View Full Version : Street Soldier's LOLFAILS

09-21-2009, 04:58 PM
I'm going to use Street as an example in how NOT to spell.

This should be a riot. People can link me to his LOLFAILS and I will edit them, and try to decipher them as best as I possibly can, for our general public.

09-21-2009, 05:04 PM
you cant understand "3rd PSN banned" . you need to go back to school. cause clearly you dont know english. its called a "typo".

you cant understand "3rd PSN banned" -- There wasn't even a question posed here. It ended in a spaced period, which is incorrect -- and he wasn't asking a question, but delivering a bad statement. Lolol.

3rd PSN Banned -- This isn't even the correct word usage. Banned and Ban are two words, one being the root. Therefore, it was worse than a typo. It was just plain bad.

english - Is completely improper. English now -- and -- will forever be capitalized. It's proper; it's also the native language to our country.

This quote was taken from a thread in which Street went after Grand Moff, like he was -- yet again, cool -- and in reading the quote, the part that made me WTFLOL the hardest, was:

you need to go back to school. cause clearly you dont know english. its called a "typo".

* No capitalization, yet punctuation was added. Lol.
* English wasn't even spelled correctly.
* There's no apostrophe between the 'T'and 'S' in it's -- as in, it IS.
* And then there's the over-all connotation that IF YOU GO TO SCHOOL, THEY WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO TYPO.




09-21-2009, 05:08 PM
yep theres tons of sites that look just like that with the videos and all.

i bought a "learn all skate tricks" book from a site JUST like that, and all i got was a much of junk mail.

This -- in and of itself, is an LOLFAIL.

He tried to learn how to skateboard from a book.

09-21-2009, 05:08 PM
hahahahaha I like this thread. lol I'd plus rep if I could.

09-21-2009, 05:15 PM
is it necessary to publicly target another member's posts like this?

09-21-2009, 05:19 PM
thats alot of typing for nothing, cause i knwo im not reading all that..... and i never played WoW so i dont really care :)

Then don't even post, wth?
If you don't care about WoW and you're not even going to read the post, then gtfo. Quit posing completely useless things in threads, all you are doing is spamming, if you have noting to say then don't say it.

This is Trunks getting in on this LOLACTION by showing his excellent punctuation and grammatical work. I merely had a good LOL at what Trunks posted to Street's ignorance in walking INTO A WORLD OF WARCRAFT topic, merely to tell them he doesn't like it.


Seriously? Some people are begging to be slaughtered and crucified, and Street just seems to be on that level of public humiliation.

alot -- A common, yet irritating misspelling. A lot, is two words -- not one.

knwo -- I don't know what this is. I think it's a racist acronym.

Capitalizing I -- If you cant respect yourself, why should we bother respecting you? Always capitalize I, because it is YOU. Not to mention, if it's the first letter of a sentence, it's capitalized anyways...

Ellipsis -- The '...' is usually used in the omission of portions of a sentence, paragraph, lyrics, and much more -- if you only want certain things seen, or have to type out less. Ending a sentence in an ellipsis, still requires that you end with a period, in the English language.
Also -- adding five periods is just ridiculous.

09-21-2009, 05:21 PM
is it necessary to publicly target another member's posts like this?

I don't see what the harm is in pointing out where he's mocking other people and redirecting it into the necessary way it should be intended to point.

Besides, every post he makes is more ridiculous, useless, and irritating than the next.

09-21-2009, 05:23 PM
Well I think this thread is a bit childish, just an opinion. I see people make mistakes all the time, it irritates me but I never make a big thing about it.

Do you mean "irritating than the LAST?" :)

09-21-2009, 05:26 PM
Well I think this thread is a bit childish, just an opinion. I see people make mistakes all the time, it irritates me but I never make a big thing about it.

Do you mean "irritating than the LAST?" :)

Some would deem it childish, I call it boredom. And trial by fire. Lol.
If the schools are not teaching these kids how to act, type, and spell in an ever-growing online, internet based world -- someone has to put them into the furnace and allow them to come out like Rack, Shack, and Benny on the other side. Lol.

And no, I didn't mean 'last.' The sentence is bent to future tense -- acknowledging the fact that his NEXT post, will be just as useless as his last.
;) Nice try, boss. Lol.

The red should have been, "Did you mean ..." as you were asking, or questioning my English.

09-21-2009, 05:32 PM
This is Trunks getting in on this LOLACTION by showing his excellent punctuation and grammatical work. I merely had a good LOL at what Trunks posted to Street's ignorance in walking INTO A WORLD OF WARCRAFT topic, merely to tell them he doesn't like it.


