View Full Version : Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

09-21-2009, 11:04 AM
Anyone play it?? If ya do can ya give your friendly neiborhood Anty some hints?? iveonly had it for 3 days =S

09-21-2009, 03:15 PM
Hints? As in what kind of hints?

The game isn't all that impressive, as I can tell.
The Shadow Warrior is totally broken, in that within two levels of start -- you can create Shadow Demons to fight at your side.

That basically means they run around and kill everything before you even get the chance to swing. Lol. So, you get XP for nothing. And only a cool-down time is a downside, which can be lowered also.

I've only fought one boss, so far, and he regenerated HP, so it was insanely difficult to deal with him, and the reward wasn't that great.

All in all, the game is alright.

Really hard when you play it with another person, cause the camera angles are tied into the movements as well, so if the camera angle moves, your character will be running the way the ORIGINAL camera angle was facing, but now that you've turned it -- your partner runs in a different direction.

A little aggravating. Not so great, but it's alright.

09-21-2009, 03:38 PM
I've saw a trailer for it, don't have time to play any RPG's at the moment. Still need to finish some others. Few Questions though

Any idea how long the game is, like how many total hours it takes and is the story any good?

Might be a game to get for xmas, when I have time to play it.

09-21-2009, 03:42 PM
Each character on each campaign (basically, good or evil) takes 20-30 hours roughly.
So, 6 characters, 2 campigns and 25 hours gives 300 hours of game play. Unfortunately, the campaigns are pretty much exaactly the same on each character

Wanting it, but not entirely sure if it's worth it. WAAAAAY too expensive

09-21-2009, 04:37 PM
I bought it used and with a GameStop card and saved about 10 bucks off the top, as far as the expense goes.

The graphics are pretty - but when the night transitions, it gets hella dark and if you have any lights on in the room, you wont be able to see sh;t. Lol. Straight up.

Yeah @ Rai's post.

Each will take you about 25 hours or so, if you just monkey around and get to each Quest. The Shadow Warrior has this lunge-jump move, and you can literally, leap over rivers and stuff with it, to access other areas much, much faster. It's cheap, but hysterical when you jump a river in 2 player. lolol...

09-21-2009, 09:34 PM
i havent ever even heard of this title, ima go watch a trailer now..

09-22-2009, 12:14 AM
i really want to get this game, but dont have the money!! arghhhh

09-22-2009, 01:00 AM
about the camera thing Exodyus you must have played the PC version right? i couldnt stand it either thats y i bought the 360 version where you can use the right thumbs stick the change the camera independantly of moveing the character , makes life alot easyer

and about the 25 hours? is that just for the main story or all the side quests and **** as well?? ive been playing about 15 hours and havent done the first main quest yet there are over 2000 side quests to do and surely that would take more the 25 hours. . . .

09-22-2009, 11:14 AM
If you ONLY do the main quest, it's that long -- lol.
You can easily spend 40 - 60 hours on one character.
Just depends on the speed of some people...

09-22-2009, 11:15 AM
I believe it is including the side-quests. I could be wrong though. EDIT; which i am. lol Exodyus beat me

Apparently, walking from one end of the map to the other would take 6 hours. I think that's just TOO big.

I saw a game-play trailer, but i wasn't to keen on the controls. It's like oblivion in that, it's one button to attack and another to cast a spell. I'm getting bored of those sorta controls, i'd like to be able to do combos and whatnot.

09-22-2009, 07:09 PM
I believe it is including the side-quests. I could be wrong though. EDIT; which i am. lol Exodyus beat me

Apparently, walking from one end of the map to the other would take 6 hours. I think that's just TOO big.

I saw a game-play trailer, but i wasn't to keen on the controls. It's like oblivion in that, it's one button to attack and another to cast a spell. I'm getting bored of those sorta controls, i'd like to be able to do combos and whatnot.

Wow, this game sounds hugh. Im gonna ahve to try it out sometime.

09-23-2009, 09:34 AM
definatly wurth it, and yes it would take about 6 hours to get from one side to then other, thats what the teleporters and mounts are for. . . each character has a unique mount that u can buy after a specific side quest(which i have got to yet D:) and i think i saw somewhere that there was about 2000 side quest or somthing rediculus. . . .

11-07-2009, 01:17 PM
Anyone play it?? If ya do can ya give your friendly neiborhood Anty some hints?? iveonly had it for 3 days =S

Never heard of it. :\

11-17-2009, 03:36 PM
I finally got to play it properly after getting it 3 days ago. And my views are mixed.
The characters are all different and well designed. The quick menu is easy to use though it's unpausible - so people can attack you whilst your changing armour or what not. I like the assignment of different weapons/skills to the buttons, the targetting system involves moving towards something and hitting in it's general direction when it's highlighted - often miss the target though. The scenery is really bright, which for some reason makes me happy.
However, there is one thing i cannot stand about this game. The camera angle. It is always above and behind the character. This means it's impossible to see more than a metre infront of and around your character. Zooming out pulls you further back and higher still. I would love it if it weren't for that damned camera angle ¬.¬