View Full Version : True RPG 9

11-27-2009, 01:33 PM
The game works like this, everyone votes on a choice or the character we'll
be using (in the beginning). I create a story revolving the character.
Within the story you get to choose what the character does (it's a
vote, majority rules). Your variety of choices are based on your skills
and class you pick.

You can be anything you want, except immortal that is.


Things to keep in mind....

This is a group game, not for individuals, everything that happens is a vote, patience.

This is my game, do not steal it or I will be very crossed with you.

Only I make the story and give you choices. FYI your choices are given to you based on your character and his/her abilities.

Let's get started then, shall we?



Necromancy- Forbidden of mages but not for you, curses and summons coming your way!

Illusion- Trick a trickster, turn invisible, or even blind a man!

Mysticism- Telekinesis never fails and soul trapping is a nifty trick.

Restoration- Create resistances to attacks and heal your wounds or diseases....

Chaos- This spell can have multiple benefits. It can confuse your enemies, make them dance, or even shine your boots! It can also make your enemies a lot stronger and more attractive but hey, that's chaos for you.

Alteration- Levitate and create shields to both fly and defend yourself from attacks, and you can even breathe water!

Destruction- Boom! Ice, fire, and electrical mayhem!

Athletics- Run like the wind!

Acrobatics- It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a crazy man jumping from roof to roof....

Duel Wielding- Two bloody blades are so much better than one....

Hand-to hand- To bloody my knuckles, or not to bloody my knuckles, that is the question?

Marksmen- Gun and bullet....in the head that is.

Sneak- Pickpocket the rich, and kill the beggars quietly.

Axe- Sharp, round, and able to cut through bone! Though not as fast as a blade.

Hammer- slow, stiff, but oh so powerful! Slowest but the strongest!

Blade- Steel, cold steel? Unless it has recently struck warm blood. Fastest, but weakest of all.

Charm- Aren't you the charmer

Intimidate- Ooo, scary man/woman.



Thief- Stealing is your art but in exchange you're not much of a fighter.

Mage- Bulging muscles aren't your thing, but glowing hands are! Ooo, shiny!

Crusader- Fighter of the God(s) and wielder of the blade.

Assassin- Killer by day and by night, no surprises there....

Mercenary- Buy em, kill em, fear em.



Artistic- The kills have more flare, their moves are smooth and flow easily. They find the most unusual places to creep into places. They even knows how come up with rather interesting lies.

Brave- The character is never afraid to go head first right into the middle of a fight. They may have the adrenaline others could never aspire to. Best of all, they can speak up when need be.

Handy- The cleverest character is the one most apt for survival in some cases. They come up with rather odd ways to kill, often involving more running and planing than fighting. They can only fix any of their broken equipment instead of waiting in the story to get a new bow or sword.

Heavy Sleeper- Their dreams last longer, are more vivid, and often rewarding in terms of you enjoying the dreams more. They also can sleep through anything, villages burning down, long bouts of boredom, even their own executions!

Perfectionist- They always have to hit right in the middle of the neck, or always win. They are keen to spotting the perfect (haha pun) weak point of any enemy easily. However, just because they try to be perfect doesn't mean they are. Sometimes they mess up on their assumptions, and if they do, well, it just bothers them really, since you know, one little screw up and you might end up screwed (teehee).



Short, stout, fat, and powerful! They are usually found in mines,
arenas with axes and getting drunk?not very intelligent. Hated by

Totilions- Lizards, very sneaky bunch. But
intelligent. Some are mercenaries, some are assassins, and even more
are thieves?.Hated by humans.

Human- The most found race of them all, imperialistic in nature and pretty proud of it. Luckily because of the number of humans around the other races don't pick fights with them
so much. Hated by all races.

Anarkins- Insectoids of some sort,
hailing from an unknown place. They are a race composed entirely of
males however. Reproduction is done through a extraordinary process,
using other female insect types the Anarkins are born. The eggs are
excreted from the female insects forced to "give birth" to the Anarkins.

Starting Location

Certain races and classes are excluded from certain choices. If no exclusion is mentioned than all races may pick that choice.

Feel free to not pick a starting location. It's only if you want your character to start somewhere or be something more specific.

Sitting In The Tavern (Anarkins Excluded)

On the road

Arena (You're fighting from the get go)


Breaking into a house at night

Arriving on shore from a shipwreck

Studying Magic in a library (Anarkins Excluded)

Being process as a new citizen (Only Humans and Totilions)



may pick 7 skills and 1 class. You may also pick a gender and a race. Please pick just 1 trait. 1 combat oriented skill only: Destruction, Blade, Axe, Marksmen,
hand-to-hand. Or you could have none at all.