Seriously? Some people are begging to be slaughtered and crucified, and Street just seems to be on that level of public humiliation.

alot -- A common, yet irritating misspelling. A lot, is two words -- not one.

knwo -- I don't know what this is. I think it's a racist acronym.

Capitalizing I -- If you cant respect yourself, why should we bother respecting you? Always capitalize I, because it is YOU. Not to mention, if it's the first letter of a sentence, it's capitalized anyways...

Ellipsis -- The '...' is usually used in the omission of portions of a sentence, paragraph, lyrics, and much more -- if you only want certain things seen, or have to type out less. Ending a sentence in an ellipsis, still requires that you end with a period, in the English language.
Also -- adding five periods is just ridiculous.

My favorite one so far, just beautiful. lol

09-21-2009, 05:33 PM
did* right - I've been working on an english paper all day, sad to make a mistake like that. "Do" would have worked if we were face to face.

If you were trying to say his future sentences get more irritating then it should be "than the last" - or you could have said "as the next"

"Than...Next" suggests that his posts are getting less irritating. Your explanation kind of hits it on the mark..."acknowledging the fact that his NEXT post, will be just as useless as his last."

And saying "every post he makes is more ridiculous, useless, and irritating than the last." would cover all tenses.

Guess I should go and check my paper...

09-21-2009, 05:38 PM
I will meet you 50/50 on that, because I do see where you're coming from, however in arguing semantics with me, we've lost the LOL of the topic. :D

I'm merely giving Street something to think about, the next time he goes to harass one of our members, mouth off again, or LOLModerate someone for "double-posting," when he's the only one who really cares.

You've grown lax in your old age, mister. Lolol.

I will also slap you on the wrist for not capitalizing English.

/slap @ wrist

09-21-2009, 05:41 PM
I don't like english..I'm only taking it because I HAVE to in order to get my degree.

And yeah, will also meet you 50/50 on the issue, neither one of us were wrong, we just have different ways of expressing what we want to say.

And I don't care much about capitalization on the internet...no one is grading me (not in the way that it'll affect my life) so there isn't much of an incentive for that. I do watch my grammar though, unless I want to sound stupid...

09-21-2009, 05:42 PM
there isnt any of those games on PS3 but ninja gaiden, which sucked. and you said melee, mini-ninjas is melee, cant help theyre heads dont fly off.

This one made me "lol" pretty hard.

There are to many post to chose from though, every post I've seen has had ATLEAST one error.

09-21-2009, 09:12 PM
you must have no life, and no i dont really care what i say or how i spell it. you both are childish.

@Exodyus i like how your avatar say "i was born L33T" and you dont even speak it. (1337(L33T) uses numbers and other characters to make letters, if you were to stupid to understand that)

...but when you make a "typo" its ok? I can spell perfectly its that i dont care to put punctuation marks and correct my spelling cause i type fast and yes i do miss the keys sometimes, but i dont notice it.

this thread doesnt even bother me it just makes me lol at your childishness.

09-21-2009, 10:07 PM
We all have our typo's

99% of mine I do not see or are just things I use to make typing easier such as I use in not ing and porb meaning probably.

I don't see what the big deal is here? we all make out errors even you exo.

09-21-2009, 10:14 PM
you must have no life, and no i dont really care what i say or how i spell it. you both are childish.

@Exodyus i like how your avatar say "i was born L33T" and you dont even speak it. (1337(L33T) uses numbers and other characters to make letters, if you were to stupid to understand that)

...but when you make a "typo" its ok? I can spell perfectly its that i dont care to put punctuation marks and correct my spelling cause i type fast and yes i do miss the keys sometimes, but i dont notice it.

this thread doesnt even bother me it just makes me lol at your childishness.

That's good, sounds like a win for all three of us.

Also, typing fast doesn't cause you to put commas in all the wrong places right? I'm just making sure, because, it seems, like you, just like to, push, the comma, button.
There may not be a lot in this post, but others... WOW.
Though, you missed about 4 comma's and made a run-on sentence.
Just saying...

09-21-2009, 10:24 PM
run-on sentences only matter in english class or watever. i dont think ill lose GFP for haveing a run-on sentence... and i use the period a lot. its a habit i have that i picked up from someone on PSN. and i dont know about commas cause i dont use them that often, but i do use periods alot.

i just think you making a big deal over it is stupid. Do you get paid to correct people? cause if you do i wanna job where you work.

