View Full Version : how do you celebrate?

01-18-2010, 02:31 PM
okay so today, I got back home from school, then it took me like 2 hours of playing and I just want to say, "I finally beat Final Fantasy 8! WOO HOO!" haha.
dang, it took me since the last week of December up to now...
And now I'm just celebrating that I got no homework, with some comfort food.... which is lasagna. HAHA.

So question, What game(s) did you beat that it made you feel like it was worth the experience? How did you celebrate?

01-18-2010, 03:32 PM
i suppose dragon age was the last game i got a decent sense of achievement from completing .. afaik i remember i did two things: 1. browse the story screenshots, showing the progression of my character throughout the story, and 2. wrote a review :P

some of the bosses in old school wow saw fun celebrations .. from naked celebrations in bars in stormwind, to treasure hunts and karaoke comps on teamspeak .. crazy but fun.

01-18-2010, 03:54 PM
when i beat cod me on veteran i ended goin out and getting all drunk at the bar. i was in high spirits that day and i beat it in 4 days

01-18-2010, 04:34 PM
I celebrate by sitting back and smiling. Quiet and reflective for a moment, I eventually nod and let out a little snicker.

"Well done, game developers, well done."

Then, I stretch and take in a big breath and go about the rest of my day; all the while glowing with a subtle air of pride and smug demeanor.


It's been a while since a game has made me feel that way. I miss that feeling. I should try Dragon Age. Now to magically find $50...

01-18-2010, 04:38 PM
haha one time i go so pumped up i yelled and thru my controller and it smashed and broke. Then a week later my xbox and all the games had to be sold. Cause my gf at the time was a b**** and sed i was an addict

01-18-2010, 05:42 PM
I remember the night my sister beat shadow of the colossus we ordered pizza. It was a big deal cause it was the first game my sister ever beat. Haha wish we had a party every time I beat a game.

01-18-2010, 06:31 PM
Most of the Games I play nowadays don't have a story mode you can "beat" but back in the day I beat Vice City (Almost) and I celebrated by going on the Rooftop of a fire station and just going on a rampage with my sniper rifle and rocket launcher.

I was missing a few of the hidden items, never found them. My game was deleted later by accident along with my DBZ Budokai 3 game save. I almost beat Budokai 3, only had 1-2 characters left to unlock.

01-18-2010, 06:33 PM
i would have flipped out big time ^^

01-18-2010, 08:16 PM
Most likely (will be) COD Modern Warfare, the first one.

I have No Fighting in the War Room and Mile High Club on Veteran, than I'm done.
I'll be super excited, and go brag to my friends.
And then go work on MW2 on Veteran.

01-19-2010, 02:39 AM
celebrate by yelling vulgarities

01-19-2010, 06:20 AM
I celebrated by going on the Rooftopof a fire station
I thought you had actually done that...

and just going on a rampage with my sniper rifle and rocket launcher.

Till I read that bit. Still... going on top of a fire station would be an awesome way to celebrate.

It depends on the game and the time.. If i'ts really late, i celebrate by having 3 mugs of milk and going to bed. If it's the afternoon or evening, i'll put some music on and dance and eat popcorn and call up a friend who's still hasn't completed it and cheese in their face.

01-19-2010, 10:37 AM
If it's the afternoon or evening, i'll put some music on and dance and eat popcorn and call up a friend who's still hasn't completed it and cheese in their face.

LOL my best friend and I when we were way younger would do this ALL THE TIME to each other!

Particularly with Pump It Up (a dancing game similar to but better than DDR,) I'd get these messages where he'd say the name of the song, the difficulty he did it on, and then his grade (which was usually an "S", which means perfect score/no misses in that game.)

I'm still a little haunted when he says, "Black Cat....... Hard Mode...... S."

01-19-2010, 10:47 AM
haha u are like the only person i heard say cheese in there face other than me. everyone looks at me like im on crack when i say cheesin

Project Blaze
01-19-2010, 05:15 PM
Celebrate, eh? Uhhmm, I pretty much just take a LOOOONG breather and treat myself to some good old R&R. lol Even though I sometimes play games multiple times, but that's what I do when I beat my games for the first time. It's surprising how many headaches you can get just by playing one. :laugh:

01-19-2010, 05:21 PM
It's surprising how many headaches you can get just by playing one. :laugh:

those are VERY wise words hehe

Project Blaze
01-19-2010, 05:32 PM
lol We're out of asprin too. ;_; But it won't keep me down! NEVA!!! Devil May Cry 4 is irresistable! lol

