View Full Version : Warts

09-17-2009, 09:41 PM
They piss me off. I had one on my elbow. Everyone was like "Don't pick it, if you pick it, it won't go away." So I didn't pick it for like.... uhhhh 3 months or so. Still their, so I just ripped it off and now it won't stop bleeding.... Kinda wanted to go to bed, but don't want to get blood over my sheets. Blood smells pretty bad too, I never knew you could smell blood until now. Kinda smells like it taste.

If it grows back, I'm going to be mad.

09-17-2009, 09:44 PM
i never had a wart....

"not having wartz ftw!!!"

i cousin had one on his finger and he cut it off with a pair of scissors, then it got infected, and his finger started trungin colors... and blah... we ment to the hospital..... its was fun.

how do you get warts?? frogs?

09-17-2009, 09:51 PM
well, I def. Washed it out with soap and water, so I'm not worried about an infection.

But.... no, not from frogs. It's just a virus you get. That's all I know about it, I also know tat you can get them from touching people who have warts.I never had any on my fingers luckily. But, the one on my elbow needs to not come back.

09-17-2009, 09:51 PM
ugh warts are so gross!!!
my friends have them on there feet and its disgusting
thank god I never got a wart

09-17-2009, 09:54 PM
ugh warts are so gross!!!
my friends have them on there feet and its disgusting
thank god I never got a wart

yep, exactly why I picked mine off. The pain was worth it in the end.... and the blood.

Which is still bleeding....

09-17-2009, 09:57 PM
yep, exactly why I picked mine off. The pain was worth it in the end.... and the blood.

Which is still bleeding....

go outside, and get a handful of dirt, and just plop it on where its bleeding, lol that'll clot the blood, your arm mine also hurt more though.

but.. dont wash it, water just makes it bleed more, if you put some, ANTI-BIOTIC (hope thats right) cream on it, it'll stop bleeding.

09-17-2009, 10:01 PM
go outside, and get a handful of dirt, and just plop it on where its bleeding, lol that'll clot the blood, your arm mine also hurt more though.

but.. dont wash it, water just makes it bleed more, if you put some, ANTI-BIOTIC (hope thats right) cream on it, it'll stop bleeding.

Your arm hurt more from what? You just said you never had a wart before?

And uhhhh, lol I washed it to get the bactria out of the open wound. It's done bleeding now anyway. I'll end up with blood my sheets in the morning, i don't even care though.

09-17-2009, 10:03 PM
Your arm hurt more from what? You just said you never had a wart before?

And uhhhh, lol I washed it to get the bactria out of the open wound. It's done bleeding now anyway. I'll end up with blood my sheets in the morning, i don't even care though.

but did you use the plop of dirt?

09-17-2009, 10:03 PM
Your arm hurt more from what? You just said you never had a wart before?

And uhhhh, lol I washed it to get the bactria out of the open wound. It's done bleeding now anyway. I'll end up with blood my sheets in the morning, i don't even care though.

nah, im talking about ti get stuff to stop bleeding, you put some dirt on it....

well at least what i did when i was like 4.

09-17-2009, 10:34 PM
Why didn't you get like...
a wart remover cream or whatever they are?

I remember my brother got warts when we were really litte and then I ended up with one once.
It was gross and **** but my mom gave us these weird band aid things that cleared them up.

I don't really remember what they were, they were multi-coloured though.

09-18-2009, 12:45 PM
I used to get them when i was a child. Got rid of them by putting a cream on once a day then peeling it off piece by piece daily :S

09-18-2009, 12:58 PM
We were talking about how doctors freeze warts in Chemistry class today. Apparently, they use liquid Nitrogen 0.o Scary stuff.

09-18-2009, 03:10 PM
Why didn't you get like...
a wart remover cream or whatever they are?

I remember my brother got warts when we were really litte and then I ended up with one once.
It was gross and **** but my mom gave us these weird band aid things that cleared them up.

I don't really remember what they were, they were multi-coloured though.

It was faster to just pick/rip it off.

09-18-2009, 04:48 PM
I've had athletes foot. It sucked.

09-18-2009, 04:55 PM
It was faster to just pick/rip it off.

True nuff I suppose