dont really see anywhere you see obama in quotes saying "white idiot" or something like that. you know the media dosnt allways care as much about the truth as they care for a good story. i think the whole story is pretty unclear what actually happend.

the last thing im ganna say is that it dosnt really seem to have been a smart decicion from obama's side but i still dont think that you have to mark him as a bad president.

Can you say the first thing again i could not understand a word

07-31-2009, 08:14 PM
Maybe he shouldnt have commented on the situation, but fact is, his comments made the situation worse.
So, taking responsibility, he settled it.

Things don't always have to be settled or fixed in such a stuck up, governmental way.
I think it was good to get them all together, chillax and have a beer.
Having a beer with someone is a common way to patch things over.

It may not be YOUR preffered method.
But you're not the president either.

also, i have fries, anyone want some? B|

07-31-2009, 08:18 PM
Maybe he shouldnt have commented on the situation, but fact is, his comments made the situation worse.
So, taking responsibility, he settled it.

Things don't always have to be settled or fixed in such a stuck up, governmental way.
I think it was good to get them all together, chillax and have a beer.
Having a beer with someone is a common way to patch things over.

It may not be YOUR preffered method.
But you're not the president either.

also, i have fries, anyone want some? B|

I agree with most of what you say But.

The president should no its not a good idea to add beer to this problem. Thats my only problem

07-31-2009, 08:39 PM
But beer is what brings it all together.

Thats how a lot of older men work.
Beer brings people together.
Thats why pubs are popular in ireland.
It's not just "hey beer"
It's "beer, nice, oh hey buddy"

07-31-2009, 10:25 PM
But beer is what brings it all together.

Thats how a lot of older men work.
Beer brings people together.
Thats why pubs are popular in ireland.
It's not just "hey beer"
It's "beer, nice, oh hey buddy"

Yes very true!

But!!!! he is the president and this even in my mind is a slip of his judgement.

You must understand there is nothing wrong with a beer but he is the president. Its not a backyard cookout

07-31-2009, 10:44 PM
Yes very true!

But!!!! he is the president and this even in my mind is a slip of his judgement.

You must understand there is nothing wrong with a beer but he is the president. Its not a backyard cookout

The president can't have a beer? It's not like he got totally trashed, give the man a couple beers. So what if he's the president, it's not like he had a big party.

07-31-2009, 10:48 PM
Yes very true!

But!!!! he is the president and this even in my mind is a slip of his judgement.

You must understand there is nothing wrong with a beer but he is the president. Its not a backyard cookout

you truly are a twit

07-31-2009, 10:57 PM
The president is a very classy person he runs american, Well obama trys
He should be the roll model of many people and should not settle problems he has NOTHINGGG to do with over beer.

But the beer is not the main thing. Its about all of it. What bothers me is the racist comments more then anything

07-31-2009, 11:53 PM
This is the way I see it.

... Obama Gets into a problem he has nothing to do with.
... he makes racist comments
... Obama makes it worse
... he takes the day off to fix something he still has nothing to do with.
... Master plan to have a few beers no. Is it worng no. Is it pointless yes. Would this have even been a big deal of obama didn't butt in NO!!!!!

I agree with most of what you say But.

The president should no its not a good idea to add beer to this problem. Thats my only problem

But the beer is not the main thing. Its about all of it. What bothers me is the racist comments more then anything

Make up your mind. It's like first he can have it, but then he can't, but then it doesn't bother you anymore. lol

If the beer is the only problem then why do the racist comments bother you more than anything?

08-01-2009, 12:16 AM
Lol? here let me "re-word" this for you to understand. This is just about the beer.

Is there something wrong with having a beer? no. Should the president be drinking NOO! are you ALL so stupid you think it is ok for the president to drink? He leads the usa.

No drink on da job? wtf?

08-01-2009, 12:40 AM
It is unrealistic to think that the president will be a superhuman, with only good morals and who has never sinned or even thought of it.

I think it's more important that the president understands all types of things in his country, not trying just to be a 'role model'.

Do you really think that every president before this has never had a drink on the job?

Your thoughts on what the president should be are unrealistic tbh.

08-01-2009, 12:48 AM
It is unrealistic to think that the president will be a superhuman, with only good morals and who has never sinned or even thought of it.

I think it's more important that the president understands all types of things in his country, not trying just to be a 'role model'.

Do you really think that every president before this has never had a drink on the job?

Your thoughts on what the president should be are unrealistic tbh.

I found one good word in your post "Morals" and the president should have them. Obama should have had them over for a dinner which could even have a BEER with it.

The president should no what people would think and how bad it sounds for him to invite people for a beer. Its just not a good idea. And I would like it if the president did not drink but that will never happen

But for the love of god its not about the beer more then the racist comments and butting into this fight. As you can see in my first posts

08-01-2009, 12:52 AM
in your first post it clearly came across that you were pissed about the beer.
And then you even-

You know what.

You keep changing your mind.
So I'm done anyways, I've done my part <:

08-01-2009, 12:55 AM
Nice part of fail. read the thread

08-01-2009, 12:58 AM
Maybe you should..
reread your thread.

*eyebrow waggle*

08-01-2009, 01:03 AM
re post for everyone that can't understand and makes me want to repeat my self

... Obama Gets into a problem he has nothing to do with.
... he makes racist comments
... Obama makes it worse
... he takes the day off to fix something he still has nothing to do with.
... Master plan to have a few beers no. Is it worng no. Is it pointless yes. Would this have even been a big deal of obama didn't butt in NO!!!!!

my view

08-01-2009, 01:29 AM
Nice part of fail. read the thread

more like you are fail.

Drinking beer is not pointless.

08-01-2009, 01:33 AM
more like you are fail.

Drinking beer is not pointless.

no its not.

it sure is when your the president

08-01-2009, 01:39 AM
your agenda is blurring your judgement.

08-01-2009, 01:44 AM
your agenda is blurring your judgement.

And how is that?

08-01-2009, 01:46 AM
Your hate towards the man has got you so slanted that you feel to the need to attack every single thing about him, your so pathetic and agenda driven that you are know crying about him having a beer.

08-01-2009, 01:51 AM
Your hate towards the man has got you so slanted that you feel to the need to attack every single thing about him, your so pathetic and agenda driven that you are know crying about him having a beer.

am I the only one seeing this for the 4th time its not all about the beer

08-01-2009, 01:56 AM
For something not about the beer you sure mentioned it a lot and were all over the place. This thread sucked from the start with your agenda driven garbage, pick better arguments.
