View Full Version : gamers revoulution

01-28-2010, 02:55 PM
kids under 18 should be able to test games for a small payment atleast 100 dollers a week...but of course there parents rate which rating they are allowed to test but are also warned of how comlicated it is when testing...they well have to speak to the employer if they are considering on letting there children test the game and tell that employer what rating the child is allowed to play...if your kids are one of the kids who play rated M games then tell them they can play that rating and sign some forms for the kid...I am one of them kids and I'm 12 years old and this is why I am posting this...but of cousre there has to be enough people supporting the for it to be legel...is this not the land of freedom or is this like any other nation...if you support this then tell your friends...if not then do not post on this thread.....

01-28-2010, 04:21 PM
You post needs a little more work on the grammar but if I understand correctly, you want to play Rated M games and your parents won't let you?

And I don't know what part people should support for it to be legal* so you'd have to explain that. It's not illegal to play games out of your league in terms of rankings so yeah...

01-28-2010, 04:37 PM
Reading that hurt my brain a little....

01-28-2010, 04:41 PM
kids under 18 should be able to test games for a small payment atleast 100 dollers a week...but of course there parents rate which rating they are allowed to test but are also warned of how comlicated it is when testing...they well have to speak to the employer if they are considering on letting there children test the game and tell that employer what rating the child is allowed to play...if your kids are one of the kids who play rated M games then tell them they can play that rating and sign some forms for the kid...I am one of them kids and I'm 12 years old and this is why I am posting this...but of cousre there has to be enough people supporting the for it to be legel...is this not the land of freedom or is this like any other nation...if you support this then tell your friends...if not then do not post on this thread.....
I can guarantee that in 6 years you won't even care about this any longer, and perhaps you may look back on this idea and think it foolish if it ever comes to mind again in later years. That's just my guess...

01-28-2010, 05:29 PM

alert the grammar police!

01-28-2010, 06:55 PM

Not only do I see right off of the bat a lack of punctuation, however, I don't even a see a subject and a predicate. Such a disappointment...

(Perhaps this conversation should be moved to spam)

01-28-2010, 07:28 PM
I think instead of kids getting paid to play games they should run around outside.

Rated M games are for rated M gamers..
Cause.. you know..
I NEVER played rated M games before I was M..


01-28-2010, 07:41 PM
I think instead of kids getting paid to play games they should run around outside.

Rated M games are for rated M gamers..
Cause.. you know..
I NEVER played rated M games before I was M..

I wasn't aloud to play rated M games, with few exceptions until I was 17. I was not even allowed to Play Teen rated games until I was 12. The ratings are there for a reason. Sure it stinks when your twelve, but I think you will be better off waiting, and doing what Lemon said, running around outside. Seriously, enjoy running around outside with your friends while you still have the chance...

01-28-2010, 07:58 PM
I wasn't aloud to play rated M games, with few exceptions until I was 17. I was not even allowed to Play Teen rated games until I was 12. The ratings are there for a reason. Sure it stinks when your twelve, but I think you will be better off waiting, and doing what Lemon said, running around outside. Seriously, enjoy running around outside with your friends while you still have the chance...

Seriously. I miss playing tag....
Now If I run around outside and yell "YOU'RE IT!!" people think I'm all sorts of special.. T_T

01-28-2010, 09:31 PM


but now everyone's like "oh.. you mean.. physical activity? hmm no thanks."

I play with my cousins THEY ARE THE COOLEST

01-28-2010, 09:33 PM


but now everyone's like "oh.. you mean.. physical activity? hmm no thanks."

I play with my cousins THEY ARE THE COOLEST

I wish I had tiny cousins to play with....

All I have is my best friend that loves to act like a tard with me and won't judge me when I feel like acting like a little kid O_O

01-29-2010, 07:39 AM
I'm twelve what did you expect

and anyway I'm 12 and plays rated M games....even fallout 3 but I just wan't money for a gaming computer then the cereer would be over...I would just get elder scrolls 4....unless elder scrolls 5 comes out by then...and I would get fallout 3 or again if fallout 4....so there there's probuley 1% to 5% of kids that play rated M games and I realize for a fact that game testing is not all fun in games and takes some work but it go's out fine and you get a free copy of the game and money!

01-29-2010, 08:04 AM
I'm twelve what did you expect

and anyway I'm 12 and plays rated M games....even fallout 3 but I just wan't money for a gaming computer then the cereer would be over...I would just get elder scrolls 4....unless elder scrolls 5 comes out by then...and I would get fallout 3 or again if fallout 4....so there there's probuley 1% to 5% of kids that play rated M games and I realize for a fact that game testing is not all fun in games and takes some work but it go's out fine and you get a free copy of the game and money!

Jesus .. when I was 12 I think I was still pretending to be BA Baracus in my back garden (or back yard as some of you guys might say) .. when I look back I pity the fool ...


