View Full Version : What are your political beliefs?

09-15-2009, 08:55 PM

Bolded, underlined AND caps'd for a reason. READ READ READ. DO NOT POST in this thread without reading this entire post. It will take you two minutes and save you an infraction.

You are allowed to do the following:

Explain what country you are living and what you think is the optimal form of government, or simply your political party if you prefer, and why you think it's the best.

You are allowed to CIVILLY AND WITHOUT PERSONAL ATTACKS OR NAME CALLING debate things. Read rule number one:

1. Be nice!! Don't say anything that you think will create anger and the two of you go off into a cursing argument (we have experienced this)

Things you can not do:

Be a jerk to someone who you disagree with
Call names, regardless of how offensive they are (liberal hippie, conservative redneck)

OK. Now that we have that out of the way, let the thread begin.

I myself an am anti-statist living in the US. I believe government is immoral, and that it is completely unnecessary. Defining "state" is far from easy, but an easy to understand way of defining it is a government that assumes control of land and people without the initial inter-subjective consensus that they are allowed to do so.

09-15-2009, 09:10 PM
Also Live in NY, voted for a republican mayor, but I am a registered democrat - but I can argue from both liberal and conservative views. Sometimes I can do Radical Left but, I'm not as good as some other political junkies (Sociology Prof)

I personally like the Democratic Republic that we have going, but some people just don't understand it, so the whole purpose goes down the drain if your own people don't and refuse to understand it.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a Communist Country, like Cuba. If you leave your wallet somewhere, you can expect it to be there tomorrow...severely strict about the punishments for crimes.

Not much more to say.

09-16-2009, 09:17 PM
I am living in the USA and i am a moderate
though some issues i am really for or really against
but mostly i am a moderate

09-17-2009, 11:51 AM
Live in Scotland and i personally want to split from England. I want us to rule our own country, just as stated in the Declaration of Arbroath. But, it doesn't look to be the best idea because of what we rely on the English for and also the things that they rely on us for (money problems etc.). I just want to see us gain control of our army and other things which Britian controls.

I am completely against the BNP, which believes that anyone not born here, should be sent back because they steal our jobs - lies.

09-17-2009, 12:10 PM
+ Rep for a solid, good post.

I live in the U.S. of A., however, I've lived in Canada and India -- so my perspectives are much more different than most of the people I know.

I honestly want to just live on an island by myself and import/order from a harbor or something when I need it, as necessity -- without the rules, regulations, and restrictions over the dumbest things possible.

I loved being in Canada because of the atmosphere. It's chill, up there. Calm and easy going. Not a ton of fighting and insanity like we have down here. For all the flak Canada takes from the U.S. -- they love us up there. When I was up there, it was nice enough that I didn't feel like I needed to be armed somehow, if I was walking down some streets.

Here in the U.S., if I'm on Troost and 39th after dark, I'll be found dead in the morning somewhere down the numbers. Doesn't matter where, who, or why -- I just will be.

I think our government lies too much.
I don't believe in this transparent government bullsh;t.
It doesn't exist. It cant, as long as we have the FBI and CIA.

The media lies even more than our government, because of the Freedom to the Press. Evidence that isn't hard and proven, isn't evidence at all -- it's fabricated crap.

When I was a kid, the news used to be on in my house every night at 5pm, and my dad was glued for the next two hours about current events.
But since, the news has been so strewed and watered down with trivial idiocy that my dad doesn't even read the paper anymore -- and he is a thirteen year, military veteran.

I don't really follow a political view at this point in time. Both, the Republicans and Democrats lie for their own benefit -- so they're just as bad as the next.

09-17-2009, 12:48 PM
I live in Canada.
My political viewpoint is that .. they're all clueless and fighting to win nothing.

Most of our politicians just spout the same crap over and over.
I have never voted before but I've always followed the elections and had a general interest in everything.
It's usually about choosing the lesser of two evils.
They're not even evil, really.
Canadian evil?
Semi evil?

Canadians are kind of push overs when it comes to our government sometimes.
TOO MUCH POT we're just too chill.
But we're not doing too bad.

09-17-2009, 02:41 PM
Live in Scotland and i personally want to split from England. I want us to rule our own country, just as stated in the Declaration of Arbroath. But, it doesn't look to be the best idea because of what we rely on the English for and also the things that they rely on us for (money problems etc.). I just want to see us gain control of our army and other things which Britian controls.

I am completely against the BNP, which believes that anyone not born here, should be sent back because they steal our jobs - lies.

Fully agree that Scotland (and the parts of Ireland still occupied) should be independent.

Even though I disagree with a central government, I believe for the time being it's the way forward for everyone involved.

09-17-2009, 02:59 PM
I live in Ohio, USA.

I'm a republican, strong right wing.
Sometimes I think Libertarian, which is still right, but more left than republican.
Libertarians think the government should not interfere with things that don't effect anyone but the person doing it.
Ex: Pot. It makes you mellow, just wanna sit around and do nothing. IF you aren't selling it or giving it to anyone but yourself, why should it be illegal?
Calms pain too.

I believe people need to earn their own money, get off their own butts, and not make a 543957843 member family when they can't pay for it and they know it.
If a bad turn happens, that's fine. Don't have 8 kids when you make only 10 a year.

I think our government would be better if the people we voted to represent us actually represented us.
If they vote for something because 'it's what the republican would vote for' or 'it's what the democrat would vote for' then they aren't representing us.
They need to vote in favor of it. Cap and trade is not in favor of helping the economy.

I don't think my money needs to be given to other people for their needs. My money, I earned it, I worked for it, I don't want to give it away to be given to someone for a crappy useless car, or for healthcare.

I also don't believe in Recycling. Doesn't effect my right wing-ness, but why should I have to pay money (It is more than just throwing it away) to save other people time?

I don't believe in Global Warming.
Or, "climate change' as it is now called so the lefties can't be wrong.
I think it's all propaganda, our nature has a cycle, we go into an ice age, we melt out of it, we go into an ice age, we melt out of it, and so on and so on.

Vegans are silly people.

And Al Gore created the internetz.