View Full Version : Help Me Need to find a good multiplayer RPG

01-14-2010, 03:00 PM
I've been struggling here... my friends and I usually play games together but we lately haven't been able to find one that will really keep us up together into the wee hours of the morning - I miss the feeling of a good RPG really immersing me (and a group of friends) into a state of insomniac gaming like that!

I've been poking around these forums and around the intertubes trying to find something fun to play but I'm drawing a blank. I'm open to almost any suggestions, old RPGs/new RPGs of any variety.

I recently stumbled upon Torchlight which I was really excited about, but then discovered that it doesn't have multiplayer. :mad1: I tried Borderlands but when I played it it had a promise that didn't really follow through for me... that ending left me feeling empty and the total lack of replayability didn't lend itself well to our needs ;(

So, please, shoot a couple game names at me and give me any reason to like 'em and I'll try it out, we're pretty desperate here ;)

01-14-2010, 04:06 PM
i love a good rpg myself that keeps me up to the wee hours of the am. me and my friends use to play alot of fable 2 but i would like a multiplayer as well.

01-14-2010, 05:09 PM
I'm gonna throw something at ya now, are ya ready to catch?

Guild wars.
It's multiplayer (up to 8 players), an rpg, for the pc, fairly cheap, addictive and (most importantly) fun.
I've had the game for years, completed all 4 games in normal mode and i'm still playing it (spontaneously though).
There's 2 modes - Campaign and PvP. In campaign you do hundreds of side-quests, a fair number of primary quests and about 20 big missions - and you can do them all with up to 7 friends (however, at the beginning your limited in the number you can take with you). Oh, and you get graded on how well you do the mission, either by completing bonuses or completing it within a time-limit.
In PvP, you fight with (or against the people in) your guild. There's tournaments etc etc.
The game has extras and the like, but this isn't a review and it may not be your thing - however, if you are interested in knowing a bit more, i'll be more than happy to help.

01-14-2010, 05:22 PM
I'm gonna throw something at ya now, are ya ready to catch?

Guild wars.
It's multiplayer (up to 8 players), an rpg, for the pc, fairly cheap, addictive and (most importantly) fun.
I've had the game for years, completed all 4 games in normal mode and i'm still playing it (spontaneously though).
There's 2 modes - Campaign and PvP. In campaign you do hundreds of side-quests, a fair number of primary quests and about 20 big missions - and you can do them all with up to 7 friends (however, at the beginning your limited in the number you can take with you). Oh, and you get graded on how well you do the mission, either by completing bonuses or completing it within a time-limit.
In PvP, you fight with (or against the people in) your guild. There's tournaments etc etc.
The game has extras and the like, but this isn't a review and it may not be your thing - however, if you are interested in knowing a bit more, i'll be more than happy to help.

sweet thanks maybe ill pick it up when i get my new laptop. and u had me dying at the are u ready to catch it was quite cute

01-14-2010, 06:55 PM
I was gonna say that you could get White Knight Chronicles which is coming out in February. I believe it has online multiplayer. However i think that might only be coming out on ps3 and not sure if you have that. I might be wrong though, could be coming out on other systems too.

01-14-2010, 07:21 PM
I'm gonna throw something at ya now, are ya ready to catch?

Guild wars.

This game has been recommended to me my whole life, it seems... I really should go ahead and cave. I just wonder if I can get all my friends into it too and get it to stick!.. This is an excellent suggestion, though, I'll definitely have to pass it by everyone :)

I was gonna say that you could get White Knight Chronicles which is coming out in February. I believe it has online multiplayer. However i think that might only be coming out on ps3 and not sure if you have that. I might be wrong though, could be coming out on other systems too.

I looked it up - it looks great but it is only for the ps3 (which I do not have) :\ I should have clarified that I'm looking for a PC game, specifically.

Although, this game hand in hand with MAG is starting to make me think I should have a ps3 :twitcy:

Thanks so much for the responses! :D

01-15-2010, 11:59 AM
you could try Granado Espada, Cabal Online or Perfect World. I play those and its FREE on PC. Or if you're a console RPG person, go check out some of the latest RPG's or SOON-to-come-out RPG's. White Knight Chronicles, Final Fantasy 13, or Lost Odyseey on the 360? Anyway, hope you find the right one just to your liking.

01-15-2010, 10:24 PM
Are you and your friends PVP Fans? or more PVE Fans?
If you like PVP, Darkfall and Mortal online are basically PVP.

Surprisingly Lord of the rings online and Final fantasy 11(if you can get past the Grinding on FF11) have Great PVE.

I also hear good things about Vanguard in the PVE department, but I've never tried it.

For me Guild Wars, I tried it I bought a pack with the original and 3 of the the expansions it left me empty, it felt like I was aimlessly Killing monsters and doing random jobs for NPC's. WoW, LOTRO and FF11 didn't feel like that even though that's exactly what you were doing.

As for me I'm not playing any MMORPG's right now, I'm waiting for FF14 and Kotor 3 (SWTOR)

01-15-2010, 10:32 PM
Are you and your friends PVP Fans? or more PVE Fans?

I'd say we're PVE preferred, but not exclusive. Thanks for all the ideas in here... at the very least I'll have some interesting conversation to bring to the group :D

01-15-2010, 10:35 PM
I played Requiem: Momento Mori with a friend of mine and I loved it. It's a horror typed mmo and it's like if WoW got some tips from Quentin Tarantino. It's pretty dang sweet.

Plus it's free :P
Clickity Click for the site. (http://www.playrequiem.com/)

01-15-2010, 11:20 PM
or play what Morticia said, I like that game too, but then it stopped working on my computer.... no worries, my computer is like 3 years old, i'm sure yours is NEW. So give it a try.

01-16-2010, 02:23 AM
I played Requiem: Momento Mori with a friend of mine and I loved it. It's a horror typed mmo and it's like if WoW got some tips from Quentin Tarantino. It's pretty dang sweet.

Plus it's free :P
Clickity Click for the site. (http://www.playrequiem.com/)

Looks very interesting almost makes me willing to put windows on my Mac... almost. I think I will save that unthinkable day for when The Old Republic comes out.

01-16-2010, 10:49 AM
I played Requiem: Momento Mori with a friend of mine and I loved it. It's a horror typed mmo and it's like if WoW got some tips from Quentin Tarantino. It's pretty dang sweet.

This looks good enough that I'd wrestle my friends down and bludgeon them with the keyboard until they signed up. :twitcy: "Free" is usually a good selling point to get a group of friends motivated together, too :spinny:

Looks very interesting almost makes me willing to put windows on my Mac... almost. I think I will save that unthinkable day for when The Old Republic comes out.

Bootcamp is where it's at, yo! Give in!
- posted from Windows XP on my MacBook Pro

01-25-2010, 11:30 AM
i think the g cube crystal chronicles is ok but you need like 4 gameboys

01-25-2010, 04:42 PM
I think I will save that unthinkable day for when The Old Republic comes out.

Cannot .. wait ...

01-26-2010, 11:28 PM
Cannot .. wait ...

Agreed I am very excited for this game. Bioware + Star Wars + MMO = Godly

01-27-2010, 11:14 AM
i just came to see how the search is going