09-21-2009, 10:25 PM
I type fast, and sometimes I randomly capitalize the first letter of words, don't know why. I've had professors point that out and most of the time the spell checkers wouldn't point it out.

Don't know why I can't kick the habit - typing fast can cause a good amount of mistakes, some more consistently than others.

09-21-2009, 10:32 PM
I type fast, and sometimes I randomly capitalize the first letter of words, don't know why. I've had professors point that out and most of the time the spell checkers wouldn't point it out.

Don't know why I can't kick the habit - typing fast can cause a good amount of mistakes, some more consistently than others.

see, most of the time im on my PS3 browser cause someon else is using the PC, so i dont have spell checker. its not that i suck at spelling its that i just have habits of hitting the wrong key heres a list of words i know i get wrong a lot.

Have = ahve (i always hit the A first, idk y)
Don't = odnt (i hit the O first, idk y either)

--the some more but i cant remmber them, but yes im aware of my errors, but as long as its not KILLING SOMEONE, i dont really care. cause you can still understand what i mean.

09-21-2009, 10:36 PM
run-on sentences only matter in english class or watever. i dont think ill lose GFP for haveing a run-on sentence... and i use the period a lot. its a habit i have that i picked up from someone on PSN.

Sentences - It's plural Possessive, so it should be " Sentences' "
english - Should be capitalized
watever - "whatever"
i - Isn't capitalized
dont - It's a contraction
ill - " ill " means being sick, so I don't get that one.
haveing - You should drop the " e"
i - Again, isn't capitalized
its - This one isn't capitalized and it's another contraction
i - See above
i - See above

I felt like being really picky. I was bored...
By the way, that's 11 mistakes in four sentences.

Now, it's bed time.

09-21-2009, 10:37 PM
I must step in.....

How do you not know when your sentence ends? Can that happen?

09-21-2009, 10:39 PM
Sentences - It's plural Possessive, so it should be " Sentences' "
english - Should be capitalized
watever - "whatever"
i - Isn't capitalized
dont - It's a contraction
ill - " ill " means being sick, so I don't get that one.
haveing - You should drop the " e"
i - Again, isn't capitalized
its - This one isn't capitalized and it's another contraction
i - See above
i - See above

I felt like being really picky. I was bored...
By the way, that's 11 mistakes in four sentences.

Now, it's bed time.

I can say I have never said don't or haveing

09-21-2009, 10:49 PM
its a typing error. just nevermind, im done with this convosation out of every forum i have ever been on this is the only one with smartasses that want to correct everything. control freaks.

09-22-2009, 11:32 AM
you must have no life, and no i dont really care what i say or how i spell it. you both are childish.

@Exodyus i like how your avatar say "i was born L33T" and you dont even speak it. (1337(L33T) uses numbers and other characters to make letters, if you were to stupid to understand that)

...but when you make a "typo" its ok? I can spell perfectly its that i dont care to put punctuation marks and correct my spelling cause i type fast and yes i do miss the keys sometimes, but i dont notice it.

this thread doesnt even bother me it just makes me lol at your childishness.


I don't speak Elite? Since when did someone have to "5[]D34|< 1337" in order to have a certain avatar on an online forum?

Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about, bucko.

run-on sentences only matter in english class or watever. i dont think ill lose GFP for haveing a run-on sentence... and i use the period a lot. its a habit i have that i picked up from someone on PSN. and i dont know about commas cause i dont use them that often, but i do use periods alot.

i just think you making a big deal over it is stupid. Do you get paid to correct people? cause if you do i wanna job where you work.

A lot, is still two words. Not one. You fail.

English, is still capitalized.

You couldn't get a job correcting people, if you had a Master's Degree in English. Your spelling is so atrocious, that anyone reading something like this on a forum, wouldn't ever think about touching you for any position like that.

And in a round-about-way, yes -- I am paid to find spelling errors. If my customers were to find them before me, it would be a little embarrassing for my company.

I must step in.....

How do you not know when your sentence ends? Can that happen?

Jacob, you turd! You made me LOL.

its a typing error. just nevermind, im done with this convosation out of every forum i have ever been on this is the only one with smartasses that want to correct everything. control freaks.

What he meant to say was:

It is a typographical error, fellas. However, disregard everything I have posted and this conversation because my abilities to type and spell are so "3rd World Country," that I cannot compete with you all -- control freaks.


@ Trunks: Your finds made me LOL. <3

09-22-2009, 02:35 PM
Ya see.

