View Full Version : Windows XP question

12-17-2009, 09:57 AM
My computer is currently at Service pack 2 and I've been researching that I shouldn't install Service Pack 3 because of an endless reboot

(when you install the thing, and reboot, the computer keeps rebooting itself)
this happened to me many times, my only option was to reformat my whole computer...

anyway, Should I try again? Is it stable yet? Anyone HAVE service pack 3 on Windows XP?

12-17-2009, 03:51 PM
My sis updated to the SP3 a while back, it ran fine for a while but a few weeks ago, she wasn't able to even get into the login window for a while. I was able to get safe mode and uninstalled SP3 and problems were solved. My current pc is on SP2. No problems here.

SP3 is stable but just like every other software, it has bugs.

12-18-2009, 04:27 PM
okay then, after hearing from a person that had experience with it, I must not install it.

thanks Linux

01-23-2010, 09:37 PM
Late post but I feel it's still relevant...

In my opinion I find that SP3 is very stable, granted on the professional edition (I don't mess with home or media that much ). If I were you I would install it, especially if you have XP pro. The only time I've ever had a problem with sp3 was when installing it on a media center edition of xp that had been severely plagued with HIV and I had to safe mode nuke it.

01-24-2010, 12:11 PM
man, service pack 3, I gave it another attempt installing it on my computer. then again, it gave me the endless reboot. maybe its not meant for me. haha.
and my edition is the home

01-24-2010, 12:31 PM
The home edition really sucks man (In my opinion), I usually go with the business versions of windows such as Vista Business and XP pro and am always satisfied. Where as my encounters with other iterations haven't been as impressive...

01-24-2010, 12:34 PM
Tha'ts the one big problem with buying pre-built computers such as dell or hp. Usually they come preloaded with the home version, which sucks ) :

01-24-2010, 12:36 PM
I built my pc from scratch and have had both XP Pro and Vista Business. And I have to say that Vista business is incredibly stable. I attempted to crash by running hundreds of applications at once, using up the ram (Pretty sure I didn't have a page file) and it was able to counter my every move reserving enough ram to keep things running half decent...

01-24-2010, 01:25 PM
I built my pc from scratch and have had both XP Pro and Vista Business. And I have to say that Vista business is incredibly stable. I attempted to crash by running hundreds of applications at once, using up the ram (Pretty sure I didn't have a page file) and it was able to counter my every move reserving enough ram to keep things running half decent...

I use xp pro on desktop and one of my laptops have Vista Business. I like it but I may upgrade it to Windows 7 soon. I barely use that Laptop, generally use the one that has XP.

01-24-2010, 02:18 PM
I personally dislike laptops, they are still very much so inferior to desktops when it comes to getting serious work done. Besides, you can't build them your self...

01-24-2010, 03:08 PM
I personally dislike laptops, they are still very much so inferior to desktops when it comes to getting serious work done. Besides, you can't build them your self...

Well you can, it's just a lot more expensive than premade ones. I've actually bought quite a few broken laptops from Ebay, salvaged the working parts and combined them into working laptops. I currently have 5 Laptops at home that work. three of them are repaired from ebay. One HP, a sony vaio, and a Dell. Haven't used any of them in a while. The best one is the Sony that has 512mb ram with a 40gb hard drive with windows 2000 on it.

But anyway...laptops are useful, especially for me since I am not always home. On campus I use my laptop all the time and it works great. I'd never play any games on it because I killed a toshiba a few years ago (was having desktop issues so I started playing on my toshiba laptop, bad idea).

01-24-2010, 03:14 PM
Salvaging laptops just isn't the same thing in my opinion, unless things have changed of course. Most parts are proprietary and just about everything is integrated into the mainboard. About the most expansion you can do is through the pcmcia slots and usb. Desktops are much more fun...

As far as laptop gaming goes, I tried that out once with a cheap gateway laptop and i was hitting 200+ degrees F playing cs:s on the lowest settings possible. You can't buy a mainstream laptop and play games on it, you have to drop a kidney to buy a laptop that can play games decently it seems. Then again, I haven't stayed current on laptops in a long time, maybe things have improved, but I doubt it...

01-24-2010, 03:56 PM
Well, my point was that it is possible to build your own laptop. There are places that sell individual parts but since most laptops are customized per case and motherboard, it's really hard to gather all the parts and it usually ends up costing a lot more if you build it from scratch.

And I haven't tried gaming on my new laptops in a while. I played ROSE a few years ago on my lenovo and it worked fine. No overheating or anything but I wouldn't play something like l4d or something - but l4d wouldn't actually work, the GPU isn't as good.

01-24-2010, 06:51 PM
Linux, I thought that BROKEN items sold on ebay are disobeying the rules right?
or do they go under the category: "acceptable"?

01-24-2010, 07:02 PM
Linux, I thought that BROKEN items sold on ebay are disobeying the rules right?
or do they go under the category: "acceptable"?I'm pretty sure your solid if you state that the item is broken...

01-24-2010, 07:14 PM
dont fix what isnt broken they made it to keep xp alive but now windows 7 is here and vista has xp's place and 7 has vistas place but everyone will alwsyas love xp in the future kids will play with it and think this is still usefull
(not likely but you never know)

01-24-2010, 08:21 PM
Linux, I thought that BROKEN items sold on ebay are disobeying the rules right?
or do they go under the category: "acceptable"?

As Josh said, if you state it's broken then it's ok. eBay just cares for honesty. Plenty of people sell broken stuff. Every single laptop I bought didn't work at first, whether the display was out, power was out, or whatever it may be. The owners usually stated they are selling it 'as-is' - and trust me, I wouldn't have spent money on them if I didn't know what I was buying :)

01-25-2010, 10:32 AM
thats very helpful, thanks linux, I've been on ebay since sept. of last year. i'm new to this online shopping thing.... haha.

01-25-2010, 11:38 AM
linux once agian saves the day woah yeah