View Full Version : Game suggestion for PC

12-25-2009, 05:35 AM
Hey guys...I'm brand new to gaming and I'm looking for game suggestions. I am looking for a PC game with the following characteristics:

1. Can be play when NOT connected to the internet
2. Is no more than $30
3. Preferrably could be downloaded (doesn't need to be but satisfies my need for instant gratification :yes:)

I prefer the types of games where there is quick action and achievable goals. I'm not into games that grind on for hours to achieve very little.

Oh..and I cannot play FPS as I get motion sick and get a terrible headache!

Any suggestions?

12-25-2009, 07:53 AM
I have heard very good things about Torchlight. Did you play Diablo and like it? If so I think this is the game for you. Its super cheap right now only 9.99 and downloadable at the website http://www.torchlightgame.com/. I have not played this yet as they have not made it for mac yet but once it is out I will be all over it.

12-25-2009, 10:26 AM
The game I'm making is:

1. Played without the internet

2. Free

3. Download only

Check the topic below in my signature.

12-28-2009, 08:44 AM
Frank - Torchlight rocks! I downloaded the demo jsut to see and I'm addicted to it. So far it is easy to play and get the hang of, lots of looting, lots of slashing, etc. THANKYOU!!!

12-28-2009, 09:37 AM
Very good to hear! :spinny: I really hope they release a mac version soon. Torchlight would help me as I wait for Diablo 3.