View Full Version : To Charge or not to Charge?

10-29-2009, 01:06 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gamers-Forum, and was drawn here by the great conversations people were having and I felt like I should start another great debate.

I have been trying to decide whether or not I should go out and get a charging station for my X-Box 360 wireless and my Playstation 3 controllers. I used to have to just replace the AA batteries in my X-Box 360 controller and a tethered USB charging adapter for my Playstation 3 controller, but I was considering getting one of those base stations that charges your controllers. Mainly because I think they look cool.

Does anyone here currently own a charging base station for either system controller?

Do you have good things to say about these or do you think I should just stick to my guns and keep using the AA setup and the tethered USB?

What are your opinions?

Thanks in advance!

10-29-2009, 01:18 PM
It really depends on how many people normally play on the 360. If you have siblings or friends that play the 360 with you a lot then get the station. If it's normally you who plays and friends come over on the weekends or w/e then I would just get a play and charge, it's just a cable that charges your controller while you play. That's what I normally use, I don't mind it at all. If you get the base station, be sure not to leave the "batteries" on it for to long, or they will die fast on you.

11-17-2009, 07:44 AM
well i have the charge pack in all my controllers for my 360 because i was fed up of mid game please reconect controller one "SH*T where are the batteries oh poop i dont have any" so bought a kit now every night i stop playing i hook up my controler to the charge cable and my wireless headset to its charge cable meaning i never run out of juice

i suggest u invest

11-25-2009, 10:43 AM
I have never used one
I have only used batteries and its not that bad to change the batteries

11-25-2009, 02:10 PM
I've never needed one. I would say yes for the 360 if you don't want to use double-a's but that's about it.

11-26-2009, 02:45 AM
Iceskater101 how can u be addicted if u dont go through batteries like a hobo through macdonalds trash cans

11-26-2009, 10:18 AM
I've never needed one. I would say yes for the 360 if you don't want to use double-a's but that's about it.


12-31-2009, 04:50 PM
It depends on your individual gaming style if your completely addicted then I recomend you get the charging station, otherwise I would stick to AA batteries, just make sure you allways have spare.

Another option is a AA battery charger that costs £2 in Wilkinsons, it plugs into sockets and takes roughly 30mins to recharge a battery till it's completely full, thats what I use, but whatever takes your fancy mate, just don't go wasting your money on fancy stuff because they look nice, if your interested in gaming it should be about the experience instead of wether the colour goes with your living room.

Hope I was helpfull.

12-31-2009, 04:57 PM
I use rechargeable batteries :P That works great as well ;)

01-01-2010, 07:33 AM
I may invest in a charging base since I usually have one controller that is low when we have people over to play. I have tried to charge one PS3 controler while I play a singleplayer game but its kind of a pain to do it that way. We go through way too many AA batteries in our house due to game useage. We tend to have people over to play games once a week at least.

01-04-2010, 03:08 AM
at end of the day i found it better to buy charge packs as i hate fidling with batteries and it s space saving u dont have to have a battery charger lying around u just have a cable which can be hidden easly and its quicker and saves money in long run

01-22-2010, 11:38 AM
Its cheaper and it looks cool cheaper in the long run i mean