Pick a starting location if you want to. It's not mandatory.

Things I have added/removed: Edited Chaos skill.

Starting Locations, optional choice for players who want a specific storyline or a specific starting location. The randomness of True RPG still exists though. ;)

Oh, and to those who are wondering what the 9 is for it's that when the character dies in the game I update the game in some way. Technically it should be True RPG 15 or something but I forgot my notes and had to start over in making it so now it's version 9.

11-27-2009, 01:48 PM
My brain just exploded ..

Sorry bud, what is it you want us to do?

11-27-2009, 01:54 PM
My brain just exploded ..

Sorry bud, what is it you want us to do?

Make a character. When I get around 3 character submissions I combine them together as a vote into one character.

If two characters have Blades then the vote is for blades.

Everything in the game is a vote, the start of the game is making the character.

Everyone uses the same character, you're all just voting on what the character will be like.

I know, slightly confusing when you first play it.

11-27-2009, 02:04 PM
OK, got ya .. I'll take a stab then .. literally ..

Race: Female Totilion
Class: Assassin
Skills: Sneak, Charm, Duel-weilding, Illusion, Restoration, Athletics, Intimidate
Trait: Perfectionist
Starting location: Arriving on-shore after a ship wreck

11-27-2009, 02:17 PM
Yep, just one problem....you picked duel-wielding which requires you to use a melee weapon. You can use magic and melee but you can't use duel-wielding alone.

11-27-2009, 02:18 PM
is illusion not magic then?

11-27-2009, 02:29 PM
is illusion not magic then?

It is, not necessarily combat magic but my point is that duel-wielding only pertains to weapons: Swords, axes, etc. Not magic.

Meaning you have to replace duel-wielding with another skill or if you want duel-wielding then you need to replace any of the skills with a weapon skill.

Sorry for the hassle.

11-27-2009, 02:31 PM
np mate .. ok, replace dw with alteration then .. how's that?

11-27-2009, 02:36 PM
Perfect. Now we wait for a few more character submissions. Then I mash them together.

Of course, since I noticed this forum itself is inactive I'll only wait a day tops and then start the game.

Thanks for being the first submission by the way! :D

11-28-2009, 08:01 PM
Alright Jango, I'll stick around to run this for a bit but if only you stay playing I may call it quits...

Race: Female Totilion
Class: Assassin
Skills: Sneak, Charm, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Athletics, Intimidate
Trait: Perfectionist
Starting location: Arriving on-shore after a ship wreck


You cough up the salty water, it hurts your scales and a burning sensation over comes you. You seem to be....off course. A slave destined for an owner. What a horrible storm that night...but now, you figure it's time to try and see where you are.

No noise of civilization.

1. Head North

2. Head West

3. Head South

4. Head East

11-28-2009, 08:18 PM
OK bud :)

3. Head south

p.s. I've always wanted scales :P

11-29-2009, 12:02 AM
You head south, your scales still burn.

You find yourself in a swamp...there's water here.

1. Wash

2. Keep moving

11-29-2009, 12:05 AM

(this burning isn't good .. or is it?)

11-29-2009, 12:13 AM

(this burning isn't good .. or is it?)

Totillions usually live in swamps, not salt water which you were just in.

Salt + Reptile/Fish = Dead

You wash the salt off and your scales feel...renewed.

You seem some fruit in a tree...your stomach growls.

1. Eat fruit

2. Move on

11-29-2009, 01:04 AM
Eat fruit

(aka .. nom nom)

11-29-2009, 09:35 AM
You...pass out as a gas infests your nose.

You seem to be moving, without walking.

1. Open eyes

2. Wait

11-30-2009, 11:10 AM
2. Wait

(gas so early in the day is never a good thing)

11-30-2009, 01:36 PM
You feel yourself being dragged....by small, slimey hands.

1. Open eyes

2. Jump

3. Wait

12-01-2009, 06:17 AM
'jump' - this doesn't feel like a massage ..

12-01-2009, 02:10 PM
You try to lift yourself up but are pushes down hard to the ground. Opening your eyes for a second you see at least 3 Gronglins.

"Stupid lizard."

1. Keep eyes closed

2. Try to get up again

12-01-2009, 02:26 PM
keep eyes closed

12-01-2009, 03:47 PM
"Heh, easy sleeper eh?"

"Quiet Jargon! Drag it."

You feel yourself gaining mud, dirt, water, each collections on your tail and back.

Then, a drop.

"We bring you this your highness..."

"Hmm, a lizard....is it a she or he?"

"How do we check sir...?"

"Argh! Out of my way I'll do it myself!"

1. Get up

2. Wait

12-01-2009, 11:45 PM
Get up

(.. for fear of any implements involved in discovering my gender ..)