View Full Version : Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Heinz Ketchup
08-09-2009, 08:31 AM
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry!

Hello, and welcome to hogwarts school of witch-craft and wizardry; THE ROLE PLAY! It's all the same, apart from we have different people. No-one is Harry, Hermione, Ron, Long-bottom, Malfoy etc. You're all NEW characters. Although, we have different characters, all the teachers are the same.

The rules-
- No god-modding
- Kill with permission from player you want to kill
- Rules apply
- Have fun!
- Only 1 character per person

Forum name:
*Quidditch team:
*Quidditch postition:

*You don't have to have this in your form.

The houses:
Gryffindor values courage, daring, nerve and chivalry. Its mascot is the lion, and its colours are red and gold.
Hufflepuff, values hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colours.
Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, wit, and wisdom.
The house mascot is an eagle, the house colours are blue and bronze (changed to blue and silver in the films).
Slytherin house values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. The animal representing Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colours are green and silver.

The time-table:
Click here for the time-table

* Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary. Quidditch matches in the Harry Potter films, however, show players often deliberately flying over the boundary lines and even around the spectator towers. This is possibly because these are just school matches and thus aren't as strict regarding the rules.
* Time out may be called at any time by a team Captain. It may be extended to two hours if a game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch afterward disqualifies the offending team.
* The referee can impose penalties if a foul occurs. A single Chaser from the fouled team takes a penalty shot by flying from the central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to block this shot, but no other player may interfere.
* Contact is allowed, but a player may not grasp another's broomstick or any part of his or her body. (Draco Malfoy breaks this rule in Prisoner of Azkaban by grabbing Harry's broomtail to stop him from seizing the Snitch.)
* No substitution of a player is allowed, even if one is too badly hurt to continue (rare exceptions may be made when the game continues for a great length of time, and players become too fatigued to continue).
* Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators. (The right to carry wands at all times was granted during the height of wizard and witch persecution by Muggles, according to Quidditch Through the Ages).

Postitions of quidditch:
In quidditch there are:
3 Chasers
2 Beaters
1 Keeper
1 Seeker
1 Team captain

The Chasers progress up and down the pitch passing the Quaffle by hand amongst themselves, in an attempt to score goals by throwing it through one of their opponent's three goal hoops. In this respect, the game is similar to rugby, or, as Harry suggests in the first book, "basketball on broomsticks with six hoops".

The Keeper is charged with protecting the three goal hoops, in much the same way as a goalkeeper in football.

The Beaters are armed with wooden clubs that are similar to, but shorter than, baseball bats. They are tasked with protecting their teammates from the Bludgers by knocking these balls off course or towards opponents.

Finally, the Seeker, usually the lightest member of the team and equipped with the fastest broom, is charged with searching the pitch for, chasing down and eventually capturing, the elusive Golden Snitch. Seekers are the only players permitted to touch the Snitch.

Quidditch teams:
Team captain: Katarina (fake)
Seeker: Zack William Chad Marshall
Keeper: Katarina (fake)
Beater: Connor (fake)
Beater: Oscar (fake)
Chaser: Cadea Edana Bloodcape
Chaser: Jaymes Carly Scott
Chaser: Cody (fake)

Team captain: Roy (fake)
Seeker: Roy (fake)
Keeper:Billy (fake)
Beater: Grace (fake)
Beater: Oscar (fake)
Chaser: Maria (fake)
Chaser: Alanna (fake)
Chaser: Cody (fake)

Team captain: Hugo (fake)
Seeker: Hugo (fake)
Keeper: Alex (fake)
Beater: Grace (fake)
Beater: Oscar (fake)
Chaser: Edward (fake)
Chaser: Konan (fake)
Chaser: Cody (fake)

Team captain: Jennie (fake)
Seeker: Jennie (fake)
Keeper: Alex (fake)
Beater: Grace (fake)
Beater: Oscar (fake)
Chaser: Edward (fake)
Chaser: Konan (fake)
Chaser: Cody (fake)

Hope you can join!

Member list:
Forum name: Flyn Pnut
Name: Zack William Chad Marshall
Age: 11
Gender: Boy
House: Gryffindor
Year: 1st Year
Personality: Cool, funny, and jokey. Can be shy, likes to make friends, hates to lose them. Is daring, and very athletic. Gets accepted into quidditch the first year he joins.
Appearence: Dark hair, tanned skin, when out of uniform, red hoodie, brown cargos, red shirt, red cap.
History: He has extremely strict parents and he hates it. His Mum is nice, but his Dad isn't. Zack is normally happy and cheery when around his Dad, but his Dad didn't like that, he'd be punished if he was to happy or cheery. His Dad forced him into sport, which he enjoys, but has to get up early in the mornings to train. He once got bullied at school, so told his Mum who told his Dad, then his Dad locked him in the dungeons for a couple of days with no food for being weak. His family is very rich, however, his Mum died in a car crash, so now he lives with his Dad, who he hates. His Dad was in Slytherin and will be very cross if Zack isn't. His Mum was in Gryffindor. His family also has servants.
Pet: Owl
Wand: Crystalized Ebony Wand w/ Swarovski Crystals: Ebony is unquestionably accepted as the most powerful wood when it comes to magic. The user of this wand will have limitless power as well as unprecedented protectional qualities. This Fantasies Collection wand is also adorned with a single crystal at the tip of the handle and three concentric crystals surrounding the shaft of the wand. The crystals are the finest available, Authentic Swarovski Crystals, and represent a completed circle of energy and healing powers.
Other: N/A
*Quidditch team: Gryffindor
*Quidditch postition: Seeker and Team captain
*Broom: Firebolt, has Nimbus 2000 at first, but gets promised a firebolt if he makes the team.

08-09-2009, 11:18 PM
Idc if it's injust.
I will not have this.

08-09-2009, 11:25 PM
And really?
Captain of the quidditch team, first year?

08-10-2009, 12:27 AM
You should of left it open out of pity, imagine how long it took to type that :laugh: