View Full Version : 'Nuff Said.

09-30-2009, 08:41 PM
This is just messed up. I had nightmares.
YouTube - DELIVER US OBAMA! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soSvifuYAVQ)

This is just wrong, but it's our schools are work.
The story I'll post under it.

YouTube - School kids taught to praise Obama - UNBELIEVABLE!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JldNwl08JWs)

BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP (New Jersey): New Jersey’s education commissioner has ordered a review after a YouTube video showed school children learning
a song celebrating President Barack Obama. Nearly 20 young children were captured in an online video as they sing songs that overflow with campaign slogans and praise for “Barack Hussein Obama,” as they repeatedly chant the president’s name and celebrate his accomplishments.

The superintendent of the school where students were videotaped said the taping was unauthorized, but failed to address whether the the lesson — taught durnig Black History Month — was approved. The video shows children celebrating Obama’s accomplishments, including his “gre-at plans” to “make this country’s economy No. 1 again.”
The video has set off families in Burlington, who say that politics shouldn’t be forced on young students.

“This video is disturbing,” said a grandparent named Sandy, who spoke on the condition that her last name not be noted. “I’m disturbed that someone can give their political opinions in school like this. I’m dead-set against it. School officials said the students were “singing a song about President Obama” in February “to honor the contributions of African Americans to our country.”

One song the children were taught quotes directly from the spiritual “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” though Jesus’ name is replaced with Obama’s: “He said red, yellow, black or white/All are equal in his sight. Barack Hussein Obama.”

The YouTube user who posted the video on the Internet, told FOXNews.com that the video was first put online by Charisse Carney-Nunes, an activist and author of the children’s book “I Am Barack Obama.” Carney-Nunes has been promoting the book during visits to sch-ools on the east coast.


But uh.
This is not February.
And politics should not be taught at that grade.

Wanna know who else did stuff like this?
I'll give you a hint.

09-30-2009, 08:51 PM
I forgot to post the video of this so happy you did....

If they made any kid sing about any song about any president it is not right. There 8? 9? years old. Its not there right to teach them about politics. Its there parents job then when they are older they can make there own choices.

Obama is not a god. People thought he was because he said he would fix it all... Your god lied

09-30-2009, 09:17 PM
oh my god

country is going to turn into North Korea. We should all move to another country while we still can.

And Samus - why do you still think this country can go the way of Germany? Or the former Soviet Union? I hope they teach you about checks and balances at your school.

09-30-2009, 09:20 PM
I forgot to post the video of this so happy you did....

If they made any kid sing about any song about any president it is not right. There 8? 9? years old. Its not there right to teach them about politics. Its there parents job then when they are older they can make there own choices.

Obama is not a god. People thought he was because he said he would fix it all... Your god lied

1. anyone thinking obama is god is an idiot. anyone thinking he could fix the entire economy in a few months is an even bigger idiot. it took bush 2 terms to screw it up, you can't expect a fix to come in a few months.

2. the song also looked to be part of a play, maybe they have something arranged with the president where he would come and speak to the kids? Clinton did that in my elementary school about 10-11 years ago (forgot exact date) and the school prepared a whole lot of crap for him.

3. do you like Hillary Clinton? would you rather have her as President?