View Full Version : Reinstalling windows, Question about games DRM

01-12-2010, 07:46 PM
sorry if it's already been discussed, but i'm new hear, so excuse me. it's stressing me out.

I have a few (none steam) games that have DRM, but will they be affected with reinstall or are they install as many times as you like to the same PC?

Crysis Warhead
Mass Effect

i probably got a few others, but cant remember/not sure if there affected since i got about 140 games installed not sure on which are affected

i've been told that if i uninstall them before reinstalling windows, it will give back one of the activations, but not sure on how accurate that is, i think it only applys to Bioshock (according to wikipedia's info on DRM)

01-12-2010, 08:40 PM
From what I know of this it varies from game to game. Some are limited to the number of machines you install the game on (meaning that the same game can be installed on the same PC a number of times, but can't be installed on multiple PCs), while others are limited to the number of times you install the game on any given PC. Generally it seems that most of the companies using DRM aren't making it massively difficult to manage this - from the ones I know of a simple email to the support department etc will sort you out. As well as that there's even been cases of patches removing it completely as an on-going part of the game, but only maintaining it for games installed before release dates.

Imo I can understand why they want to protect against piracy or hacking etc, but to me there has to be a better way to handle it. After all, who wants to be limited in any way when they buy a game?

01-13-2010, 07:26 AM
just found the deauthorisation tool on EA games site (would post the link but cant as i'm new!) maybe when i get my post count up i'll post the link so if anyone has the same problem they can just use it.

theres 25 games on it, and i got 16 of them. going to be a long day.

actually i think i'll just uninstall them over the next few days. hate it when games feel like there not your own, and you got to jump through hoops not to loose them! (maybe not now, but in a few reinstalls time.)