View Full Version : LiNuX's House?

09-13-2009, 06:10 PM
WEll i was look to see where everyone is from and i see LiNuX is from Eta Carinae.So i googled it and from the picture i would say he has a great view of the beach from there.

09-13-2009, 06:26 PM
It looks really cool, but...

I always see...how shall we say...male genitalia, when I look at that picture lol.

09-13-2009, 06:30 PM
omg dude it does, thats a real place in space you know..... Eta Carinae

09-13-2009, 06:44 PM
that's where I live, where all the manliest men live. you should see the star right next to us, full of women, just imagine what that must look like

and yeah, that's a crazy star, should explode into a supernova soon and physicists believe it'll turn into a blackhole - would be interesting to see that during my lifetime.

09-13-2009, 07:01 PM
that's where I live, where all the manliest men live. you should see the star right next to us, full of women, just imagine what that must look like

and yeah, that's a crazy star, should explode into a supernova soon and physicists believe it'll turn into a blackhole - would be interesting to see that during my lifetime.

lol i lol'd like 3 times

ya, i wonder what that star looks like.

lol blackhole