View Full Version : How long do you wait?

12-19-2009, 07:28 PM
I'm sure we have all at one point played a game until it got stale for us. We then played the waiting game for a time until we forgot the story or how to solve a quest easily or a certain way. Then the game became interesting to playthrough again, for a time. The cycle then continued.

I myself in have had this Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Resident Evil 4, etc. Maybe it will happen another time since I'm playing the waiting game again.

The discussion is essentially how long must you wait for a game to entice you enough to play it through again?

For me, usually half a year or more I'd assume, I don't count, just a guess.

12-19-2009, 07:50 PM
Depends on the game, I could skip playing certain games for years and then suddenly get back into it. CS 1.6 is an example, there is a point where I didn't play for 2-3 years in the middle. Then ROSE, there was a 3-4 year gap there too. Same with my GH3 but my controller's receiver broke so it doesn't work anymore anyway.

And again with CS this time, I haven't played since February then out of no where, last week, I played for a few hours - Guess it was a good way to procrastinate from studying from finals.

But I don't have an average wait time, varies per game and what stuff I have going on.

12-20-2009, 07:52 AM
Around 6 months for guild wars. For some games about 6 years before I really wanted to play it again (pokemon). Generally wait 2 or 3 months after completing a game to play it again.