View Full Version : Review Cleril's Top 5 Games This Year (If you don't care, pretend to)

12-31-2009, 07:07 PM
Here my top five games of the year. That means these games should be bought, played, and then served with a side of honey mustard and/or hot sauce. It doesn't have to be in that order though. Why should I tell you what to play? Well, I'm part of the industry, both as a reviewer and indie developer. Therefore, I know my stuff.

Number 5:


While not a good game to start with if you've never played a Harvest Moon game before it is one of the better games in the series. It may look cute and casual friendly but it's all about the difficulty in this one. The game gives you nothing, even when you think it will. At every turn the game makes your farming career harder and harder, and not in the fun way. Good job on buying that chicken coop, oh did it only come with two feeders? That's a shame, you have to buy more. Oh, is it not big enough for more than four? Well then, upgrade it slacker!

Read my review here: The Escapist : Forums : User Reviews : Cleril Reviews: Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/326.161368)

Number 4:


Sure, the series is starting to get milked....wait what did I just say? Hell no it's not getting milked. This game really shows how many operations have yet to be done in the Trauma Center universe. Nearly every few missions there is a twist or something goes wrong and this keeps you on the edge of your A button and B button respectively. "Oh, but it's a Wii game..." Oh, well, piss off you fan boy. This game is hardcore to the bone. All missions have a timer on them and most of the time it's 5 minutes, so suture quickly. Oh, and did I mention one wrong move and the patient can die? Maybe I should, since this game will get your adrenaline pumping. The only problem? The last boss fight is all about timing....not really skill.

The music is nice too, here is my review: The Escapist : Forums : User Reviews : Cleril Reviews: Trauma Center: New Blood (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/326.156349)

Sovato from the prequel is more bad ass than this Cardia. Sure, the boss is fast like your heart but then the last moment comes down and it's all about if I can draw a bloody star in .30 seconds I think you need a better boss design.

Number 3:


This game shows what a rail shooter should be. Not that House of the Dead crap but instead make it a cinematic experience. I really must say it that this game is better than Dead Space. There's never a dull moment, the game can be creepy, and it's actually subtle sometimes with it's scares. Even plays with your mind a bit, along with your trigger finger. There's difficulty modes, unlockable extras, one of which is a great comic book that is voice acted, even better than the game itself. It brings even more information about Extraction's story line too. I usually hate rail shooters but this...this is what rail shooters should always be.

Read my review here: The Escapist : Forums : User Reviews : Cleril Reviews Dead Space: Extraction (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/326.151730)

Number 2:


Those who know me saw this one coming. It's true, Dragon Age: Origins lives up to the hype and more. Of course, the graphics practically suck but oh the drool that came out of my mouth when those around me talked since I'm a mute....such good voice acting with such grand roleplaying aspects. There is so much replayability....but....but it can all be done in less time than it would take you to do every quest in Morrowind. That is a shame...oh, can you guess what my game of this year is? Well, if you've scrolled down enough you already know but if not then get scrolling!

My review of Dragon Origins: The Escapist : Forums : User Reviews : Cleril Reviews: Dragon Age: Origins Xbox 360 Version (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/326.154538)

My game of the year is...is....

Number 1:


How many of you went "What is...Haven?" right? Right. Well folks, this is an indie game, made by me. Don't give me that evil glare, I'm not putting myself on a pedestal for jack squat. Haven is a Non-Combat RPG with horror and puzzle elements. Did I say non-combat? Yes, yes I did. Does that make it boring? No, not at all. Every quest you come across gives you a new kind of presentation and new story bit. Some regarding the world around you and some story regarding Cleril, the main character. Cleril is my pen name, as I am a Poet. You play as this Cleril, but you know nothing about him other than that he is the last of the bards/Poets, and that he was asked to help Haven's economy, since it's been slouching.

Make no mistake, this game is mature, and not in the bloody or sexual way. The game covers themes such as suicide, drugs, love, mature love, insanity, insomnia, and so on. There are countless themes, all presented in their own unique way. You will feel connected to something in the game, even if you hate Cleril. You cannot change Cleril, but that's the point. Some players love Cleril, some hate him, and some think he is bipolar. The game is meant to be interpreted by you. Every character stands out, nobody ever having the same archetype. Not to mention that even things like side quests have 9 different endings, making for a lot of replay value.

Best of all, it's free. Of course I am looking for players to provide feedback, message me if you'd be interested in that. That's the only line where I advertised alright? Good.

A review of this game, not written by me, pimppeter2 wrote it: The Escapist : Forums : User Reviews : Pimpin Reviews: Cleril's Haven (A game created by an Escapist User) (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/326.164259)

Let me know what you think about my list. And no, I don't care if any of these games happened to not come out this year and what have you. Buy them (or get them for free), now.

12-31-2009, 07:36 PM
I have not played any on that list. I still have to try out your game, and from what I've been hearing, Dragon Age: Origins is an awesome game to play as well.

12-31-2009, 07:46 PM
I have not played any on that list. I still have to try out your game, and from what I've been hearing, Dragon Age: Origins is an awesome game to play as well.

Dragon Age: Origins certainly is but it didn't get first because one of my players stated how he had a hard time balancing play time between Haven and Dragon Age. That, along with the fact that Haven already has nearly enough replay value as Dragon Age, makes Haven win.

If you never played a Harvest Moon game before I recommend Friend of Mineral Town (GBA) to introduce you to the series. You can find roms and such for it if you can't find it.

12-31-2009, 08:07 PM
The last Game Boy I had was my gameboy color. Never played Friend of Mineral Town either. I moved away from GBC to PS2 a long time ago, then to the PC.

12-31-2009, 09:10 PM
The last Game Boy I had was my gameboy color. Never played Friend of Mineral Town either. I moved away from GBC to PS2 a long time ago, then to the PC.

Eh, just find a GBA emulator, I forgot which one I used to use. The FoMT (Friends of Mineral Town) rom I tried was a bit glitchy with it's graphics but otherwise was functional.