View Full Version : General Info Swine flu

09-12-2009, 07:45 AM
Hi. Just to let you all know that with school, college, uni's and work starting again that the risk of Swine Flu is even bigger this time round. They may have reported on the news that less people are catching it but the risk is still there! You see many different people everyday so you can never be certain that you won't catch it. Just be careful!

If you do catch it, you'll notice through these symptoms: Chills, Loss of Appetite, Diarrhoea, etc. Just make sure you don't go to the doctor as this can spread the flu! Stay at home and call 08001513513 or go online to assess your symptoms.

I am working with Boots at the moment to raise awareness.

So has anyone had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with Swine Flu? Let's talk?

09-12-2009, 08:37 AM
Let me give you a weird example how The Swine Flu came to Poland.. OK, some unfortunate lady cought the Swine Flu in New York, where I currently live. She was from Poland. She did not experience any symptoms. She got on a plane, went to Poland, and she happened to live in my City -_-. So the end result was, she was the first person to have brought it to Poland, another 2 people cought it, but nothing to worry about. As she recovered in the hospital, she said that she didnt even realize she had it. By that I mean, the whole time she was sick, she didn't feel it. Maybe that's caused by a mild form of Swine Flu? And my own personal experience. This May - June (when the outbreak happened) it was my Senior Year in High School, and like 3 of my classmates cought it. 4 days later, they all returned to school. So I guess its not as bad as everybody thinks. But still..

09-12-2009, 09:09 AM
lol, i have been in school for 3 mouths already and i ahve already got the swine flu and lost it. i laugh in the face of swine flu

09-12-2009, 09:55 AM
lol, i have been in school for 3 mouths already and i ahve already got the swine flu and lost it. i laugh in the face of swine flu

it may have been the regular flu - I've had the same a few months ago - swine flu is said to be weaker than the regular flu anyway. that's why the threat level has gone way down since it first came out.

09-12-2009, 09:58 AM
it may have been the regular flu - I've had the same a few months ago - swine flu is said to be weaker than the regular flu anyway. that's why the threat level has gone way down since it first came out.

nah, im positive it was the swine flu, my doctor said it was and they made me wear a mask thingy for like a week.

09-12-2009, 11:13 AM
your doctor can't tell you if it's the swine flu or not. Only the CDC can determine whether the strain of flu is swine flu or not. The Center for Disease Control. There are way too many strains for your doctor to just tell you it's a certain kind without doing heavy blood testing, and from what I remember, only the CDC can fully confirm the H1N1 strain.

09-12-2009, 02:29 PM
your doctor can't tell you if it's the swine flu or not. Only the CDC can determine whether the strain of flu is swine flu or not. The Center for Disease Control. There are way too many strains for your doctor to just tell you it's a certain kind without doing heavy blood testing, and from what I remember, only the CDC can fully confirm the H1N1 strain.

exactly they took blood from me. i saw the report on the paper, im sure i had it

09-12-2009, 02:49 PM
exactly they took blood from me. i saw the report on the paper, im sure i had it

So maybe it was a mild case. People die from regular flu. But that's rare. People that died from Swine flu were either infants, or the elderly. But still its pretty messed up that its going around infecting people.

09-12-2009, 10:11 PM
The fear of swine flu is overrated. I went to Nicaragua and a couple people got swine flu. I will tell you They ended up being fine. The swine flu is just like having the flu.

09-12-2009, 11:49 PM
The fear of swine flu is overrated. I went to Nicaragua and a couple people got swine flu. I will tell you They ended up being fine. The swine flu is just like having the flu.

not saying your wrong, but swine flu affects different people in different ways, not all people will be "fine" if they get it.

09-13-2009, 12:30 AM
not saying your wrong, but swine flu affects different people in different ways, not all people will be "fine" if they get it.

People overfear the swine flu. Its just like a regular flu. I went to nicaraqua this summer and two people from my group got the swine flu. They ended up being just fine.

09-13-2009, 12:35 AM
People overfear the swine flu. Its just like a regular flu. I went to nicaraqua this summer and two people from my group got the swine flu. They ended up being just fine.

what did i just say? thos epeople were lucky, and how do you know they got swine flu. people die from that stuff. not everyone will be fine, cause not everyones bodys are the same.

09-13-2009, 09:07 AM
Swine flu is just another strand of flu. It is very, very similar to the normal flu. It is very dangerous to those with an underlying health condition, but does not pose a significantly greater threat otherwise.

Swine-flu kills.
So does normal flu.

And, if swine-flu does turn out to be the killer the media make it out to be, at least our problems with over-population will decrease.
(oh, that was a tad bit insensitive. Sorry, but facts are facts)

09-13-2009, 09:12 AM
Swine Flu doesnt worry me.
Whats scary is a hippo flu


09-14-2009, 02:22 PM
Swine fly can do nothing against my hand sanitizer.


09-14-2009, 02:24 PM
Swine fly can do nothing against my hand sanitizer.


my clorax wet whipes could beat your hand sanitizer

09-14-2009, 02:27 PM
my clorax wet whipes could beat your hand sanitizer

Not if I bust out my lysol disinfectant spray.

09-14-2009, 05:42 PM
what did i just say? thos epeople were lucky, and how do you know they got swine flu. people die from that stuff. not everyone will be fine, cause not everyones bodys are the same.

The docters came in the village tested the girl who thought they had swine flu. A few days before that a bay from our group went to the hospital. He was coratined. They ended up being fine. they lived. You do not die from swine flu If you have the proper treatment.

09-14-2009, 05:44 PM
The docters came in the village tested the girl who thought they had swine flu. A few days before that a bay from our group went to the hospital. He was coratined. They ended up being fine. they lived. You do not die from swine flu If you have the proper treatment.

yes i know, but some people like "old people" even if they get the treament they still died.

09-14-2009, 06:00 PM
yes i know, but some people like "old people" even if they get the treament they still died.

The young, the old, and people with pre-existing health problems (serious **** or anything that will weaken your immune system) are the most at risk to die from swine flu.

So I'm not worried.
Our town apparently had some cases when it first came around to canada, but I haven't heard anything this time.
Fingers crossed.