Honestly I don't see why it is a big deal..... Some of u have our own 1337 like alot but still if you don't know when your sentence ends then you should be checked out by a doctor.

The way I see it is street soldier types like a normal person he says things that just make it easier to type thats l33t and exo just lives to point the errors out unless it is proper English or l33t.

09-22-2009, 04:13 PM
Ya see.

Honestly I don't see why it is a big deal..... Some of u have our own 1337 like alot but still if you don't know when your sentence ends then you should be checked out by a doctor.

The way I see it is street soldier types like a normal person he says things that just make it easier to type thats l33t and exo just lives to point the errors out unless it is proper English or l33t.

What? Okay, seriously, does that make sense to anyone else?

09-22-2009, 06:27 PM
Ya see.

Honestly I don't see why it is a big deal..... Some of u have our own 1337 like alot but still if you don't know when your sentence ends then you should be checked out by a doctor.

What? Okay, seriously, does that make sense to anyone else?

Uhh, Jacob...?


Seriously, bro. Don't try to defend someone if you're going to just make them look worse.

09-22-2009, 07:02 PM
Uhh, Jacob...?


Seriously, bro. Don't try to defend someone if you're going to just make them look worse.

I did mess that up quite bad... I mean.

He just says alot which is faster then a lot. Also one of the main things of l33t is to make typing faster..... So I don't see why you bug him about it.

And I was commenting again on how stupid it is that someone does not know when a sentence ends. And they need to be checked out by a doctor

09-22-2009, 07:04 PM
I did mess that up quite bad... I mean.

He just says alot which is faster then a lot. Also one of the main things of l33t is to make typing faster..... So I don't see why you bug him about it.

And I was commenting again on how stupid it is that someone does not know when a sentence ends. And they need to be checked out by a doctor

I think you would fall into that category. I see periods where commas should be in a lot of your post. Also, you didn't put a punctuation at the end of your sentence lol. Are you talking about your self?

09-22-2009, 07:10 PM
I think you would fall into that category. I see periods where commas should be in a lot of your post. Also, you didn't put a punctuation at the end of your sentence lol. Are you talking about your self?

This is what you guys are doing....

You take things that are common errors then then say they don't know how to type and can't spell when its all just a error.

09-22-2009, 07:15 PM
This is what you guys are doing....

You take things that are common errors then then say they don't know how to type and can't spell when its all just a error.

You said "then" twice.
Also, "its" should be a contraction or separated, such as it is.
It should also be an error...
You also forgot a comma in between "errors" and "then" just saying.

This is for personal enjoyment, I find it fun to correct peoples grammar.

09-22-2009, 07:26 PM
You said "then" twice.
Also, "its" should be a contraction or separated, such as it is.
It should also be an error...
You also forgot a comma in between "errors" and "then" just saying.

This is for personal enjoyment, I find it fun to correct peoples grammar.

If this was a game and someone was keeping points, then trunks would win in correcting people.

But can you find an error in this post?

09-22-2009, 07:31 PM
If this was a game and someone was keeping points, then trunks would win in correcting people.

But can you find an error in this post?

Not trunks.

Trunks would be a proper noun because it is a name of someone.

09-22-2009, 07:44 PM
If this was a game and someone was keeping points, then trunks would win in correcting people.

But can you find an error in this post?

Well, if you're going to start a sentence with "but" then it should be "But, can you find an error in this post"

Good try though. lol

Not trunks.

Trunks would be a proper noun because it is a name of someone.


Also, I think exodyus would win, I'm terrible in English lol.

09-22-2009, 08:09 PM
You said "then" twice.
Also, "its" should be a contraction or separated, such as it is.
It should also be an error...
You also forgot a comma in between "errors" and "then" just saying.

This is for personal enjoyment, I find it fun to correct peoples grammar.


09-22-2009, 08:51 PM
Aww, Jacob. You and Street were meant for each other it seems. His spelling is just as horrible as yours! You two could make illiterate children one day...


Valucre View topic - A HUGE LOL for all you Artists. (http://www.valucre.com/viewtopic.php?f=411&t=3921#p38668)

09-22-2009, 08:53 PM
you realize trunks just got mad and you called me illiterate because I said an.

Thats pretty ****ing stupid if you ask me

09-22-2009, 08:55 PM
I think you would fall into that category. I see periods where commas should be in a lot of your posts. Also, you didn't put a punctuation at the end of your sentence lol. Are you talking about your self?



09-22-2009, 08:56 PM
you realize trunks just got mad and you called me illiterate because I said an.