.. sorry ..

01-29-2010, 10:09 AM
so you want to pay people to test M rated games? umm...

01-30-2010, 02:17 AM
I think maybe he wants to be a game tester and get paid to do it. One big issue with that is you are not old enough to work (in the US at least). I say worry less about working and more about being a kid. You will have plenty of time in your life to work. ;-)

01-30-2010, 09:07 AM
time?...time?...I don't have time you see humuns only get 60 to 100 years of life and have to choose wisely of what man-made though universe they go to live in...mine is
elderscrolls....but I'm a guy who just wan'ts something to do and get money out of that I can do

01-30-2010, 09:26 AM
I'm twelve what did you expect

and anyway I'm 12 and plays rated M games....even fallout 3 but I just wan't money for a gaming computer then the cereer would be over...I would just get elder scrolls 4....unless elder scrolls 5 comes out by then...and I would get fallout 3 or again if fallout 4....so there there's probuley 1% to 5% of kids that play rated M games and I realize for a fact that game testing is not all fun in games and takes some work but it go's out fine and you get a free copy of the game and money!

From what I know of games testing playing games, and having a decent enthusiasm for it is half the job - especially if you have th drag your sorry self through a handful of lame games before getting a chance to try one you're actually interested in. To that end, seeing as you're not rly old enough to pursue it as a career just yet, I'd focus on balancing a good education with a decent spattering of games, while also keeping up-to-date with gaming, forum discussions, and so on. Might also be worth getting in touch with either a gaming company or a tester to find out the kind of things they look for .. things like that change ofc, but at least it will help give you an idea.

Other than that .. join the rest of us here :P

01-30-2010, 02:59 PM
time?...time?...I don't have time you see humuns only get 60 to 100 years of life and have to choose wisely of what man-made though universe they go to live in...mine is
elderscrolls....but I'm a guy who just wan'ts something to do and get money out of that I can do

60 years is a very long time...and you're 12...don't worry about making money now. Legally, you can't work anyway. Wait 4 years, you should be able to get a job somewhere with your parent's permission. I've been working since I was 16...4 year's isn't very long, especially when you're a kid because time always goes faster when you're young.

01-31-2010, 12:51 PM
are you kidding linux? time goes by WAY faster nowadays.

anyways...this topic. fails

01-31-2010, 12:54 PM
are you kidding linux? time goes by WAY faster nowadays.

anyways...this topic. fails

it kinda does .. but it's good to offer win-fries on a plate of fail sometimes ..

01-31-2010, 12:58 PM
are you kidding linux? time goes by WAY faster nowadays.

anyways...this topic. fails

Yeah, I had it the other way around. Tells you how tired I was yesterday, just came back from a 7 hour class when I posted that...

01-31-2010, 01:23 PM
Yeah, I had it the other way around. Tells you how tired I was yesterday, just came back from a 7 hour class when I posted that...

all that irc voodoo is bound to tire you out fella ..

01-31-2010, 09:55 PM
we may live long but the GOOD years are 15-30.


01-31-2010, 11:39 PM
we may live long but the GOOD years are 15-30.


psh. its good way before you hit 15

02-01-2010, 10:36 PM
okay maybe
8 - 30 or 35.
Still short.

02-01-2010, 11:17 PM
kids under 18 should be able to test games for a small payment atleast 100 dollers a week...but of course there parents rate which rating they are allowed to test but are also warned of how comlicated it is when testing...they well have to speak to the employer if they are considering on letting there children test the game and tell that employer what rating the child is allowed to play...if your kids are one of the kids who play rated M games then tell them they can play that rating and sign some forms for the kid...I am one of them kids and I'm 12 years old and this is why I am posting this...but of cousre there has to be enough people supporting the for it to be legel...is this not the land of freedom or is this like any other nation...if you support this then tell your friends...if not then do not post on this thread.....

I realize since your 12 and naive that you think that game testing will be awesome, but from the horror stories I've heard on GAF. It isn't, it's hell on earth and extremely boring. Example: Racing the same race 2000 times in a row. I've also noticed more and more that dev studios are less and less farming out for QA and doing it more and more internal.

02-02-2010, 04:45 PM
I realize since your 12 and naive that you think that game testing will be awesome, but from the horror stories I've heard on GAF. It isn't, it's hell on earth and extremely boring. Example: Racing the same race 2000 times in a row. I've also noticed more and more that dev studios are less and less farming out for QA and doing it more and more internal.

yeah lol game testers don't get paid to play the game. they get paid to do the exact same thing like 5000000 times to see if there are any glitches at all.

02-07-2010, 02:31 PM
i think the age of the tester should be the rating so e could be anyone e+10 everyone 10 and older or teen 13 so that way you get the full funtcion of a 13 out of your game what might be easy for some 24 might make trouble for a 13