But you know what'd be SWEET!? If someone bought me a frozen cake each time I beat a game. :laugh:

01-19-2010, 09:36 PM
wow, some responses you get in a thread like this. thanks y'all for replying and maybe subscribing??? I hope it won't die.. eventually it will but... yeah... y'all know what I mean. anyway, I never heard of "cheese in the face". or someone getting on top of a fire station roof and shooting firearms... er.. WAIT. thats in VICE CITY. I had to read that TWICE. haha. Yes, I would like a frozen cake, but maybe I should change it up a bit, maybe on the next game I beat, I'll probably do something crazy like jump off a 3 story building into a deep deep pool... haha. and what's R&R? I'm sorry Infernal Slayer & everyone else, I don't quite understand some lingo.

01-20-2010, 12:01 AM
For most games I don't get too excited at beating the story. Most of the time I play though a game without trying to get all the achievements or extra stuff and if I like it I go back and do the rest.

A celebration for me is usually talking with my roommates about it and how much I liked the game. Like jango beating some of the bosses in WoW was a big thing and I did a little dance or celebrated with my roommates. I was a big mount/pet collector in WoW and woudl celebrate a new pet or mount by using them for the next week or so and showing them off. I have 104 mounts and 107 pets on my main character (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Azjol-Nerub&cn=Tovya&gn=Wolves+of+the+Calla).

01-20-2010, 04:34 AM
For most games I don't get too excited at beating the story. Most of the time I play though a game without trying to get all the achievements or extra stuff and if I like it I go back and do the rest.

A celebration for me is usually talking with my roommates about it and how much I liked the game. Like jango beating some of the bosses in WoW was a big thing and I did a little dance or celebrated with my roommates. I was a big mount/pet collector in WoW and woudl celebrate a new pet or mount by using them for the next week or so and showing them off. I have 104 mounts and 107 pets on my main character (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Azjol-Nerub&cn=Tovya&gn=Wolves+of+the+Calla).

hehe sweet .. FOR TEH HORDE !

01-20-2010, 04:39 AM
hehe sweet .. FOR TEH HORDE !

Indeed! I did play alliance all though vanilla WoW though.

01-20-2010, 04:43 AM
Indeed! I did play alliance all though vanilla WoW though.

I guess we're getting a little off-topic here now, but most of my regular toons are alliance these days. I've done all the starter zones, outland and northrend on a rather fetching tauren on a differnt server tho.

01-20-2010, 09:49 AM
Jango, its okay if you talk about WoW in this thread. haha. I dont mind at all.

01-20-2010, 09:52 AM
Jango, its okay if you talk about WoW in this thread. haha. I dont mind at all.

hehe, I get scared :P

01-20-2010, 10:07 AM
naw, i'm not like those other people who go: "HEY! YOU HAVE TO POST SOMETHING THATS RELEVANT TO THIS THREAD! OR I REPORT YOU!"

i'm not like that. haha.

01-20-2010, 10:48 AM
hehe sweet :O)

01-20-2010, 05:41 PM
I celebrate by flipping up and down. then being lectured by my parents for playing the game for too long.

01-20-2010, 06:13 PM
I usually just do a little dance and scream. xD

01-20-2010, 07:29 PM
I usually just do a little dance and scream. xD

wth .. this conjures up weird thoughts in my head ..

01-20-2010, 07:32 PM
I usually just do a little dance and scream. xD

me too I just do a little dance and I am like YES!

01-21-2010, 09:54 AM
Nintendo sixty fouurrrrr!!! (like that right? haha)

01-21-2010, 07:11 PM
when i go kill some other heros i get big heartbeats,
pwnd them with a nice gombo make me pound :P

01-21-2010, 07:12 PM
uhhh, for the celebrating i just do it normally and not overdo it. it makes no sense.
i just send a message to my friend like owned!!

01-21-2010, 07:46 PM
thats cool man, that's cool. everyone got bragging rights if they beat a game they spent their time on ya know

01-22-2010, 11:15 AM
I didnt realize i did this until after beating kingdom hearts but i do a wierd dance them say yes i did it and if anyone else is there i say HA you did not do it .....what now i know its stupid

01-22-2010, 01:38 PM
I usually celebrate by finishing my drink and going to sleep. <:

Can't think of any specific games that I've beaten..

01-22-2010, 04:48 PM
its okay LemonRising, but yeah sometimes I'd celebrate with a drink too, non-alcoholic. haha.

01-24-2010, 07:38 PM
make everyone in the house watch as your victory falls down the screen ( the credits) i do this really