View Full Version : sign here if the wii is awful to you if not tell me why

01-24-2010, 07:35 PM
I sign here
Youthism_is_me thinks the wii is awfull

01-24-2010, 07:41 PM
I think the wii is a great console for either the beginning gamer or the casual gamer. It is a let down to the hardcore gamer but to the casual gamer it meets their needs. Its simple, the games are light hearted, and it's great for the younglings. Now I'm not saying that this console isn't full of faults, because it surely has a lot of them. I'm just saying that it isn't crap and it has it's place in the industry, and according to the numbers, it's place seems to be larger than the other consoles...

01-24-2010, 07:44 PM
would you agree there are more hard core gammers than casual ones?

01-24-2010, 07:51 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with that statement since the wii has outsold the 360 and the PS3.

01-24-2010, 07:52 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with that statement since the wii has outsold the 360 and the PS3.

yeah but its cheaper and some as you said hardcore gamers bought it and didnt like it ...

01-24-2010, 07:58 PM
I think that you also need to take into account that many casual gamers play the 360 and PS3 too. Hardcore gamers are the not the only ones that enjoy a good FPS, which is something you can't find on the wii. I think that we can both agree that there are a lot of casual Halo 3 gamers. In fact there are a lot of casual gamers for any game out there, then there are the few hardcore gamers that dominate the rankings. The system with best hardcore gamer to casual gamer ratio has to be the PC due to the cost involved. Other than that, I would say that there are more casual gamers out there for every current gen system...

01-24-2010, 07:59 PM
I think that you also need to take into account that many casual gamers play the 360 and PS3 too. Hardcore gamers are the not the only ones that enjoy a good FPS, which is something you can't find on the wii. I think that we can both agree that there are a lot of casual Halo 3 gamers. In fact there are a lot of casual gamers for any game out there, then there are the few hardcore gamers that dominate the rankings. The system with best hardcore gamer to casual gamer ratio has to be the PC due to the cost involved. Other than that, I would say that there are more casual gamers out there for every current gen system...

we never argued that but i would think if they play other systems they are more than casual

01-24-2010, 08:04 PM
I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree mate, because I think that I have well proven my point and I don't have to much else I want to say on this topic.

01-24-2010, 08:05 PM
I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree mate, because I think that I have well proven my point and I don't have to much else I want to say on this topic.

agreed good match sir

01-24-2010, 09:05 PM
wait why do you not like the wii so much?
is it because of the game library or..?

01-24-2010, 11:18 PM
i think the wii is a great console. it's a bit better than the ps2 hardware wise, but it's not quite ps3/360. personally i think the ps3 and 360 are too complex. i prefer turning a system on to play a game, not turning a system on and having like 1000 things to do.

the graphics are fine, and there are some great games out there, but all the absolute garbage games are only because nintendo doesn't have any quality control on what is released for the system. the wiimote is really annoying though. i need to build up my game library for it a bit more though.

tip: having all three systems this gaming generation is a bad idea. i kinda wish i still only had a ps3, so i could focus more on just 1 system instead of trying to find a balance between all 3.

but the wii is a great console. i prefer lesser hardware to more complex hardware, as it allows for more room for innovation (you have to find unique ways to work around console limitations instead of just being able to do whatever you want. did you know the fog in silent hill was added to mask the limited draw distance?)

01-25-2010, 03:32 AM
I think the Wii has its place. We use our Wii for party games when we have people over. The Wii has a bunch of titles that are easy for anyone to play even when you have been drinking. I have not really found many single player games on the Wii I like to be honest.

I somewhat agree with you EpsilonX in that if you just want one system and the exclusives don't matter to you then the PS3 is the better system to get. I am not upset to have all 3 myself since I want to play all the exclusives but when my 360 recently died to the RROD I am in no rush to get a new one.

01-25-2010, 04:06 AM
i like the wii to some extent .. but unfortunately it follows a line of somewhat 'gimicky' consoles dating back years .. fun for now etc

01-25-2010, 10:33 AM
i thought alot more people would hate the i was wrong ...way wrong i dont hate the wii i think its useless i like metroid prime 3 and smashbrothers brawl and zelda but i dont like the wii all that much its just a big ds to me

01-26-2010, 12:39 PM
I would think the wii would be great for casual gamers and such, BUT IT TRIES TOO HARD TO BE FOR 'REAL' (using this term loosely) GAMERS.

I'm not too impressed with it and it's a weapon, not a game system.

01-26-2010, 12:57 PM
yeah, i personally think the wii should be a wii, not a game system. there should be more wii style games, such as wii sports, wii play, etc. they should do more games with the Mii as well i believe.

that being said, what games are mii compatible?

01-27-2010, 10:53 AM
yeah, i personally think the wii should be a wii, not a game system. there should be more wii style games, such as wii sports, wii play, etc. they should do more games with the Mii as well i believe.

that being said, what games are mii compatible?

how poetic i dont get it but i bealive you