View Full Version : Calling all Gamers!

11-10-2009, 07:31 PM
Hello Gamers!

I’m doing a project about gamers and their relationship to the physical space in which they play their games as well as the virtual space that they immerse themselves in.

In doing so, I ask you kindly to all post pictures of yourselves playing your games. Think of it as a self-portrait of you as a gamer.
It can be any time of the day and situated anywhere from your home or workplace. The idea is that the picture should best capture the essence of your gaming space.

This can be done easily with the self timer option on your cameras or you could even have someone help you take the picture.
Suggested views could be a back shot of your head in front of the screen, or from the side as I am mainly interested in you (the gamer) being in front of the screen as you play. I’m not very picky about how it is lit and it is very open to expression.

Thank you in advance and I hope to see some active participation in this project! If you have friends that you know would be willing to take part then please feel free to let them know too :)


11-10-2009, 07:34 PM
and how will you contribute to this forum as we will for your project?

11-11-2009, 01:10 AM
I was thinking of this as a reflection of the gaming community and I plan to archive the submissions and anyone is able to access it when it is compiled (probably in website form). I think it would be very interesting in terms of sharing each other's space in the sense that online multi-player games (for example) are a communal domain.

I am a gamer myself and I'm actually doing a paper on this, so I would be willing to share the results of that and credit everyone that is involved. It's just a research paper for university, and I won't be profiting commercially off of this in any way.

If you have a suggestion as to what I should offer, that can be up for discussion too. I just think it's an interesting arena to see what we all get up to when we sit in front of the screen.

Thanks for your response!

11-11-2009, 10:00 AM
We're always happy to help but not everyone likes to give this much help to people that just joined and barely contributed to our forum. And most likely after you get your info you'll never return, you're not the first person that came here with this type of agenda and I know you won't be the last.

11-12-2009, 06:02 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, but I will be more than happy to be a permanent member of your forums