View Full Version : L4D2 Review

11-17-2009, 03:55 PM
Well guys I just finished playing L4D2 and so far so good ! The first thing I did was play versus mode. Got a taste on the new infected, and I'll have to say The Jockey is by far one of my favorite new infected. I played on the 1st Campaign Dead Center t'was the name, I believe. Well you start in a hotel and your objective is to get to the mall. On your way to it you stop by a gun-shop. Which of course has a load of weapons for you to choose from. And a few upgrades for your gun, such as laser and incinerate ammo. The Finales are now up to the player, no time to wait. You need to find gas tanks and fill up whatever it is you need to use for your escape. So you must search high and low for the gas tanks but be careful, if you get separated from your teammates and a infected has you on sight, you may be good as dead. The game has been brought up to a new standard yet I still have to play all the maps it's fresh and fun.

11-17-2009, 05:53 PM
ah...makes me want to play. But I have to hold off for the weekend. Can't wait to try infected in this game.

And I love the idea about upgrades for your guns...incinerate ammo :D

11-17-2009, 05:57 PM
I played it on a friends account it's pretty fun.
I'll wait until it goes on sale though.

11-17-2009, 05:59 PM
It came out today. Blackleo already has his copy, and they were supposed to give him my copy too but something happened to something.

But yeah, it came out earlier today (midnight sales in most places)

11-17-2009, 08:39 PM
Well I passed by my Gamestop to see what time they were gonna have it in tomorrow and they said they just got em so now I got Linux's copy as well. Im pretty sure some tournies will come out soon.

11-18-2009, 12:25 AM
I just got a chance to play - Pretty good game play. Love the new Infecteds and the boomer vile.

Although I've been getting crappy FPS and no server gave either of us less than 150 ping from what I've seen, the lag is pretty annoying.

11-18-2009, 08:33 AM
Yeah it seems that their servers aren't quiet up to handle it, hopefully it will get fixed soon.

11-18-2009, 10:02 AM
just need a few people to set up servers all over the world, I might set one up on the GF servers but I'm not sure how resource consuming it is. I'm pretty sure we still won't be able to play Versus but we'll both have around 10-15 ping (I'll probably have 1-2)

11-18-2009, 04:49 PM
As usual I will have to wait for a game to come to Saudi Arabia -.- FML
Yet I played the demo and I got so excited by just watching the trailer hahah now imagine me playing :P

11-18-2009, 07:56 PM
The game now has a scavenge mode which I find interesting. It's where the survivors have to go around finding gas tanks and fill up the car with it, the team with the most wins. It's best of two out of three. It works like the finales which is very interesting too.

Played that for the first time earlier today. I like it.

11-22-2009, 02:07 AM
After being gone, I got it, and the lag is also on the 360, local hosts and dedicated hosts both lag, very badly on versus. I hope they can fix that.

11-22-2009, 10:48 AM
It got much better for the PC version. I think they got new servers that can handle L4D2 on both coasts now. I suspected all the primary hosts to be on the far west coast OR on crappy internet. I've looked up some of the IPs and they were in places like San Jose and Seattle, etc.

I'm sure they'll catch up with the 360 sooner or later.