View Full Version : Welcome to 2010

12-31-2009, 07:45 PM
I just realized that there is no 2010 post :P

Happy New Year


We hit it 4 hours ago (don't ask why I'm still up) :twitcy:

You people in US still have some time so just ignore it for now :P

12-31-2009, 08:10 PM
Still about 3 hours left before the east coast of the US hits it. It's raining out though.

But Happy New Year! Starting a new decade. Have any new years resolutions?

I have a few:

1. Start working out again...I made this last year and failed. Need to get back into shape.

2. Grow hosting and computer companies even more - had this last year and we came far, 3 more services added, couple hundred clients, etc.

3. Don't procrastinate on work - I almost kept it up until early december when I just didn't want to do my last english and theo papers. I waited for the last day for both...senioritis is probably kicking in.

That's all I have for now.

12-31-2009, 09:07 PM
Happy New Year/soon to be New Year! :]
May this year bring joy and good luck to us all~<3

New Years Resolutions.....
Study more... -__-
I need it.. >>"

12-31-2009, 11:28 PM
Became 2010 about a half an hour ago so Happy New Year! I entered the year playing L4D2 and I won! Good game..

01-01-2010, 02:54 AM
Happy New Year!

I spent it working but its all good as I had x-mass off.

I hope this year will be as good for us gamers as last.

01-01-2010, 05:38 AM
I spent it with some of the people from my grade just chilled in the house of this one girl

01-01-2010, 08:37 AM
Happy new years! I was playing Mario Monopoly with 5 or 6 people from like 9 to 1 before calling a truce between the remainder 2 players and myself. I was the one who forced everyone else into bankruptcy with hotels on Mario and Luigi (the dark blues).

I guess my resolution will also be to not procrastinate, but I guess it's out of my hands. I wanted to finish 2 essays and some stuff for a college application (had a thread a while back) before school starts back on the 4th but I haven't been able to use the computer much with my older brother on break from college using it. I'm glad the Wii has internet access. This took forever to type but I needed something to do seeing as how I'm the only person who has woken up so far.

01-01-2010, 12:47 PM
Happy New Year!

My new year resolution is probably to eat healthier because I sometimes eat crap food all the time
I am going to really try to keep it

01-01-2010, 02:50 PM
1. Start working out again...I made this last year and failed. Need to get back into shape.

Ditto. But i have a cunning plan. A number of my friends are also trying to get back in shape, so we've decided to force each other to do exercises and go the gym together. We're gonna motivate each other!!
(Balldrick is awesome... sorry, that was a small tangent)

New year was... meh for me. I was supposed to have my boyfirend over and we'd celebrate hogmany together.. but he's ill. So instead, i went with my parents ti my mum's friends' party... just how i wanted to spend new year, with a bunch of parents and a truckload of kiddies.
Mind you, the celebrations on the TV were rubbish, there wasn't even a countdown and they didn't play Auld lang syne!! I mean WTF... This year was almost as bad as last year when my family had the flu.
It got better around 1 in the morning. Dad and I hijacked the sound syste,m and put on some good music - none of that U2 **** i was about to commit suicide to. My Dad and I danced around like lunatics but we had to keep fighting for the sound system. ¬.¬

Anyways happy new year. May it bring the best for all of us.

01-02-2010, 11:53 PM
My resolutions are:
-Stay on top of school work
-Start reading more often (books are filled with knowledge)
-Get more active on these forums. Hopefully my input will be helpful

Yep, pretty exciting

01-03-2010, 01:11 AM
-Start reading more often (books are filled with knowledge)

I tried that years ago, but I found out watching tv and browsing through websites help fill your brain with more stuff than books ever will. For me at least.

01-03-2010, 06:47 AM
I tried that years ago, but I found out watching tv and browsing through websites help fill your brain with more stuff than books ever will. For me at least.

Agreed!!! I gave up on reading XD Nat Geo Wild and Discovery Channel for the win!

01-03-2010, 01:50 PM
I tried that years ago, but I found out watching tv and browsing through websites help fill your brain with more stuff than books ever will. For me at least.

For me reading works better cause i actually have to take the time to read and understand what's being said so I understand better. I think it's easy to miss important information on tv, or at least it doesn't register in my mind as well.

01-03-2010, 02:42 PM
woowoo happy new year!

01-03-2010, 10:25 PM
happy new year fellas