View Full Version : first person shooter for wii

12-31-2009, 04:50 PM
Hey guys,

so my fiance is really into first person shooter games. I am not. We own a wii, mainly because I wanted a Wii more than a PS3, and hes an awesome guy who let me have what I wanted. Anywhoodles, it will probably be a few months before we can afford a new console, so I wanted to bide his time with a new game for him.

What do you guys recommend??


12-31-2009, 06:41 PM
Call of duty 4 just went to the Wii, it's a very good FPS.
Metroid prime is really good and can be considered an FPS.

but really that's about it as far as FPS on the wii goes.

12-31-2009, 07:26 PM
Didn't know COD4 came out for the wii...the system wasn't built for games like that, mostly for more interactive games. But if I remember correctly, "Brothers in Arms" and "Far Cry" is out for the wii as well.

12-31-2009, 07:49 PM
I find it slightly odd that Wii isn't designed for FPS games. I think its perfect, we have Cabelas big game hunter and with the shotgun it makes perfect sense. Oh well I suppose I'm not much of a gamer so it really doesn't matter.

12-31-2009, 08:02 PM
I find it slightly odd that Wii isn't designed for FPS games. I think its perfect, we have Cabelas big game hunter and with the shotgun it makes perfect sense. Oh well I suppose I'm not much of a gamer so it really doesn't matter.

Only Nintendo can answer why they haven't tried to get more FPS games for the console. But I think they tried to keep the Wii as family friendly as possible, meaning allowing people of all ages (literally) to play.

You won't find many parents letting their 8-9 year olds play Left 4 Dead or find a 60 year old play Call of Duty MW2. But you can find them all play bowling on the wii because it appeals to those ages.

But it's just a theory from observation.

01-06-2010, 11:24 AM
You won't find many parents letting their 8-9 year olds play Left 4 Dead or find a 60 year old play Call of Duty MW2. But you can find them all play bowling on the wii because it appeals to those ages.


My experience with first person shooters on the wii has left me somewhat frustrated as I try to fuss with the controls. It takes a little effort to be able to walk when getting down the motion of pointing your wiimote at the edge of the screen to turn while moving with the nunchuck... but I must admit I'm glad I got good at it because Metroid Prime was so worth the effort.

In spite of the fact that I eventually got over the obstacle of tripping over myself in fps's on the wii, I still recommend that you go the direction of Rail Shooters because the wii's design begs for it to be used that way. For some nostalgic arcade charm you could pick up House of the Dead 2 and 3 (and not have to worry about running out of tokens, for a change! Get it? "Change"? *ba dum tiss*) Or you could try Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for a slightly more "serious" game.

That's pretty much it for rail shooter titles on the wii though, and neither of those are games that you're going to play for long, so don't spend more than $20~30 (although being able to pull out HotD with some friends over always gets a good reaction.)

If anyone EVER tells you to get Ghost Squad (one other rail shooter title for the wii I'm aware exists,) you should run very, very far away and never speak to them again.

01-06-2010, 02:54 PM
I've played resident evil - umbrella chronicles on the wii. I enjoyed it (and i don't generally play FPS). It's fairly old so should be fairly cheap, so if ya don't like it - no biggy.

01-07-2010, 11:56 PM
I have heard that Dead Space Extraction was a good rail shooter for the Wii as well. I have not played it personally but I have friends that liked it.

01-08-2010, 09:47 PM
Dead Space: Extraction looks awesome after peeking at a couple reviews... I went on a blitz through a bunch of rail shooters this last summer and it looks like it was released in September just as I stopped looking!

I'm definitely going to look into this game, thanks for posting, Frank :)

01-18-2010, 09:41 AM
I got a wii and it sucks

01-19-2010, 12:37 PM
Try Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Or the new Call of Duty Modern warfare Reflex edition

01-22-2010, 11:20 AM
wii fps i think suck but i know of some like
Call of duty modern warfare
Dead space exstraction
Resident Evil Unbrella Chronicles
Metroid Prime Triolgy (good game)

01-22-2010, 07:03 PM
not sure i'd like playing FPS on a wii as much of the appeal of the FPS games to me is the skill it takes to handle and dominate the controller. Competition would seem to be more stagnant on a wii.