View Full Version : Newb am I

12-24-2009, 11:40 AM
Well, only mostly.

'Sup? The name's Lillend. I have been gaming since before I hit my first decade. My first gaming console was the Atari (damn Space Invaders), but most of my experience has been on the PS2 and PC. I prefer first person shooters; I'm currently trying to get better at shooting zombies in L4D2 and getting to the end of my FEAR game.

I also play the DS. I got the new LoZ for my boyfriend, but I plan on beating it before I give it to him for Christmas (he's away visiting family so I've got the time).

When I'm not trying to get achievements by hitting zombie clowns these days, I'm either knitting, reading, watching movies, playing my craptastic violin craptastically, or bugging my sister to play Persona 4. I also like horror everything (my favorite movie series since I was 9 has been the Alien quadrilogy), crime/military shows, and science fiction (Star Gate, Star Wars, Star Trek, Starship Troopers, etc etc).

Nice to meet you.

12-24-2009, 11:44 AM
HELLO!!! Welcome to the forum. Read the rules and yadayada.

I presume, if you like sci-fi, that you've seen BladeRunner. What were your thoughts. If you've not seen it, why not?

12-24-2009, 11:49 AM
I have seen it (remember it being in my dad's movie collection), but not for at least 5 years, so I don't remember what it's about. However, I've been looking for movies to watch, so I'll watch that one with Zen right now.

Thanks, I'll tell you after.

12-24-2009, 11:52 AM
Welcome to gamers forum, glad you could join us, be sure to read all rules and faqs of the forum and ask any questions you may have.

Maybe we can play L4D2 later on - getting my new GPU today so I should be able to have a smoother exp with L4D2 now.

Enjoy yourself here!

12-24-2009, 11:53 AM
Yay horror movie friend <:

Welcome to the forum.


12-24-2009, 12:00 PM
I believe you Lemon, you guys seem to be my kind of people already.

I look forward to playing L4D2 with you sometime, LiNuX, though I'll probably have to hunt for a mouse, I think I left mine at college.

12-24-2009, 02:53 PM
HELLO!!! Welcome to the forum. Read the rules and yadayada.

I presume, if you like sci-fi, that you've seen BladeRunner. What were your thoughts. If you've not seen it, why not?

Just finished. I have found that most movies with Harrison Ford are good ones. All I remembered from BladeRunner was Rachel's hair, which is kinda weird. It was a good movie, but I probably wouldn't watch it over and over like I do with other movies.

I didn't really get the unicorn at the end, but I liked how Roy didn't kill Decker when he totally could have.

12-24-2009, 03:54 PM
Just finished. I have found that most movies with Harrison Ford are good ones. All I remembered from BladeRunner was Rachel's hair, which is kinda weird. It was a good movie, but I probably wouldn't watch it over and over like I do with other movies.

I didn't really get the unicorn at the end, but I liked how Roy didn't kill Decker when he totally could have.

huh... wait... unicorn... I only watched it last month... i don't remember a unicorn... Maybe we watched a different cut....
My mum freaked out and left the room when the guy (can't remmber names, sorry) got his eyeballs pushed back into his head.
the movie's so thought provoking and symbolistic.

12-24-2009, 03:55 PM
hey welcome to the forums!
I am glad you like crime shows and horror movies
we could become really good friends :D

12-24-2009, 04:41 PM
Welcome to the forums! Too bad for me that you don't play L4D2 on the 360 =(
ahah enjoy the forum =D