View Full Version : Worst game support experience ..

12-05-2009, 11:59 AM
This thread is inspired by an email I got this evening from Atari. 3 months ago I started a support ticket, and got the reply today which basically told me they couldn't help me because I'd sent a support ticket to the wrong department - this was a technical issue, which I'd submitted to their technical support department, using their support web site. I know ..

So, what's been your worst experience with technical support?

12-05-2009, 12:40 PM
3 months to tell you it was sent to the wrong place? That's really sad. And I thought steam was slow with a 7-15 day response time, but if your ticket is submitted to the wrong place, they either help you or move it for you.

12-05-2009, 01:07 PM
I wish .. my ticket is marked closed & solved. I guess the support person was just having a bad day ...

12-05-2009, 01:18 PM
That's still terrible. But It could be part of their policy where it says they don't have to forward your ticket to the right department.

Gotta love big companies.

12-07-2009, 04:19 PM
I hate activision... they refuse to believe that there's anything wrpong with "wolfenstein" for the PC. There's so many people who are having the same problem as me; the single-player mode won't work. Any suggestions besides sending threatening letters?

12-10-2009, 10:55 AM
I had issues with half life and i contacted the support and it used to take lot of time to get answer to query.

12-10-2009, 11:24 AM
I hate activision... they refuse to believe that there's anything wrpong with "wolfenstein" for the PC. There's so many people who are having the same problem as me; the single-player mode won't work. Any suggestions besides sending threatening letters?

Blimey, that sucks. I wouldn't suggest threatening letters, but I would suggest taking it higher unless you get a satisfactory answer. It might be that they're working on a patch to resolve PC issues, but unless they actually say it then you won't know. I normally find that the community for a game has a better idea of how to work through problems than the 'professional' support, and although it isn't right at least it might help until they finally get off their backsides and resolve problems.

If all else fails, demand a refund.

12-10-2009, 02:37 PM
Worst customer experience I ever had was actually through my bank.
Long story short.....CHASE sucks balls.

12-11-2009, 04:51 PM
Worst customer experience I ever had was actually through my bank.
Long story short.....CHASE sucks balls.

I've been getting taxed since i was 8!! WTF is up with that!! And the bank say they can do crap all. I'm to take the problem to the taxing people - this was when i was 15... like I had any idea how to get my money back from the tax people. So, my mum was gonna do it for me, but the bank said she wasn't allowed to intervene in my affairs.... I had to go with her to the bank and tell them i gave her permission...

Another moan- Optical express are a bunch of rude tarts with the combined intelligence of a dead rat. They sent me 3 letters earlier in the year to come in for a check-up. When I went, they said they couldn't give me an eye exam because I wasn't due till later later. In the next month they sent a further 3 letters telling me i was overdue a check-up... THEN, i got a phonecall about 10 months later (last month) and some guy from the head office made me book an appointment for that weekend. I told him about the previous mistake and he assured me i would definately get a check-up. They rejected me AGAIN. Only this time, the woman was an absaloute c*nt. She repeatedly interrupted me mid-sentence, refused to admit that it was their fault and wouldn't give me the number for the manager. The ***** actually argued with my mother and ated like she was the ****in victim.! ARG!! people like that deserve their tounge ripped out and their eye-balls shoved up their anus.

Sorry... I needed to vent a bit. If it doesn't make sense, tough cookies.

As for wolfenstein, there's a load of patches already, but none seem to work for me. :S

12-11-2009, 10:02 PM
Tech support is a lie.

I have never had a good experience with any support anywhere. Ever.
) :

If I ever have a company I will have the best support ever!

I seem to have the need to use the word ever frequently.

12-21-2009, 09:08 AM
that makes me depressed... the same thing happened to me about 7 months ago, but i was informed about a month and a half later... you had to wait 3 months. =(