Thats pretty ****ing stupid if you ask me

Stupid is you, not ending a sentence with punctuation.

09-22-2009, 09:01 PM
Please go an hero your self.

09-22-2009, 09:01 PM
Exodyus, I think this is as low as I've ever seen you get.

He's new to it: How about you just leave him alone and actually try to HELP him?
Oh, that's right. You're the egotistic maniac who only helps 21+ people who can spell.

First: Leave your opinion to yourself. Why go and post it on another forum, to people who shouldn't even get involved?
Second: I was once like that, if it wasn't for Rukisuto and Linux, I wouldn't have kept going. They supported my art no matter how bad it was, and they always tried to help.
They didn't laugh at it, and then go post it on other forums and say "LOL AT THIS!"

I don't get why you can't just leave your opinion to yourself and make the internet a bad place for anyone who isn't up to your godly standards.

In Short: That post you made on that forum was wrong of you.

09-22-2009, 09:05 PM
Please go an hero your self.

... What the hell are you saying?

Exodyus, yadda yadda yadda.


For someone to know there bad or new is one thing.
But to sell a lamely rendered, poorly brushed FORUM SIGNATURE with art that isn't yours and you didn't ask for permission to use -- to TRY and SELL it for 7 bucks, is beyond ridiculous.

09-22-2009, 09:07 PM
THAT is the EPITOME of LolFail.

09-22-2009, 09:08 PM

It means go kill you self. Which is really what you should think about. Your getting mad at people for using slang when your own damn avatar says I was born l33t.

Argument Invalid

09-22-2009, 09:19 PM

It means, go kill you self. Which is really what you should think about. You're getting mad at people for using slang, when your own damn avatar says, "I was born l33t."

Ignorance Valid

Can you seriously be that dumb? I mean -- really?

First of all, you'll see all my notations, I hope. You're obviously not too bright, so I dumbed it down for you, Jacob.

Secondly, to say that I should think about killing myself -- as retarded as you are and that statement is, there's no reason I should.

I have a fiancee.
I have a car that runs exceedingly well.
I have a great job, that pays me nearly 900 a week.
And I get to laugh at your ignorance all day long.

What could I possibly have as a reason to kill myself.
I mean, my parents loved me enough to obviously educate me well. Loved me more than your parents, it seems too. I'm moving into a townhouse this weekend, which is more than you'll ever aspire too -- beyond your parents basement. What more do I need? Lolol.

And Lastly --




09-22-2009, 09:40 PM
Can you seriously be that dumb? I mean -- really?

First of all, you'll see all my notations, I hope. You're obviously not too bright, so I dumbed it down for you, Jacob.

Secondly, to say that I should think about killing myself -- as retarded as you are and that statement is, there's no reason I should.

I have a fiancee.
I have a car that runs exceedingly well.
I have a great job, that pays me nearly 900 a week.
And I get to laugh at your ignorance all day long.

What could I possibly have as a reason to kill myself.
I mean, my parents loved me enough to obviously educate me well. Loved me more than your parents, it seems too. I'm moving into a townhouse this weekend, which is more than you'll ever aspire too -- beyond your parents basement. What more do I need? Lolol.

And Lastly --




Pic's or it didn't happen...

Any man about to get married does not have the time be on a forum and have a avatar that says I was born l33t and then make fun of someone that speaks it. It just does not happen.

Say what you want but I'll never be a noob of your lvl. I have better things to do then get in a fight on the internet with a 20+ year old man that has nothing better to do then get drunk and make fun of typing errors And if the mood strikes him beat his girlfriend

I made many typping errors for u

09-22-2009, 09:42 PM
Maybe its that time of the month for him but you seem to be a little on edge exo. Maybe you should seek some help

09-22-2009, 10:35 PM
why are you guys arguing like it's the end of the world?

I just read through most of the posts (since the last time I was here) just as a way to procrastinate on a theology paper and most of the posts are what 8 year olds would post when they just learned grammar and spelling and the smartass of the class is just pointing out every mistake.

my parents loved me enough to obviously educate me well. Loved me more than your parents, it seems too.

That part is fully subjective and relative to your own self. But yeah...that's just part of it.

09-22-2009, 11:08 PM
I make ok grades.

But as soon as I use some slang or make a typing error or just don't have the time to make it perfect I am.

1. Retarded

2. My parents don't love me

3. Have mental problems

4. Have no life.

Honestly the man that has the time to point this out has no life what so ever and looks to make him self into a man by pointing out typing errors.

09-22-2009, 11:16 PM
too many personal attacks in this thread now
